

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ice Cream and Gone

(Levi Point Of View)

As soon as my alarm clock starts going off I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. I turn on the water, not really caring about the temperature and jump in.

The only thing I can think about is Connor, He's so beautiful but why is he covered in bruises and cuts, Who gave them to him, was it someone at school or home? Whoever it is I will kill them very slowly to make sure they feel every mark they put on him ten times worse.

After I clean myself I run back into my room to get dressed. Oh God what do I wear, I don't want to look like a pig or be to dress up.

A couple of outfits later I decided on a gray V-neck and blue skinny jeans hoping he likes the way they hug my butt and black converses.

What if Connor hates me, I don't know what I'll do then. There are stories about how a werewolf go crazy when his mate rejects them. What will happen to the pack then, they won't have a leader after my dad steps down as Alpha, everything would fall apart.

A loud knock on my bedroom breaks me out om my thought process.

Andrew walks into my room. "Ready?"

"Yeah?" It sounds more like a question than a statement. "I don't think I'll ever be ready."

"Come on, ya be fine." He grabs a hold of my wrist and drags me out of the room and into the living room.

I walk over to the front door. Okay, I can do this, deep breaths, I got this. Okay, let's go We walk outside and into Andrews Crossover.

The whole drive I can't stop thinking about Connor, he's just so beautiful. I can't wait to have him in my arms, to hold his hand, to cuddle, just to be around him.

About ten minutes later Andrew pulls the car into a parking lot full of grumpy teenagers walking into the old large brick building

As soon as he finds a parking spot I jump out of the car and run into the building. A few of my pack members smile as I run past them. All the sudden the smell of permanent and sea salt hits me, Connors sent. He's standing alone in front of a locker, he looks worse than last time I saw him. I have to find out what's wrong.

Very slowly and carefully I walk up to him. "Hey" I smile

He turns around to face me "Hello?" He gives me this really cute confused.

"I'm Levi, It's nice to meet you."

He looks at the floor "I know who you are, we have most of our classes together." He speaks so quietly I can barely hear him.

"Oh." Come Levi that's the only thing I can come up with "Well let's go then to class then."

We begin walking to Math, the worse class of them all, but who knows maybe sitting next to Connor will make it better. "So do you like Math?" I give him a kind smile

"Yes," He still doesn't look at me.

We walk into the classroom and I follow him to the back of the room. As soon as he sits down he lays his head down on the desk. A long dark red gash is showing on the back of his neck and runs under his shirt. What happened to him, it has to be painful. I slowly move my hand to the back of his neck. He jumps up and gives me this scared look.

"What happened?" Tears start to fill his eyes. Without thinking I pull him in for a hug. I few people look at as but turn around quickly after I flash a look.

"I'm sor...sorry." He cries on to my shirt getting tears and snot on my shirt. I don't know what's going but whatever it is I'm going to stop it.

"Shh, It's okay, it's okay." Even though this is the first day I've ever talked to him, I can't stand seeing him like this. It feels like my world is crashing down. I can't even imagine what my poor baby feels like.

"Levi, take Connor into the hallway." Our teacher Mr. Smith who is a pack member of mine gives us a sad smile. I stand up, pulling Connor with me and out of the room.

"Hey, what's going on." I hold on to his face to make him look into my eyes.

"Nothing." He pulls away from me and goes to look at the floor like its the coolest thing ever. I wish he would tell me, how can I fix it without knowing what's wrong. I just want to make sure my baby has a perfect life.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I lead the way to the restrooms. " I know we don't really know each other but please tell me so I can fix this." We walk down the hallway and into the closes bathroom.

I pull him over to the sinks. I get a paper towel wet and very gently as if he was made if glass, begin to wipe his face off. "Everything's going to be okay".

"No, it won't. You don't know who I am or what's going on so don't say everything's going to be okay." His voice sounds so soft but broken at the same time.

