
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
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12 Chs

More Than Meets The Eye

Raydn steps into the sworanship class with his sword at his side and ready for the training, but he is not feeling the usual excitement or determination that he usually feels during his training. His mind is still filled with grief and his heart still aches from the loss of his father, but he tries his best to focus on the task at hand and the training rather than his own turmoil. He tries to think about the boy's kindness earlier and use that to keep him from sinking into his grief and heartbreak, hoping that some more positive influences in his life will help him stay grounded and strong in this difficult time.

The teacher speaks "Today I will teach you all a simple skill to execute but hard to master."

Raydn's eyes light up at the thought of learning a new swordsmanship skill, and he is eager to see what this new skill will be as he listens to the teacher's instructions. He is fully focused on the teacher's words and instructions, doing his best to ignore the grief that still weighs on him to the best of his ability. He knows that these kinds of skills can be a great help in combat, so he is very excited to learn and master this new skill. He watches the teacher's movements closely, soaking in and taking note of each small detail as he is instructed.

The teacher then says "It's called Swinging."

All the students are confused and Raydn is confused as well, he raises his hand to ask the teacher for clarification. "Do you mean a normal sword swing?" He asks, looking for more details on what exactly this skill involves that separates it from just a normal swordswing. He wants to make sure he fully understands what the teacher is teaching and is able to do it correctly and to the best of his ability so it can be effective in combat when he needs it.

"Yes exactly!" The teacher replies to Raydn

Raydn nods and pays close attention to the teacher's demonstration of the new swordsmanship skill. He pays close attention to the instructor's form, movements and the different techniques that the teacher uses in order to get the perfect swing.

The teacher slices a boulder in half with a clean cut.

Raydn takes note of it all in order to try and follow the teacher's example when it is his turn. He can then start to practice the new swordsmanship skill himself in the hopes of getting the perfect swing just like what the teacher demonstrated.

"Now why don't you students give it a try and cut this small boulder in half?"

Raydn looks at the small boulder and his eyes light up. He is excited by the opportunity to try his new swordsmanship skill out on a real target, and he cannot wait to show his skills. He grabs his sword and stands up from his seat, and he takes aim at the boulder. He goes to work, taking everything he has learned about this new swordsmanship skill to perfect the swing and see if he can slice the boulder in half just like the teacher did. He does a few practice swings to warm up and get a feel for the move, and once he feels ready he goes for the final swing.

Raydn hits the small boulder and it crumbles to pieces.

Raydn is shocked at his own feat, and his heart lightens as he realizes he actually did it. He stares down at the pieces of the small boulder he just slashed into and his eyes light up, and he is filled with a feeling of pride and confidence. He feels like he is on top of the world and that anything is possible after this amazing feat. He turns to the teacher, eager to share his happiness and excitement with his teacher. "Look!" He says excitedly before showing the teacher the pieces of the small boulder he just slashed into, "I actually did it!"

The teacher puts his hand on Raydn's shoulder and says "You did it wrong."

Raydn is shocked and confused by the teacher's reply, and his heart sinks at the thought that he did this new swordsmanship skill incorrectly. He looks down at his sword and at the pieces of the small boulder he just slashed through and wonders where he went wrong. He was so enthusiastic and happy from the feeling of success, but now he feels as though all of his pride and happiness has been crushed in an instant. He looks up at the teacher with a look of sadness and disappointment, and he feels as though he has let the teacher down. He thought he had finally done something right, but it seems he was wrong.

The teacher reassures him by saying "But don't worry, being able to crush a small boulder to pieces at your age isn't a small feat, But what I want to teach you all is how to cut with precision. Not having an accurate hit can hurt the others around you and not just your target."

Raydn's heart lifts at the teacher's reassurance and he nods at the teacher's advice. He understands that cutting with precision is an important skill to master in swordsmanship, and he sees this as an opportunity to improve his skills and become even better at this new swordsmanship skill. He understands that it will take time and effort, but he is determined to get the hang of cutting with precision and being able to accurately hit his target. He looks down again at his sword and he takes a deep breath, ready to focus and work hard at getting this skill down.

Raydn returns to his seat and as he returns Nathan pats his back and says

"That was sick!"

Raydn smiles at Nathan's compliment, and he feels a bit of pride coming back as he thinks back on the small feat he just managed. He also feels a bit relieved to see that the other boy is willing to support and encourage him despite what happened before. He looks at Nathan with a new sense of respect and gives him a friendly smile in return.

It's Nathan's turn and He slices the boulder in half with a clean cut which fascinates the whole class.

The teacher is delighted "That was an amazing cut Nathan Irus!"

Raydn is speechless and impressed by what he has just witnessed, and his heart lightens even more and his pride and happiness continue to grow. He feels completely amazed by the clean cut that Nathan was just able to make, and he is in awe of how perfect and accurate it all was. He looks at Nathan in complete respect, admiration and awe. "That was incredible!" He says to Nathan in a stunned voice, "How did you do that?" He asks, amazed by what he just witnessed and still feeling the excitement of his own recent success.

Nathan points at Raydn from across the room and yells

"Hear me Raydn Adite! I, Nathan Irus won't ever lose to you again!"

Raydn stares at Nathan with a determined and competitive spark in his eyes as he feels himself being challenged, and he accepts the challenge without hesitation. He nods and smiles at Nathan, "You're on." He says confidently. "We'll see who emerges the winner the next time we duel." He says with a friendly smile as he feels his pride growing and he can't help but feel excited for the next time they face off. The challenge makes him feel that much more determined to perfect this new swordsmanship skill, and his excitement and focus increases even more.

Was this the start of an everlasting friendship or an everlasting rivalry?

I’m team nathan ngl

Archvestigecreators' thoughts