
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 47

Nathan bathed in the blood of the person who ruined the lives of many children, as blood flowed all across his face and body. He threw the head of President Magnus aside, as if it was a piece of trash. Those of the lower ranks were terrified by his strength, but the top Experts knew that what he did was not result of his own strength.

The President of The Silver River Merchant Company, was not a fighter. His Cultivation was boosted by the sheer amount of precious resources he had consumed, hence, his foundation was almost non-existent. He also had no fighting experience at all, reducing the actual strength that he used to be barely at the Third Stage, and still, he failed to overwhelm Nathan, underestimating him.

But Nathan's strength still caused waves within their hearts! Someone without cultivation actually managed to kill a Meridian Opening Realm Expert!

Nathan looked at the battlefield, and noticed that they were in a stalemate, 'Not good. We cannot waste time like this!'

Nathan himself was injured heavily. Taking on a Third Stage Cultivator, even the weakest and stupidest one, was no easy task for someone like him, who could barely be considered to be mortal. Although he had a strong body, he was not at the level of a Third Stage.

Nathan checked the remaining duration of his Combat Mode,

[Dragonborn Combat Mode Duration: 5:57]

Suddenly, he was bombarded by notifications from The System,

[Quest: (Dragon's Pride) Completed!]

[Reward: Level +6, Stat Points +180, Skill Points +50]

[Completion rate: Perfection!]

[You have Received: (Timeless Energy Cultivation Manual Box)!]

[You have received: 200x Soul Essence Droplet]

[Congratulation! You have reached Level 17! Stat Points +30 Skill Points +10]

[Congratulation! You have reached Level 18! Stat Points +30 Skill Points +10]

[Congratulation! You have reached Level 19! Stat Points +30 Skill Points +10]

[Congratulation! You have reached Level 20! Stat Points +30 Skill Points +10]

[Max Level reached! Evolution Menu Available!]

[Redirecting remaining Rewards…]

[Congratulation! You have reached Rank 4 Infant Soul Stage!]

[Congratulation! You have reached Rank 5 Infant Soul Stage!]

Without looking at anything else, Nathan spent all his newly acquired Stat Points!


HP: 716/2000

Strength: 240 >>> 340

Agility: 200 >>>280

Stamina: 160 >>>200

Toughness: 120 >>> 200

Feeling the Energy wash over his body, Nathan took only a moment to adjust, thanks to his Soul, and immediately rushed to help those weaker Assassins who had grouped up to fight Third Stage Cultivators.

As the battle raged on, the odds were finally tipping in their favor, when what Nathan dreaded the most happened.

Another sudden burst of pressure descended on everyone within the courtyard, suppressing them, even The Cultists.

Nathan looked up, and saw two more Bishops descend, but that was not the worst part,

The two were following a very old man, who wore far more extravagant red robes. The problem was that this seemingly harmless old man, was emitting Fourth Stage undulations!

The weaker Cultists lowered their heads in respect, as the fighting stopped.

'Archbishop!' Nathan's expression was grim. An Meridian Refinement Stage Expert was sent here to deal with them! They may be able to handle the Archbishop alone, but the two new Bishops surrounding him were the problem.

"Fellow Cultivator, why do you insist on hiding? As per your wished, I have stepped out…" The Archbishop spoke with a dry voice, which was almost jarring!

"To think they would send someone like you… how unexpected. Are you sure you should be out here?" Grandpa stepped on the air, as he calmly approached The Archbishop.

"Why, you have forced my hand. But I will grant you one more chance out of generosity. Hand over all the merchandise you have stolen, then you and your people can leave here alive…" The Archbishop spoke calmly, akin to a next door elderly neighbor.

"I cannot do that. You have angered powers beyond your recognition. Those whom even your God would not dare displease." Grandpa shook his head, as if pitying him.

"Our God is Mighty and Fearless! There is nothing that can evade his gaze, nothing that can intimidate him!" The Archbishop shouted fanatically.

Grandpa sighed, "What is your name?"

The Archbishop returned to his calm demeanor, "I am but a humble servant of my God, but others call me Archbishop Valdis. What is yours?"

"Morwag." Grandpa replied flatly.

"Then, Morwag, today, I shall bury you and everyone else here… and offer a sacrifice to my Almighty God! He will surely be pleased…" The air vibrated around Archbishop Valdis, as drops of Blood formed, joining together to create a massive ball of Blood over his head, which began to draw in blood from the battlefield below!

Nathan was stunned!

'So that's why they let us kill so many people! He was preparing a favorable environment for himself! How ruthless!'

Nathan was shocked over how far these people would go to achieve their goals!

