
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Forest of The Myths

Raydn still had 4 years before he could graduate from school.

His first year was all about swordsmanship skills and techniques, Raydn's training with the new swordsmanship techniques continues, and he quickly finds the moves coming easier and more natural to him. He practices constantly, trying to perfect every move and make himself even stronger with the new swordsmanship skills. He spends his free time after school working on his own swordsmanship skills as well, and his determination and focus are high as he seeks to reach a new level of skill and perfection with this new style that is so different from his older style. His heart is full of excitement and hope for this new change in his life, and he can feel himself getting stronger and more confident by the day.

His second year was all about magic theory and engineering, He is thrilled to learn magic theory and engineering, he puts his all into his studies from day one. He spends more time than ever in the library, trying to digest and understand all the knowledge and information he can about magic, and he can feel his mind being stretched as he takes in new concepts and information. It proves to be challenging, but Raydn has never been one to back down from a challenge, and he quickly proves to be one of the best in his class in magic theory. He is determined to master and understand magic as well as he can, and he throws himself into his studies with all his heart.

On his third year he starts learning magic, He continued his studies and although he is not the best in his class at using magic, he is making steady progress and he is improving. He practices constantly and he continues to study and learn as much as he can about magic as he seeks to master it. He has a lot to learn, but he is determined and motivated to push his limits and reach a new level of skill. He has come this far and he has proven that he is willing to put in the work and effort to become the best he can, and he knows that with time and determination he will continue to improve and become better than he ever hoped.

He also learned Etiquette and Moral Values as a subclass "The society in axoln has 3 levels of nobility, Low-Nobility, Mid-Nobility, High-Nobility. The other people are normal everyday citizens."

Raydn is happy to have a good friend to practice with and he enjoys the time he gets to spend with Nathan. They have come a long way from their previous encounter, and he appreciates the other boy's friendship and support. He enjoys the time they spend practicing together as they get better and better each day and he looks forward to how much further they will be able to push each other as they continue to improve and grow both in their fighting skills and in their friendship. He feels that their friendship is a true testament to the changes they have gone through and he is grateful to have such a trustworthy ally at his side.

Just like that 3 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

On his fourth and final year they learned about survival skills from their teacher.

"First aid is a crucial tool for responding swiftly to incidents so that injuries can be treated effectively and fast before a skilled medical expert arrives to provide more specialized treatment."

Raydn is completely attentive as his teacher discusses the subject of survival, and he pays close attention to the information and concepts that are being taught. Raydn feels that survival skills are a basic yet important fundamental to master and that learning them properly can help give a person an advantage in all aspects of their life. He takes notes and listens carefully to what is being taught.

Their teacher suddenly stops talking then says

"I have an announcement to say" The students are curious as to what the announcement is

"As a final test for you all before graduation, all of you will be dropped into Hekart Forest and will be staying 1 whole month camping to pass the test."

"Don't worry there will be personnel to save you once you're in a situation you can't handle as a student but that also means you fail the test."

All the students are shocked because the forest is known to be dangerous and full of monsters from the myths.

Raydn is shocked by his teacher's announcement, and he feels a sense of panic take hold of him as he realizes the gravity of this final test. He has heard stories about the Hekart Forest and he knows how dangerous it is, and he fears what this final test could mean for him and his classmates. He hopes the training and knowledge that they have been given will be enough to help him survive and make it through this test, but the thought is still terrifying. He tries his best to calm himself and to remain composed, but the fear is still there.

Nathan grabs Raydn's shoulders and starts shaking him because of excitement.

"This is gonna be so fun!!"

"Camping time!!!"

Raydn is surprised and a bit stunned by Nathan's excited reaction to the task they all have in front of them, but he can't help but be slightly intrigued by the boy's excitement. He also can't help but feel a small bit of excitement himself at the thought of what this challenge will entail, despite the risks involved. He is still terrified by the danger involved but he can't help but feel a small spark of excitement in the midst of it all. He turns to Nathan and smiles at his excitement. "Yeah, I guess it will be quite the adventure." he says with a small smile.

Their teacher follows it up with the announcement of the date "You all have 3 months till the final test starts, may all of you come out fine and pass the test, that's all I have to say. Now all of you Dismissed!"


Archvestigecreators' thoughts