
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 35

Nathan turned to Aunty Solina, "Aunty, are our Assassins trustworthy?" 

This was a very important question. Depending on the answer, Nathan would decide on how far he would take his plans regarding the issue at hand.

Aunty Solina smiled with pride, "Very much so. They were personally trained by my husband. Some even have the potential to join your Path in the future, so you can trust them with some secrets. Whatever you order them to do, they will get it done."

Nathan nodded, "This makes things much easier. We will have a majority of our available Assassins to search for the other supporters of The Cult within the city. Once discovered, infiltrate them and save the children. Kill anyone involved."

Grandpa nodded in affirmation. This much ruthlessness was needed if his Prince was to grow up and face the nigh invincible enemies who still search for him.

Nathan continued, "We need to act fast. The moment they find out that their actions in supporting The Cult is being targeted, they will change their methods, and it will get much harder to continue. Me and Sophie will join them when it comes down to it. Aunty, I want to open up an orphanage, while helping the other ones in secret. Can you help me?"

Aunty Solina was surprised by the sudden request, but that did little to make her hesitate, "Oh little Nate~ I would help you with whatever you desire. We are family, so don't be shy."

"Thanks Aunty." Nathan felt happy to have so many people supporting him, but also pressured. His role was not an easy one.

"This plan will be effective in the immediate future, but they would just turn their attention elsewhere. It would only direct the problem to another place and not solve it." Grandpa pointed out.

"Indeed, it wouldn't solve the real problem, but that is not what we are after."

"Ho? Do continue, Your Highness." Grandpa was intrigued.

Meanwhile, Sophie stood behind Nathan silently, listening to his plan with her full attention. Seems like her Prince had already thought of a way to deal with this problem in a short time!

Nathan picked up the report book, as he elaborated, "Our goal is to create a massive disturbance within one the biggest suppliers of The Cult. If The Company truly is one of their more valuable backers, they would surely send a high-ranking member to deal with the problem. If we can capture them, and extract all information and secrets they hold, then our plan is mostly done."

"And what do you intend to do with that information, young Prince?" Grandpa was getting more and more excited the more he listened to the plan!

"We will have a few of our capable Assassins to look for information on the middle to high-ranking officials of The Church of The Light. Those with ambition to use the chance to get a promotion, or better yet, those who hate such cults to their core! As long as we hand over this information to the right people… then we have had borrowed hands deal with our problems for us, while no one is the wiser…" Nathan concluded his plan.

"BRILLIANT! Truly Brilliant Your Highness! This servant is in awe of your wisdom! I shall personally see to it that your plan proceeds as intended." Grandpa cried out excitedly. The future was looking brighter with each passing day with such a Prince destined to take over!

The plan may look simple at first glance, but it was anything but so! They would be using minimal resources, and taking the least amount of risks, to take down a cult of unknown power and influence! They would use their enemies to fight each other, and if they got lucky, they would gain some influence within The Church, if they choose the right person!

"Then please, I leave it to you, Grandpa. Keep me updated on the operation." Nathan said.

"Will do, Your Highness. One last thing before I start. How was your mission? What do you think are your weaknesses are?" Grandpa asked.

"That is exactly what me and Sophie were going to focus on for the next few days. We had little problem with the stealth part of the plan, but I truly felt the lack of having a ranged attacking method. I plan on practicing with a few throwing daggers. It would be much more helpful if I can take out enemies from a distance, instead of walking up to them, and risking being discovered." Nathan said.

"And I am going to train my flame control! I figured since Nate is practicing his skills for one to one combat, I would get used to my flame, as it would be very useful in taking on a group of people!" Sophie said cheerfully. It seems as Nathan wasn't the only person who has been thinking about their recent mission.

"Aunty, can you please arrange for someone to teach us?" Nathan said.

"Of course. I would teach Sophie myself, and one of my Assassins would teach you whatever you desire." Aunty Solina said, while taking a sip of wine.

"Since everything here is dealt with, I will proceed with young Prince's plan." Grandpa said.

"Very well. Before I leave as well, Aunty, how long will it take for the orphanage to be ready?" Nathan asked.

Aunty Solina thought for a moment, before replying, "3 days. I will have everything prepared by then."

Nathan nodded his head, as he left with Sophie.

As they left, Grandpa turned to Aunty Solina, "They grow up so fast, don't they?"

Aunty Solina smiled gently, "As their Mother, it makes me proud to see them grow, but also worried… the more they grow, the more burden they are forced to carry… it was a good idea to let them deal with this little cult. There is only so much we can teach them."

Aunty took another sip, "What about his true parents?"

Grandpa sighed with emotion, "They are still searching for him relentlessly. They do not even know if he is alive or not, yet they don't give up. Not now, nor five years ago…"

"What does little Nate think about this situation?" Aunty Solina asked with curiosity, although she could guess the answer herself.

"He swore that the perpetrators would not be granted the mercy of death." Grandpa said flatly.

Aunty Solina sighed, "When will they ever learn… they should never touch the families of the Dark Path… now, he won't stop, until their cries for mercy is heard across all the realms…"

Grandpa nodded, "Yes, it is the fate, they so foolishly, chose for themselves…"


3 Days Later

After three days of intense training, the orphanage was finally ready. It was located in a cleaner part of The Outer District, so it was a safe place. Many people also volunteered to help as well, so things went along smoothly.

Right now, Nathan, along with Sophie were heading towards the slums, where the children were hiding. They wore the same black clothes and had the same masks so that they wouldn't be recognized so easily.

They activated their [Stealth], and moved inside the hideout quietly, and what greeted them was the terrified gazes of the children.

"Oh, sorry. You can't see us right now." Nathan chuckled at their little mistake, before closing the door, and becoming visible again.

"Oh! It's the big Brother and big Sister!" 

"Thank the gods… I thought we were discovered…"

"Hi big Brother, big Sister! Welcome back!"

A little girl stepped forward and greeted both of them.

"You must be Sara. I hope the last few days weren't too bad." Nathan said.

"Not at all! Anywhere outside that cell is comfortable for us." Sara said cheerfully as the rest nodded in agreement. Those who were in the worst condition had recovered slightly, but they still had a long way to go for full recovery.

"That's good to hear. Now, everyone listen up! Those who wish to be returned to their families, raise your hand. The rest of you will be provided a new home, so do not worry about being left behind." Nathan said, as he waited for their choice,

… Yet no one raised their hand.

Sophie was confused by this, "Is there a problem?"

One the older children gathered his courage as he stepped forward, "We don't have a family. We were either sold off by them, or were orphans beforehand."

Sophie expected the second reason, but she was shocked to hear the first one!

"I can't imagine being sold off by my Mother…" She muttered quietly.

"Me neither." Nathan whispered back.

"Alright then. Everyone get ready. We will move to your new home when Nitis arrives!" Nathan called out.

Soon, Nitis also arrived, and after being informed of the situation, he also joined them in escorting the children, despite his role as their guardian being finished.

Since they had already secured a route beforehand, Nathan and Sophie along with the others easily traveled through the stone-paved streets and alleys, which were surrounded with many buildings with a variety of styles and architecture. From stone houses to wooden pagodas and many others, Nathan could only describe the city as diverse.

And without being noticed, they reached the first ever orphanage that Nathan opened…

The House of Henosis