

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Principal

As soon as I get back to school I text Andrew to meet me in the car. I can't believe Connor, why would he just leave me. It doesn't make any sense, does he not like people being nice to him. I can be mean if he wants me to be. Andrew climbs into the car breaking me out of my thought process.

"So how'd it go." He smiles

"It went well until he just walked away from me".

His smile vanishes. "He just left you? What happened?... And why did he start crying in class?"

"Okay so in math class, and I saw thesis long cuts on the back of his neck that ran under his shirt so I asked him where he got them and he just lost it." His eyes grow bigger. "Next I took him to the bathroom to clean him up after that we got ice cream and then to the park. He keeps asking me why I was talking to him then he just left."

"Wow, um so um how did he get the cuts."

"I don't know, I keep asking but he won't tell me. It's driving me insane, I just want to keep him safe and kill anyone who ever hurts him."

"Let's not go around killing people." He gives me a pointed look. "You just need to gain his trust first then he'll tell you and you better get it quick if you want to stop him from getting hurt." He gives me a sad smile. "You know I'll help you with it right?" I know he's here to help.

"Would it be creepy if I followed him around all the time." Then no one could ever hurt him and I would never miss him like what I do right now.

"Very. Don't do that." Aw. "Did you tell your dad?"

"Not yet, let's go do that now?" I start the car and head to my house, most packs live in one large house but mines different, each family has their own house but in the same neighborhood. It's kinda weird but it works.

"Do you think your dad will care you have a male as a mate?" Andrew gives me a worried look.

"Nah, He's fine with this stuff."

"That's good." It really is, I don't know what I would do if my dad won't accept that my mate is a guy, I would have to pick between my pack and mate. They're both a huge part of me. I pull the car into my driveway and we both get out.

I walk up to the front door with Andrew following close behind, I reach out with my right hand and open the door. "Mom, Dad"

"In the kitchen, Sweetie." My mom's voice rings through the house. We walk into the kitchen, my mom is standing by the stove well my dad is sitting on a bar stool at the island watching her.

"So I found my mate." Both my parents turn to face me.

"That's so great honey." My mom smiles from ear to ear. "What's her name? Is it her or a he? I'm so happy for you."

"There's a small problem, well that's an understatement its a big problem and it might end with me killing someone." Both of my parents smile fade.

"What do you mean, son?" My dad stands up and looks me in the eyes.

I look over to Andrew to make sure he has back just in case something happens but I really doubt it. He gives me a nod for encouragement, I go back to face my parents. "Okay so my mate's name is Connor and he's the cutest thing, buts he's too skin like unhealthily and today in English class today I saw this really long, deep cut that run from his neck to under his shirt. It looked liked someone hit him with a whip. My dad lets out a quite, deep growl. So I asked him about it and he started crying, once he was done I cleaned him up and took him out for ice cream and I walk in the park then he started to ask why I was talking to him then just left me."

"That poor baby." My mom looks like she's about to cry. "I'm going to guess that's has a human so that makes things more complicated."

"He is." Andrew pipes in

"You need to find out where he lives so we can have someone watch his house all the time and if something happens we'll know." My dad gives me a sad look. "In till then try to not kill anyone."

"Let's go to my room," I say to Andrew.

"Okay." We walk to my room.

Andrew plops down on my bed.

"I want to kill the person who hurt him, I want to rip out his dick and shove it up his ass." That sounds very painful but at the same time not painful enough at the same time for to a guy who hurt my baby boy.

"I'm glad I'm on your good side. "Andrew awkwardly laughs. "Maybe we could change your classes so you two have the same school schedule as you. That's an amazing ides, the principal is part of my pack so I can just order him to.

"Let's go to Mr. Jones house." I ran out of my house as fast as I can with Andrew following on my heel. He lives about ten houses down from mine so it only takes a few seconds to get there.

Once we reach his white house I pound on the brown door. "Come on," I yell. "What's taking so long." As I say that the door opens reveals a tall (but not as tall as me) guy half dressed with hickeys all over his neck and chest and messed up hair.

"How can I help you, future Alpha and Beta." He bows his head down a little, a sign of respect werewolves shows their leaders.

"I need you to change my school schedule to match Connor Mills," I say using a demanding voice that makes it hard for others not to listen to.

"Yes sir, you can pick up a list of your new classes tomorrow in the office."

"Thank you, now go finish what you were doing before you got here, your wife must be getting impatient by now." Andrew gives him a knowing look.

Andrew and I walk back to my house.