
Savage Saga Part 15 Savage Wins?

The Story continues with the return of Savage and Tempest at his side he reveals his plan and stands at the top after dealing with the last of his targets.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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23 Chs

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The Easter Bunny throws the Vampire girl at Savage then using her as cover rushed at Savage. Savage catches the Vampire girl however the Easter Bunny goes for a punch to his back only to get tail slapped by Savage who grabs him by thr throat and says "You really thought such a thing would work on me? I am not like the others" The Easter Bunny lifts up his legs then kicks Savage with both feet. Savage is sent crashing into an egg shaped boulder he coughs up blood. The Easter Bunny was instantly before him relentlessly strikeing Savage each blow delt immense damage to Savage as he was being beaten to death by the Easter Bunny who smiled joyfully as he used Savage as a punching bag. Soon Savage wasen't moving his body was limp he was at the mercy of the Easter Bunny who says "You were nothing Savage just another fool to die by my hand" Savage says "Your dead rapest bunny" The Easter Bunny says "At least I don't fuck myself how is Tempest by the way? It must take a really pathtic man to have sex with himself like that" Savage says "You fell for it all I did was distract you from the real threat" That's when Savage shapeshifts into Lucy the Easter Bunny turns to get sent flying with a right hook from Savage. The Easter Bunny goes through Easter Island then back around being caught by his ears then body slammed through Easter Island again. The Easter Bunny coughs up blood most of his bones were broken he says "How?" Savage looks down at the Easter Bunny and says "It's called a Fake Out Skill and a decoy your life ends now"