
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ms. Glasses

3 months of preparation pass and it's the day of their final exam before graduation.

Raydn has been working hard and studying and practicing throughout these three months, and his nerves kick up a little at the thought of finally taking the final exam. He is confident in his own knowledge and he believes he can handle the exam, he is more anxious about living up to the expectations of his friends, and he hopes that he will be able to do so when the time comes. He makes his way to the forest with the other student nobles and he gets ready to begin the test.

Raydn spots the other students as he makes his way to the forest and he gives a small smile as he sees them. He recognizes several of them and feels a little relief seeing that he wont be the only one taking this test. It also takes a little bit of the edge off of his nerves seeing them and he takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself before the exam. He has worked hard to prepare and he hopes that will be enough, but he is still feeling a little anxious about the fact that his entire future is going to be decided here in this moment.


Raydn jumps in surprise at the sudden and unexpected appearance of Nathan behind him, and the sight of him certainly does remove some of his anxiety and nerves for the moment. He smiles at him and he laughs gently at himself before he responds, "How did you sneak up on me like that?" he asks in a playful tone. "I could have had a heart attack!" he adds with a light chuckle, although it was most definitely nice to see Nathan here today while taking the exam. He feels a little more at ease with him here by his side.

The teacher arrives with 10 knights following him from behind, he steps on the stage prepared beforehand and makes an announcement "Before we begin I have a last moment announcement that is very important."

"After careful thinking the teachers decided that for safety reasons we will split the thirty of you into 10 groups with 3 people each."

"Feel free to decide who you will team up with to pass the test, that is all."

The teacher and the knights stood infront of the gate entrance into Hekart, waiting for the stude to group themselves.

Nathan pokes Raydn's face "Who should be our third member….?"

Raydn gives a nod and then thinks for a moment about who that third person might be, "I don't know." he replies honestly with a sigh, "Do you have any ideas?" he asks Nathan, before gesturing towards the other students, "Anyone that you think might be able to come with us? Do you know anyone else who might be good to come on this trip with us?" He is not opposed to having another person, but only thinks they should all be sure that someone else would be useful for this, and not someone who might only end up weighing them down.

Nathan replies "It doesn't have to be someone useful, I bet we could pass this test with just the two of us. How about that nerdy looking girl over there wearing glasses with green hair?"

Nathan points at the girl

Raydn is not opposed to the idea "It couldn't hurt, could it?" he adds, as the two of them approach this 'nerdy looking girl' with the glasses and green hair, Raydn waving his hands at her to get her attention before he speaks up, "Hey, would you like to join our group?" he asks her, "As the third person to go along with me and Nathan?"

"Are you talking to m-me?" The girl looks troubled

Raydn gives a small nod in response and he smiles reassuringly at her, his face turning friendly and patient as he listens to what she has to say, hoping that it might put her at ease, "Yes I am," he replies in a friendly tone, "I was wondering if you would be interested in joining Nathan and I for the test? Would you like to come along with us?" he asks again, wanting her to know that there is no pressure and she can decline if she would prefer not to, but he is also genuinely curious if she is interested and would want to come along.

"Yes! Yes, please let me join your group as the third member!" The girl replies whole stuttering

"Great!" Raydn says with genuine delight, "Glad to have you along, then!" he adds politely, "We better get moving though, we have a task to accomplish." he says with a laugh, and he gives the girl a friendly pat on her shoulder. "What's your name, by the way?" he asks with a smile as he lets his hand rest on her shoulder, but he is also clearly excited to have her joining his group.

Raydn turns more fully to the girl that he and Nathan had been talking to and he lets out a soft chuckle at her enthusiastic reply and her general excitement, it seems that she is genuinely happy to have been invited into their group. "This is Nathan," Raydn says, turning to put a hand on his friend's shoulder while he speaks, "and my name is Raydn. It is very nice to meet you." he adds in what he hopes is a friendly and reassuring tone as his hand moves to his side.

The girl introduces herself "My name is Marceline Olvera, and I come from a family of Low Nobility, it's a pleasure to meet the two of you!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Marceline." Raydn smiles at her and he gives her a friendly and polite nod in return, his face looking friendly and genuine. "I was just telling Nathan before: it is very nice for you to join our group for this test." Raydn continues in a friendly tone, "It will certainly be very helpful to have another strong hand along to provide assistance in this kind of scenario." he adds in a cheerful tone, letting his voice take on a slightly more formal and noble tone for a moment.

The girl is embarrassed "Please don't expect much of me….I am afraid I might not do as well as you hope I do."

Raydn gives her a reassuring smile and he waves off her concern with a light chuckle at that, "It's alright, you don't need to worry about that," he reassures her in a friendly manner and in a calming tone, "You don't need to live up to any expectations, ok?" He adds to that in a comforting way, he doesn't want her to feel pressured or to worry herself about the challenge ahead, "We'll support each other, ok? We'll all work as a team and we'll work together to accomplish what we need to accomplish."

"Mhm!!" Marceline nods in excitement


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