
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Others
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35 Chs

Hold my vodka

After that little incident, we were guided towards a dead tree that was still standing(Yea it didn't walk away) in front of it was a stone tablet that had 6 holes in it (I didn't watch arifureta in like 2 years so I don't remember all the names or details) Hajime put the ring in a hole in tablet it fits perfectly.

Hajime: "Seams like we will need to clean other dungeons to be able to go off of this world"

"Well I won't follow you all the way but I will follow you, for now, seems like fun is following you around"

Yue: "More like trouble"

Valera: "Yea and that you didn't bother to find me till morning!"

Ophis: "Blame Sans for that"

"Why are you so mean lately?"

Ophis: "You didn't give chocolate to me in 2 days hmph"

I gave her chocolate and her smile returned as she chewed on the chocolate bar well until someone started to speak

Valera: "I hate you, Sans!"

"The feeling is mutual"

We started heading towards the next dungeon and for some reason, Hajime made a deal with Yue if Shia menage to hit her they will bring her with them and she barely scratched Yue and now we are stuck with a brainless rabid well it isn't like we didn't have Valera before they both have 1/5 of the brain together.

Ophis: "Brother carry me!"

I picked up Ophis and put her on my shoulders she had a happy smile Yue had a jealous look and made Hajime carry her Valera was roaring at them that Yue was too childish in return Yue smiled at Valera which made her even more pissed off Shia was looking at them and said that it is not Fair and that Hajime should carry her to in response Yue hugged Hajimes head, not letting go of him

Yue: "He is mine! so I won't let him go"

As they continue to argue Ophis poked my face I looked at her she showed me an empty chocolate foil I gave her another one and she continued eating with a smile it was nice from time to time to forget about things and just relax a bit I will try to find a bit more peaceful world for Ophis to find some friends god I don't have friends either.

[Bitch what am I a roach!]

You don't count but you can say you are a friend at least but still I have to find a place for Ophis to be safe some peaceful world will be nice.

[Hmmm I think I can help with that but with two conditions]

Just tell me and we got a deal maybe then I could sleep a bit more.

[Ok first I will control an avatar to be with you and Ophis because why not and second I will give us a multiverse chat what do you think? also, that avatar of mine will have the same powers as you so you can say we are brothers :D]

That is not half bad I agree but which world are we talking about?

[I think maybe in that one what was it Dragon maiden/Kobajashi-San what do you think it is peaceful enough beside it will have some readers in that world also it will be mixed with Demon lord is a part-timer so kinda good what do you say]

Good enough but there is a problem with your name and mine I assume are Sans so how will you call yourself?.

[Let's leave that to the readers but I will keep the Omni]

Ok, now I haw some business see ya later.

we arrived at the entrance of a cave it was a pretty normal looking cave well til we didn't enter(don't know the boss's name so let us call her Scrap)

as we read the stone tablet it insulted Shia and she smashed it with her hammer at that moment needles pinned her to the wall making her pee herself and making the boss laugh her/his voice was so annoying I don't know why but it was really annoying, we were attacked by arrows boulders spike traps and so on and we returned to the beginning now I was pissed at that moment a rift in space appeared and w.D came from it again holding a vodka.

W.D: "Hold my vodka" "Ahem Open sesame" I wawed my hands and the path opened that was leading straight towards the metal knight Hajime, Yue, and Valera were looking at me with their mouths agape Ophis ran straight towards me and hugged me.

Ophis: "Hello uncle!" she said with a bright smile

I patted her head gave her some chocolate bars and turned toward Sans who was drinking my vodka.

W.D: "Realy brother I can even have my vodka for myself"

"you can get another one anyway so don't complain arent we brothers," he said with a smirk.

W.D: "Hm you are right it is not like you couldn't buy it from the shop well now we will newer know *sigh*," I said with a smile that said fuck you! and dematerialized.


Ophis: "Buy me chocolate then"

"Here have it "

Ophis: "Yea chocolate I just need a TV"

We went towards the metal giant on the way the trio lowers bombarded me with questions about W.D which I ignored until we stood in front of the giant after we passed through the living armor

Scrap: "Ho so you managed to survive but I don't really know who was that guy who deformed the way could you tell me"

I totally ignored it teleported in front and just yoinked it into my inventory it was a puppet so I could store it I just lowed the look on Hajimes face whan giant dissapeared after that i beat down the real Scrap and she flushed us after I stole ewerithing it had within the base/house.

Hajime: "Are you 3 ok where is Shia and Valera?"

In that moment Shia flew directly into the riwer alongside Shia probably pretending to be unconcious whan Hajime brough them and wanted to do CPR I stoped him he was looking at me like in an idiot I just kicked them with my foot.

Valera/shia: "Auch why did you do that i had a good oportunity to kis Hajime!/V- I hate you!!!"

"Covid is a strange thing so no kisses in my watch"


sugest a name I shuld use also Who want to be in the new world make your cahracters if possible without powers their jobs and names this chapter is 1.200 because on prewious one I had only 800 without this note se ya

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