
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Abyssal Claws

Nathan wakes up Raydn in the middle of the night while whispering.

"Wake up, There's a bear staring at us."

Raydn's eyes snap open at that and he sits up in a hurry, looking around for this bear that Nathan had just mentioned, his eyes darting around the area and looking for the bear, "Where...Where is it?" he asks, his voice a little sleepy as he asks that, and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes for a moment, looking around again with tired eyes before turning back to Nathan, "How close did it get to the camp?"

"Don't get scared but it's right infront of you." Nathan replies back whispering

Raydn's eyes widen and a look of terror shows on his face as he looks up and sees the pair of glowing red eyes at the edge of the light from the fire, and the hair on the back of his neck bristles at the sight of it. He gives a shiver as he tries to fight back the sudden jolt of fear that comes with seeing that, but he manages to speak up anyway despite his worry, "We should all be careful," he says in a hushed tone before he quickly gets out of his sleeping bag and gets to his feet.

Raydn moves slowly at first and he reaches for his sword without making too much noise as he gets to his feet as quietly as he can, moving to stand next to Nathan so he can better take stock of the situation. He grips his sword tightly and he keeps a close watch on the bear's movements, but he is certainly more on edge as he watches it. The bear hadn't made any movement yet, but that could change at any time, and it has Raydn on edge. The fact that there is no other noise in the forest besides the crackling of the fire adds to the tension quite a bit too.











Raydn's heart jumps in his chest as the bear attacks him, and he gives a shout as he manages to block the bear's claw with his sword, but the bear strikes out at him again. He parries it once more and as he does that he yells towards where Nathan is, "Bring Marceline somewhere safe! I'll fight it." he yells out, before turning back to face the bear, his heart beating rapidly as he tries to keep calm in the face of danger and prepare himself for the bear's next move.

Nathan carries still sleeping marceline somewhere far. Raydn holds his sword at the ready and he keeps his eyes on the bear, the bear's eyes staring back at him and its jaw open in a warning as it lets out a low growl. Raydn's heart is pounding as he watches it closely, looking for any sign of how the bear is going to attack so he can be ready for it. He keeps the sword pointed at the bear though, and he waits for it to make the next move, and any sudden movements the bear makes cause Raydn's heart to pound just a little harder.

"That's impressive but thats not all I can do."

Raydn infuses his sword with his magic, and when he does that he starts to feel a surge of energy run through him, he can feel the magic course through the blade of his sword as a faint glow runs down its edge. Raydn brings it up to bear with the bear and he charges in for another strike, his sword's blade glowing with magic and he hopes that this is the edge that he needs to get the upper hand in the fight and manage to beat the bear. The sword's movement through the air as he moves for the strike leaves a trail of light behind it.

Raydn gives off a roar as the blade cuts through the bear, he watches the bear fall to its side and he gives off a cry of victory as he pulls his blade free from the bear's body. He then holds his sword up in triumph, his breathing heavy and his heart pounding as his body pumps with adrenaline, but he is definitely glad that the fight is over. He looks over to where the other two are as he lets out a deep breath and a sigh of relief. "Well, it's dead. It's finally over," he speaks up with a light laugh.

"Good thing I didn't have to use a skill to kill it."

Raydn walks over to where the other two are and when he reaches them he gives Nathan and Marceline both a warm smile, "I handled the bear, it's dead. How are you guys doing?" Raydn asks them with a friendly smile and look, glad that they have managed to come out of their first real challenge here together. "Are you both alright over here?" he asks them, and his words are genuine, he definitely cares about what they have to say and he genuinely hopes that none of them are hurt or worried.

The two look at the injury on his arm, "Oh this it's nothing," he says in a reassuring tone and he gestures at the bear's remains with a friendly smile, "That bear just managed to slip one hit in before I got it. I'm fine," he adds in a light and reassuring tone. "But are you two okay? It must have been pretty scary to just hear us fighting and not know what exactly was going on." he says in a calm and friendly tone, and he gives the two of them another warm smile.

"No, that's not fine, sit down and let me heal it before you get an infection." Marceline says in an angry and commanding tone

Raydn is surprised at the sudden command, but he nods slowly to her, "Alright, alright, if you insist," he says with a smile in a friendly tone, "Then I'll let you help me with my arm." he adds before he sits down, and he seems to be taking the situation in stride. He gives a smile to both of the other two and after he sits down he holds out his injured arm and waits for Marceline to finish healing him.

Marceline chants "Medium: Healing magic!"

Raydn feels the magic run over his injured arm and he watches as his wounds close, he seems to be pleasantly surprised and he nods his head, "Nice job, Marceline." he says with a friendly smile, "You've certainly got a knack for healing spells. I bet you're quite the capable magician." he says with a compliment and he seems genuinely impressed by her healing magics, and he gives her a friendly smile before he turns to look over to Nathan, "What about you then, Nate? Are you doing alright?" he asks with a friendly look, "Are you hurt at all?"

Nathan kicks Raydn's leg

"I should be the one asking you that" before breaking into a laugh

Raydn jumps a little when Nate kicks his leg, and he can't help but let out a little bit of a growl at that, but he doesn't seem too bothered by it as he rolls his eyes and he gives a short laugh as well.

The sun begins to rise up as time passes, and that brings with it an even warmer temperature now that the sun is up. Raydn watches as the sun rises again, he gives a soft sigh at the warmth of it as it rises now fully and he turns his eyes over to Nathan and Marceline a bit, "Well, we've just survived our first night together. How are you two feeling?" he asks with a friendly look, "Do you guys have any other questions so far, or are we all in the clear?"

Nathan laughs at his question "Of course I'm fine and ready for anything!"

"I'm stressed-" Marceline lets out a sigh

I’m hungry

Archvestigecreators' thoughts