
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 46

Indeed! Nathan had ordered a few of the Assassins to find and disable the formations around the building, and they had done a fantastic job, taking down the barrier at the right moment!

Now, the entire courtyard was littered with dead bodies, as only a few opposing Cultivators remained.

Nathan waved his hand, and bound all the Souls floating in the air, impossible to be seen by other people. Only extremely strong Cultivators, or those with special abilities could see them.

[Soul Absorption]

His Soul Force turned into a vortex that swallowed every fragment of each Soul, leaving nothing behind.

[You have acquired: 80x Soul Essence Drops!]

Nathan looked at the remaining Cultivators with a serious expression,

'There are too many Cultivators dispatched from The Cult for a little hiccup such as this. Third Stage Cultivators don't grow on trees. We must have killed off more than half of their total fighting force. If they were any stronger, they wouldn't have hid like they do, only kidnapping children occasionally. No, they would have acted without any scruples…'

Just as expected, a massive pressure covered the entire courtyard, freezing everyone in their tracks, even trying to force everyone to kneel in front of its unstoppable might!

The Assassins all unleashed their Auras, barely fending off the incoming pressure…

*Clap*  *Clap*  *Clap*

"You have successfully impressed us! To think that you would go so far to merely kill a few ants… how foolish of you." A man in red robes and a calm bearing descended, floating in the air!

A Bishop! A High-Level Meridian Opening Cultivator!

"Oh, don't flatter them. They thought they were smart, trying to lay a trap for us. They mistake us for children." Another person, clad in red robes, descended! And he brought along dozens of his subordinates!

Another Bishop!

At this moment, Aunty Solina finally made her move, "Idiots playing smart, not knowing they are frogs in a well. I will teach you guys a lesson." 

Aunty Solina also floated in the air, facing her two opponents leisurely.

The Bishops didn't even look surprised, "Your little games end here. Even you cannot change anything. Your destiny has already been set in stone!"

'Not yet. This is not all they have…' Nathan looked at the floating Bishops. He knew they were hiding more…

"Let's just get them off my courtyard. They are ruining my beautiful house!" Another man descended! Nathan grew worried. Aunty Solina may be able to handle two Bishops, but she won't last long with a third person joining the fray!

Although the third man was fat, he wore extremely flashy clothing, filled with embroidery depicting roaring Dragons, like a King! He was The President of The Company, President Magnus!

The moment Nathan saw this scene, his heartbeat quickened, and a strange sense of intense anger filled him! Boiling hot Anger!

Preposterous! This unworthy pig dared to wear clothes with designs of mighty Dragons! This is an insult to our pride! He shall suffer the wrath of a Dragon! 

Nathan's blood flowed faster and faster, as it boiled in his veins! A terrifying presence burst from his body! Shattering the combined pressure emitted by the three High-Level Third Stage Cultivators!


A mighty Roar of a Dragon shook the Heaven and Earth! The Spiritual Energy in the surrounding went berserk, forcing the three to land on the ground!

Everyone turned to look at Nathan in absolute shock! What had caused such an intense reaction from him?!


From his back, two wings burst out in a fountain of blood! The wings were not bat-like, like a Dragon's, on the contrary, it was feathery, like an Angel's! Three meter long wings with silver feathers glowed under the moonlight, as a cyan mist wafted from them!

Nathan's hands had turned into mighty Dragon Claws and his eyes transformed into that of a reptile, shimmering with a cyan light!

Patches of pitch black scales that reflected the moonlight covered various parts of his body, giving him an ominous look.

Nathan stood up, and looked at President Magnus with such ferocity that terrified such an Expert, making him take a step back! He, a mighty Third Stage Cultivator, was intimidated by the gaze of someone who had no undulations! Meaning, he had no Cultivation!

"I'll put you in you place, Lizard!" He roared, feeling ashamed! It didn't even cross his mind that Nathan was actually a Dragon. Such creatures were mighty Legends, they wouldn't be in such a small place like The Netherstar Kingdom. Even then, the weakest Dragon can burn him to ashes by sneezing! Someone as weak as Nathan couldn't be anything related to a Dragon.

Nathan ignored him, and thought about what was happening to him,

[Mark of Inheritance forcefully activated!]

[Unable to block interference!]

[Your Bloodline has been forcefully partially awakened!]

[You have Entered Dragonborn Combat Mode. Duration: 10:00]

[You have received a new Quest from (The Mark of Inheritance)!]

[Quest: (Dragon's Pride) Kill the pig who dares insult The Dragons in the most brutal way possible!

Rewards: based on degree of completion.

Difficulty: Hard

'Such a petty reason to find conflict with someone… but I can see why he feels insulted. Dragons are prideful creatures. They demand worship from the masses. Wearing such clothes is indeed asking for a beating. Not that I planned to spare him. He has to pay for all the lives he has ruined.'

