
Savage Saga Part 15 Savage Wins?

The Story continues with the return of Savage and Tempest at his side he reveals his plan and stands at the top after dealing with the last of his targets.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Page 7

The Easter Bunny says "Your a monster" Savage says "No I am simply playing for keeps this is the begining of the end" The Easter Bunny says "Someone will stop you there is no escape" Savage breaks the Easter Bunny's neck then says "No escape indeed I am the end and none shall escape me" Lucy says "Thank you Savage you saved me now let's g..o" Savage shot Lucy in the heart with a Death Beam killing her he says "None shall remain" Savage then appears before the Vampire girl she says "You saved me thank you i'm forever in your debt" Savage says "What is your name?" The Vampire girl says "It's Jasmine what about you?" Savage says "Just call me Savage" Savage leaves however soon he is confronted by Tempest who says "I've found it just like you said it was here in the Bunny's possession" Tempest presents a sword before Savage he grabs it's handle and lifts up the sword he says "The Sword of Savage once again in my hands good job Tempest now then Jasmine was it?" Jasmine nods and says "Yes sir?" Savage says "You'll have to decide here and now which path you wish to take" Jasmine says "What do you mean?" Savage says "You can either die here or join me I might have need for you later" Jasmine says "I don't know how I could be of help to someone as great as you" Savage says "Just follow in my footsteps as my student what do you choose?" Jasmine gives her answer two days later Jack Frost was sitting atop his Throne of Ice he was annoyed hearing about what happened to the Easter Bunny and Santa he says "Those two were always worthless but to be killed by an ant like Savage what a disgrace but things will soon end Savage's luck will soon end"