
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Others
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35 Chs

Out of controll


Hajime: "Was that Yue! we should go help her now"

Hajime, Valera, and Ophis entered the forest as soon as they entered they were in a pitch-black forest where only cries of Yue were heard they started running towards the direction of Yue's cries on their way there Valera suddenly froze in place after seeing glowing eyes and unhuman smile she started to tremble from fear, and as the figure appeared it disappeared as quick as it appeared.

Hajime: "I have a bad feeling about this"

Ophis: "I think that brother went out of control"

Hajime: "what do you mean?"

Ophis: "Well brother newer tried to scare me before so I can't be sure if he is he is going to pay me in chocolate!"

As soon as they saw Yue Hajime run straight to her she was trembling in fear while crying.

Hajime: "Yue it's me! don't be scared we will go out of here"

Yue: "Hajime the bunnies Sans took the bunnies he *sob he is scary"

Hajime: he is going to pay me for this later

as they started heading back Hajime felt someone watching them and then he saw glowing eyes watching them from the dark.

Hajime: "RUN!!"



They run like their lives depended on it and finally found the exit that led directly into the village as soon as they exited everything was back to normal.

Hajime: *pant* *pant* "what the heck is wrong with him!"

Ophis: "I don't know but it is not funny anymore," she said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes

on the path they just returned through the same glowing eyes appeared with a glowing unhuman smile looking at them until something unexpected happened Ophis started running towards him and hugged him.

Ophis: *sob* Sans WAKE UP!! I want my brother back!"

Sans looked at her with his crazy smile Hajime readied his gun to shoot Sans at that moment his smile disappeared and his eyes returned to normal.

Ophis: *crying* You are back don't leave me!

"what the heck happened!"

[OI my man seems the god of that world tried to use you to mess up with Hajime why didn't I help well I forgot until now also ama go talk with that god right now so ce ya]

Ophis: "you went all scary like don't do that again I won't let you!"

Yue: "you are scary and where are bunniman? are they still alive"

"You tell me we will look for them in the morning I need to sleep right now"

Hajime: "first thing first you lazy idiot you are the one responsible for all of this and now you are going to sleep!?"

"Pretty much yea"

Hajime: "Get your ass there and find them oh where is Valera?"

Valera was walking in the forest after she separated from Hajime when they ran.

Valera: "where am I where is Hajime why do I have to help her it would be better to leave her in the forest so I would have Hajime for myself "

*rustle* *rustle*

Nerby bush and leaves were shaking Valera was alerted by this and backed away and what she saw made her faint on the nearby trees tens of bunniman were strapped for the trees unconscious while the red liquid was slowly dripping from them she fainted not knowing that the liquid where berries that they tried to harvest before Sans found them.

(Ehit POV)

Ehit: "Why did I lose control ower that mortal what happened how can lowly mortal resist me the GOD" just as I wanted to try again a portal appeared in my domain and from it, a figure walked out he was wearing blue hoodie he had white eyes.

Ehit: "Who dares to come to my domain without my permission bow down you lowly creature before the GOD!!"

W.D: "Why should I, you got no power ower me I am the author"

Ehit pealed

Ehit: "A-Author shouldn't authors keep out of modeling with gods and their affairs?"

W.D: "As far as I know gods shouldn't medal with my work and you did just that"

Ehit: "You want to say that mortal was your entertainment!?

I just looked at him

Ehit: "I-I apologize for what I have done just don't bring this to gods council or I will be killed"

W.D: "They already know and I am here because I am going to bully you a bit before they finish you off"

Ehit was scared and started sending all kinds of attacks that were ineffective I started slapping him and kicking him around after 10/20 hours I stopped all his bones where dust then a portal opened and chain wrapped around Ehit"

W.D: "He is your problem now when you didn't stop him in time" after saying that my avatar disappeared from Ehits domain.


Yo this chapter is 200 words shorted it is 800 without this note because I am busy and I will update another chapter today and probably tomorrow so see ya

sugest the next world please if i know the world I will consider it bye

Omni404_Sanscreators' thoughts