Once I'm done cleaning his face he goes back to looking at the floor. I wish he would look me in the eyes.

I really just want to spend time with Connor. I pull out my phone, to send Andrew a text asking for his car keys. Let's go get some ice cream I put my hand out for Connor to take.


"Yes now" I give him a small smile.

"What about school, we can't just leave well get in trouble."

"No, we won't, come on." Very slowly he puts his hand in mine and we walk out of the bathroom and outside. Andrew is standing by his car waiting for us.

"Thanks, Andrew." He hands me the keys and walks back to the school after patting my back. I turn towards Connor. "Ready?" He nods his head. I open the passenger door for him. Once he climbs inside I walk over to the driver side and get in.

I start the car and pull out of the parking lot. "So how old are you?"

"Seventeen, what about you?

"Turned eighteen yesterday." I glance over at him, he's looking down at his lap. I wonder why he always looks down.

"Well Happy Birthday." After he said that the rest of the drive was done in peaceful silence.

About five minutes later I park the car in front of a small local ice cream shop. The outside of the building is painted an eggshell white, a few table and chairs sit outside for people to use.

We walk inside to be greeted by the smell of homemade waffle cones. "Hello, welcome to Emily's Ice Cream, what would you like?" A small kind of round girl with long dark hair smiles at us from behind the cash registers.

"I would like a small mint chocolate chip in a cup." Connor whispers

"A small chocolate cone please." I pull out my wallet and give her my bank card after she swipes it she hands it back and gets busy scooping are ice cream. Once she's done she hands it to us.

"Have a good day." She smiles at us as we walk to a table by the window.

"Why did you start talking to me and why did you take me here?" Connors finally looks up. His amazing light blue eyes shine but are filled with pain.

"I saw you in the hallway and thought you were cute so I wanted to take you out and here we are." His ears have a hint of blush on them.

"I'm not cute." He takes a bite of his ice cream.

"Yes, you are." I lick my ice cream. "So tell me about yourself."

"Um, there's not really much to say you know my name and how old I am."

"What hobbies?" There has to be something he likes to do...

"Well, I love drawing." His face lights up when he says the world drawing. He puts his spoon down in the empty container."What about you?"

"Well I love running" Mostly in wolf form but I can't tell him that, not yet. "Let's go for a walk I stand up." Connor follows after me.

"Where are we going?" He finally looks up at me, my heart feels like it just skips a beat. His blue eyes shine as if he can see deep into my soul. I hold out my hand for him to take.

( Connors Point Of View)

He holds out his hand for me to take. Very slowly I put my hand in his. This is really weird we've never talked before today and yet here we are walking out of an ice cream parlor holding hands like we're dating.

"There's a park a few minutes away, I thought it would be a go place to sit around and talk." He finally answers my question.

Instead of saying anything back I just look at our shoe's as we walk. His looks like its the first time they ever been worn well mine are over three years old, covered in holes and dirt. Why would he never want to talk to me or even look at me, he's so clean and handsome, well I'm so dirty, gross, ugly kid.

"...nor...Connor are you okay?" I look up and see that we're already at the park.

"Why are you talking to me?" I blurt out what I'm thinking

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I talk to you?"

I look up for a quick second then back down. "We've been in school together for years and you've never looked at me, so why are you talking to me?" There's no way he would just decide to talk to me, its weird.

"I...I..." Levi stumbles over his worlds.

"This was a stupid idea I look up again to see a hurt expression on his face. I'm sorry for crying on you, I don't need your pity or anything like that." With that said I turn around and start walking in the direction of the school.

I'm so confused right now, maybe I should talk to Emma about this, she's normally good with this stuff.

By the time I reach the school there are only ten minutes left, instead of going inside I climb inside my car and head to Cali's school. Little kids stand in line waiting to be picked up.

I jump out of the car and walk to where Cali's standing, as soon as she sees me she runs up to me and jumps into my arms, "Ready to go?" She nodes her small head.