
Savage Saga Part 15 Savage Wins?

The Story continues with the return of Savage and Tempest at his side he reveals his plan and stands at the top after dealing with the last of his targets.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Page 5

The Easter Bunny had the habit of forceing women to be his as one of the greatest exsistences there weren't many that could compete or defy him. Thus he saw others as his play things when he was finished with them he'd kill them and move to the next. The Easter Bunny pulls out an Egg shaped bomb he says "If your going to fight me then maybe you need to suck an egg" He grabs her by the throat forces open her mouth and prepares to stuff the egg down her throat when the sound of something being thrown came. The Easter Bunny evades as one of his Egg Soldiers were thrown through the wall almost hitting them. The Easter Bunny glares as he showed up with a smile on his face the Easter Bunny says "Savage you've got some serious balls to try and fight me on my home world!" Savage says "You think that is going to save you? Nah I am going to shove my foot up your ass and through you" The Easter Bunny smirks and says "Your ex Bella she was tasty her power made me greater then you could imagine I am going to make you watch as I take your new harem from you and show them a better time then you could" Savage says "No harem not anymore come show me what you've got" The Easter Bunny watches as his Egg Soliders jump Savage each of them were as powerful as Santa. Then the Bunny People attacked they were each as powerful as a trillion Egg soldiers and their sheer numbers should've been enough to overwhelm Savage. However they all died before they could even touch Savage who says "Show me a real fight!"