
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Whispers and Gossips

Raydn and Nathan start walking home after they were dismissed. Raydn is a little overwhelmed by the upcoming task ahead, and he knows that he needs to be prepared and as well equipped as possible. He talks to Nathan about the different things they need to bring and the different aspects of survival they will need to know and be prepared for as they face this challenge. He talks about the need for good weapons, proper supplies, and some basic knowledge about survival skills. He also speaks from his own experience with surviving in nature and points out the different methods he used to achieve it, hoping that his own experience can provide some insight and help them prepare for the task ahead.

Nathan makes a comment in a sarcastic tone "You seem more excited about this than I am"

Raydn laughs and smiles a bit at Nathan's comment and he understands it is in a joking tone. He is still terrified by the test ahead but he cannot deny that he is a bit excited about the challenge and the opportunity to put his skills to the test, especially in a more real and potentially dangerous setting. He continues his preparation for the challenge and he thinks back to his own experiences in survival. "Maybe I'm just looking at this like a big game." he says, but he knows that no one can ever truly be fully prepared for what is about to come, but they do need to at least try.

"Oh also, there will be a gathering tonight, and you're invited."

Nathan hands Raydn a letter of invitation "I'll see you there then, wear your fanciest clothes or something. Bye!"

Raydn is surprised and a bit confused by the sudden invitation, but he is flattered by being included in the gathering and he accepts without a second thought. He understands the importance of having a good support network in his life and he is happy to be included in such a thing. He looks to Nathan with a smile and says, "I am glad to be included, thank you for inviting me!" Raydn waves goodbye to Nathan.

Raydn is happy to have been included in the gathering and he hustles home to look at his wardrobe and figure out what to wear. He knows that first impressions can be important and he wants to make sure he presents himself well. He goes through his usual wardrobe, going over his options and trying to decide on the best one. He eventually settles on a dark green tunic and he pairs this with some black breeches and boots. He also puts on a brown leather belt and a dark brown leather chestplate. He thinks the combination looks pretty good and he feels confident that this will do well for this gathering.

Raydn makes his way to the gathering, carrying his invitation letter with him as he sees it is his proof for admittance. He shows it to the knight at the door and the knight sees the invitation was given to him. The knight nods and lets him into the gathering, and Raydn quickly enters the gathering hall which is already full of people. He sees a number of different knights and ladies in the crowd and he feels his heart start beating wildly as he takes in the scene before him. He gets his nerves under control and he gives himself a quick once over to make sure he is still looking his best.

Nathan approaches Raydn, He is happy to see Nathan again and he smiles at his approach. "I could not miss an invitation such as this." he says proudly, and he gestures around at the gathering which is full of people. He feels his nerves flutter at the sight of the crowd, and he can feel his heart beating faster, but he still keeps a calm exterior as he addresses Nathan and he smiles at him. "You seemed excited about this gathering and I wanted to join in." he continues, and he is happy to see that Nathan is happy he came. He is glad he did not let him down.

Raydn catches some of the looks directed at him by the other nobles and he feels a bit uncomfortable due to them. He does his best to ignore them and to keep his cool, knowing that his first impression to these people is important. He tries to be calm and relaxed as he approaches Nathan, "We should go meet some of your other friends." he says to Nathan, hoping to have some support as he goes around the gathering. He already feels nervous and insecure in this crowd and he hopes that having someone along with him will help him deal with the discomfort.

He follows behind Nathan happily as they go around and he meets the various people. He tries to be polite and friendly with everyone, making sure to remember their names and their faces. He is a bit nervous, but having Nathan there makes him feel better about the whole situation as he tries to get more used to the crowd. He feels his nerves settling little by little the more he chats with the people around him and he feels himself becoming more at ease as he continues.

"This person right here is a best friend of mine, his name is Raydn Adite."

Raydn shakes hands with everyone, then a woman wearing a black dress with long white hair steps forward from the crowd asks a question "Adite…? As in the noble family of Adite?"

Raydn nods and smiles at the mention of his family. "That is correct. I am Raydn Adite, of the family of Adite." he confirms proudly to the person who asked about his heritage and his family.

The woman then introduced herself "I'm sorry for what happened to your father 3 years ago, My name is Isabelle Williams."

Raydn looks at Isabelle and nods gravely. His father's death is still a very fresh wound and it is still difficult for him to talk about it. He appreciates someone being kind enough to pay their respects though, and his respect for Isabelle only grows when he is told they even knew his father. Raydn gives a small nod in acknowledgement, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Isabelle."

Isabelle Laughs "Let's drop the formality, we're at the same age."

Raydn nods and smiles at this. "Fine by me, Isabelle." he replies, and he enjoys being able to speak more casually with her. He likes her friendly and warm personality and he cannot help but feel more at ease around her thanks to her kindness. "How do you know my father?" he asks casually as he enjoys getting to know her, wanting to know more about how they became acquainted.

Raydn's attention snaps toward the other nobles and he watches as their eyes widen at the mention of his family. He catches some whispering to themselves and some smiling and some looking quite disgusted by the news. He feels both a little proud and a little embarrassed at this attention, clearly the family of Adite is significant and well regarded as well as having an unfortunate history, and he cannot help but feel some small pressure at the thought of carrying on the name and reputation in such a setting. He tries to remain calm and relaxed, but he cannot help but feel a little self conscious.

I need reviews, mostly negative ones.

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