Nathan was not a Hero. That was not a burden he was willing to take. But he had a soft spot for children… and this man was responsible for many tragedies that befell countless kids.

Nathan pointed his sword at President Magnus, "Your death will not be pretty."

Without another word, Nathan stimulated his Bloodline, causing the pressure he emitted to be focused on his enemies!

He flapped his wings slightly, and instantly appeared in front of President Magnus, who panicked and tried to utilize the Spiritual Energy in the air, but the Spiritual Energy was not responding to his call, going berserk under the wrath of a Dragon!

Failing to respond, Nathan's sword reached him without any problem, when a blue shield appeared and managed to block his attack, but the sheer physical power he had threw the fat man flying into the wall and a cloud of dust rose in to the sky.

Everyone else was also fighting, with some of the Second Stage Assassins grouping up and taking on Third Stage Cultists. They barely managed to fight them, as Assassins are known for being lethal more than anything else, so their opponents couldn't unleash their full strength.

President Magnus emerged from the dust cloud with an ugly expression. That barrier just now was his Life-Saving Tool. Such Tools were extremely rare, and usually created by someone who was far stronger, so he only had one!

This tool could block any fatal attack up to the peak of Third Stage once, and it was wasted over such a weakling!

"I will peel your skin, heal it and do it over and over again until you have made up for this loss!" His expression turned red, as the fat on his body started trembling.

Without Another word, Nathan suddenly disappeared, but President Magnus was not stupid, "I won't fall for petty tricks!"

He unleashed a wave of fire all around him, that Nathan couldn't dodge, and his [Stealth] was canceled, but he didn't suffer any damage.

'A fire user. How unfortunate… for him.'

Nathan charged directly at him, and President Magnus summoned tens of Serpents made out of flames, and ordered them to attack Nathan. As a true Dragonborn, fire was the least thing he was afraid of.

Nathan looked at the incoming Serpents expressionlessly. He had trained in far harsher environments. As the first Serpent reached him, he swung his sword and accurately hit its weakness, causing the Serpent to dissipate harmlessly.


"What?!" President Magnus was shocked! His technique was neutralized that easily??!

[Reaper's gaze] was indeed a mythical ability. Nathan could easily see the flaws in any technique or formation, just by looking at it.

Nathan continued running at the fat man, slashing every single Serpent, but the Serpents were too fast for him to keep up, which he ended up missing the last one, and got hit by the Serpent.


The Serpent exploded on impact, engulfing Nathan in searing flames, so burning hot that it caused the ground beneath him to melt slightly.


Nathan was in immense pain, but he ignored the notification about the damage he took. Many of his bones had been broken by the impact, but he acted as if he didn't notice anything.

President Magnus become ecstatic, when an unnoticeable black object glimmered within the raging fire.

President Magnus failed to notice the incoming projectile, as he was focused on Nathan, but the moment he sensed danger, he tried to dodge, but the dagger plunged deep into his shoulder, piercing his joint!

"Urgh!" Using the moment President Magnus was disoriented by pain, Nathan flapped his wings, reaching him with an unbelievable speed, and without losing momentum, he grabbed the President Magnus' arm with one hand, and the dagger with his other hand. Keeping the dagger in place, he pulled the arm with all his strength, tearing it apart!



A fountain of blood exploded, covering Nathan from head to toe, as he held the arm in his hands.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! My arm! My arm!!!" President Magnus fell to the ground, tear and snot covering his face as he cried miserably.

Nathan threw the arm away, "Disgusting! To think that a weakling like you calls himself an Expert, and dares to disrespect a mighty Race…"

Nathan was truly disgusted. Such a person dared to abduct children for his own means… he had no mercy for him.

He walked towards him step by step, blood dripping all over him, making him look like a Demon!

"Aaargh! Wa-wait! I'll do anything you want! Take all my money! Take whatever you want!"President Magnus crawled backward, as he begged.

"Please! Le-let me live!"

Nathan reached him, raising his foot, he kicked the fat man right between his legs with all his strength, crippling him mercilessly, "How many?" He asked coldly.

"AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGG" President Magnus' eyes turned bloodshot, his cultivation was all that kept him awake.

"How many innocents begged just like this as you trampled over their lives?"

"Pl-please… I… I beg of you…" He was almost broken, but seemed to have the slightest bit of sanity remaining.

"No Mercy… For The Wicked!" Nathan grabbed him by his neck using his claws, raising President Magnus above him.

President Magnus kicked back and forth as he struggled, but in his grasp, he was but a weakling! He was not even a fighter. With his Cultivation at High-Level Third Stage, he barely possessed the prowess of someone at the Low-Level!

Using his other hand, Nathan Grabbed him by his chin, and tore his head off with a sickening rip sound, as he bathed in his blood!


"For I am The Judge, Jury and The Executioner…"