'But,' Nathan was not worried in the slightest. In fact he knew this battle was concluded as long as Grandpa stalled for some time. What Nathan was worried about, was the two new Bishops. With Grandpa busy, they could easily slaughter everyone below, fueling Archbishop Valdis! 

The atmosphere grew heavier, as the clash between the two giants was inevitable.

"Your actions have disturbed the order in this City for long enough. By the authority vested in me, I will execute all those who endanger this Kingdom!" 

Suddenly, a righteous voice boomed in the air, as a Legion of Silver armored Guards with the carvings of lions on their armor arrived on the scene.

'The Royal Guards!' Nathan knew that this was major gamble on his part, but he was certain that the Royal Guards would aid them, at least, until the real threat was dealt with.

Half of The Legion split up and surrounded the courtyard, and a sophisticated barrier formed, trapping everyone else inside.

The captain, a Fourth Stage Cultivator and his five Lieutenants at High-Level Third Stage along with the rest of the Legion drew their weapons.

"How delightful. The dogs of the worthless Royal Family have decided to join us… I am surprised the fools in the Palace even noticed our presence here…" Archbishop Valdis taunted mercilessly. He seemed to hold a grudge against The Royal Family.

The Captain ignored him completely, "Men! Kill all The Cultists! I don't want to see even their ashes!"

"Yes, Sir!" The Royal Guards replied in unison, as they immediately attacked The Cultists in formations.

The battle immediately turned one sided below. With The Royal Guards entering the scene, The Cultists lost all forms of resistance. Many tried to surrender, and many tried to take someone with them as they went down, only to fail miserably.

Cries of agony filled the air, but Archbishop Valdis only watched coldly, even as his Bishops were overwhelmed and killed.

Archbishop Valdis chuckled with contempt, "To think The Royal Family has fallen so low that they ally with rats! Fine… I will purge you of your pitiful existence myself!"

The battle between The Fourth Stage Cultivators erupted within the blink of an eye, as they disappeared from view. Their speeds so fast, that Nathan could only see blurry figures, even with his [Reaper's Gaze]!

The shock waves of a clash between Fourth Stage Cultivators were terrifying! Nathan felt that if he were to get hit by such a shock wave, he would die instantly! The only reason why everyone below wasn't turned into a shower of blood, was solely thanks to the formation set up by the other half of The Royal Guard Legion, which created a protective layer separating the two battlefields. Even then, it was shaking slightly.

With Nathan's aid, and the overwhelming strength and numbers, the battle was over pretty quick, but Nathan noticed that any blood spilled would float up, trying to bypass the protective layer above them. Most of it was contained, but inevitably, some of it bypassed the layer, merging into the ever growing Blood Orb above Archbishop Valdis, empowering him further, allowing him to push back the other two.

Nathan waved his hand, absorbing all the Souls of the fallen, unbeknown to everyone. Even the mighty souls of Bishops were helpless against his mighty Soul.

[Soul Absorption!]

[You have acquired: 480x Soul Essence Droplets!]

Nathan was suddenly hit with a terrible headache. He felt as if his Soul was being torn apart really slowly, causing him to stumble and almost fall. Such were the side effects of over-drafting his Soul. It was an extremely dangerous move to pull off, but Nathan knew that he had to act now, or he might not get the chance later.

Sophie immediately caught him, helping him stand, as Nathan began to cope with the stinging pain in both his soul, and the terrible injuries of his body, which was covered in blood, both his and his enemies.

Nathan glanced at the battle above with much difficulty.


Grandpa swung his sword, cutting an incoming Blood Whip into pieces, as The Captain created tens of Fire Lances, shooting them at Archbishop Valdis.

Archbishop Valdis scoffed at their futile attempt, and used The Blood Orb above him to block the Fire Lances, when Grandpa appeared behind him like a ghost, swinging his sword, and cutting him in two!

The Blood Orb glowed, and shot out many Blood Spikes, forcing both Grandpa and The Captain to retreat.

"Sigh… children… why do you struggle against the inevitable… why do you insist on prolonging your suffering… allow me to grant you peace."

The upper half of Archbishop's body began speaking, as if pitying the foolish souls in front him, wanting to grant them salvation.

The Blood Orb glowed brightly and enveloped both pieces of the body, and in the next instant, Archbishop Valdis stepped out of it as good as new, without a hint of damage, and The Blood Orb kept spinning vigorously.

Archbishop Valdis expected them to continue charging at him, but surprisingly, Grandpa actually lowered his weapon,

"Unfortunately, it would seem that your little tricks can no longer protect you…"

Archbishop saw that Grandpa was looking behind him, so he also turned around in confusion, before it was replaced with terror!

"This… is… not… possible! NOOO!"