

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Good Bye Car

A loud bang wakes me up from my dreamless sleep. My door stands wide open with my dad standing three feet away from me. "Give me your car keys."

"What? No." I can't believe this why does he want my car, is he going to sell it? Of course, he is most likely to buy drugs. I jump up from my bed. His 5"11 height towers over my 5"2 height.

The next thing I know there's a sharp pain below my right eye from where he just hit me. "Keys now" His face is starting to grow red from anger.

"No." As soon as I said this my body is filled with regret. He raises his right hand and his me as hard as he can in my stomach causing me to fall on my back.

"Looks like you need to be taught another lesson." I feel his steel toe boots connect with my stomach.


A kick to my right leg.


A kick to my left arm.


A kick to my left side of my face.

He walks over to my box of clothes on dumps everything on the floor. I watch as he bends down and picks up my car that landed a few inches away from him. "Should have just given them to me." He spits.

Black dots start to appear, very slowly everything turns dark.