
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 34

Nathan quickly read the report log to get a general feeling of what was going on, but after closing the book, he was still deep in thought,

'Although there isn't much written here, it still answered a few of my questions… but their method of kidnapping and hiding children is very sloppy… the guards didn't even notice us as we went in and came out with more than twenty people… I need more information.'

Nathan hid the book in his clothes, as he rested a bit, but his senses were fully focused on the surroundings for the smallest hint of danger. He heard the labored breathing of the children, smelt the damp air of the slums, and felt the stillness of the earth. For now, they were safe…

As the hours passed by, the sun was peeking over the horizon, signaling the start of another day, but for the slums, nothing changed. It was filled with a sense of stillness and gloom that was ever present. Within the unchanging atmosphere, Nathan sensed two people approaching.

*Knock*  *Knock*

The door opened slowly as Sophie and Nitis jumped in and closed the door, while carrying two massive bags each!

"Welcome back! So much for being inconspicuous…" Nathan said.

"Weeeell~ I figured if we were careful enough, we could bring more food for everyone! And the sun has barely risen, so hiding from a few idiots was no problem at all!" Sophie said.

Nitis took off his robe and handed it to Nathan respectfully, "Sir, we managed to buy fresh fruits and bread from many different shops who opened early. We also encountered several patrols around the area here, but we successfully evaded their notice."

Nathan accepted his robe and wore it, feeling more comfortable again, "Well done Nitis. I am grateful for your help, but I have another job for you, would you like to hear it?"

"Gladly. You saved the life of my Mother, it is a debt I can never hope to repay." Nitis said. Although he was raised in the slums, it did nothing to taint his character, being loyal and trustworthy to those who earned it.

Nathan nodded in appreciation, "We will move the kids to the edge of the slums, near The Outer District's safer locations. Taking the children out ,right now, would draw too much attention. I want you to watch over them, and provide them with food and water for a few days."

"I understand, however, in the event that they find us, I won't be able to do much to protect them… unlike Sir, I am not powerful." Nitis said.

"I will arrange for someone to keep watch from the shadows, your job is to make sure they don't suffer. Here take this pouch. There are a few silver coins within, enough to last them and your Mother for at least a week. Buy food, clothes and anything that is necessary. The rest of it is yours as a bonus." Nathan said.

"Enough talking! The children are hungry! Come!" Sophie called them over.

They got busy distributing the food around, giving everyone enough food and water to fill their bellies,

"So juicy!"

"I never knew water tasted so good"

"Bread…! Real soft bread!"

"Thank you so much, big Brothers! Big Sister!"

"Eat slowly…" Nathan looked at the kids enjoying the simplest meal they managed to prepare. Their shining eyes as they blissfully ate was very fulfilling to watch. Nathan also noticed that no one fought for food, instead, they worked together and let those who were barely conscious eat first. Seems like this hardship has turned them into real siblings. Although not bound by blood, they were bound by the horrors and torments they all went through…

After their meal, and a rather long period of rest, Nathan and Sophie, with the help of Nitis, moved the children to the edge of the slums with little difficulty. 

After making sure the area was safe for now, Nathan and Sophie left Nitis in charge of the children as they made their way back to the mansion.

Their black clothes and masks weren't uncommon on the streets, as many people used them to hide their identities, but for people of their stature, it stood out too much, so they sticked to the alleys yet again.

They sneaked into the mansion through the back, and as they were walking to the Aunty's office, Sophie asked something that had been bugging her for a while,

"Hey Nate! We did save the children right?" Sophie asked.

"Yes." Nathan said.

"Then, why hasn't the quest finished yet?" Sophie raised a valid point.

"Oh, that. I am not completely sure, but I guess it must be because the children are not out of danger yet." Nathan said.

"That makes sense! What do you think our bonus rewards will be? A cool skill? More levels? I can't wait!" Sophie was super excited about the upcoming quest rewards. They felt like badges of accomplishment, reminding her that she had changed something with her efforts!

"I'm sure Melian won't disappoint us." Nathan smiled at her excitement.

Soon they reached the office, and as per usual, entered without knocking.

"The little ones are back so soon! Did you miss Aunty that much?" Aunty Solina was reading a book, while drinking her blood red wine.

"Hehe… We already finished your mission! Feel free to praise our greatness!" Sophie put her hands on her hips as she smiled with smugness, feeling proud.

"Well done, young Prince. May I have a look at the book?" Grandpa suddenly appeared in the room, almost causing Sophie to jump in fright, but Nathan was already used to it.

"Here." Nathan handed the report book to Grandpa, and he read the entire book within seconds before handing it to Aunty Solina, and after she read it as well, he turned to Nathan,

"Now, I believe you have already read the book yourself young Prince, so tell me your thoughts about it." Grandpa said.

Nathan's expression turned serious, "As you have already seen, The Company is involved in abducting children and selling them as merchandise, but according to what I have seen and know, this matter could not be for money. They are too rich to consider the spare change they earn by selling children, not to mention the risks it has."

"That is indeed the case. Then what do you think is their reason for doing such acts?" Grandpa asked.

"I have a few options. The first option would be that they are selling these children to various organizations, who train them for various purposes." Nathan said.

"What do you think personally then?" Grandpa said.

"That it is very unlikely. Although it is a good method of establishing connections, those who buy them are either weak or criminal groups. Not worth the effort." Nathan said.

"The second option would be that an enemy is trying to weaken the Kingdom in a long term plan, but that is also unlikely, as the method by itself is not effective. It needs to be combined with other plans to take effect, which I do not have enough information to confirm." Nathan looked directly at Grandpa's eyes.

"And the last option, which you deem most likely viable?" Grandpa asked expectantly.

Nathan took a deep breath, "Unseen hands are at play here… This matter is not so simple, else I would not be sent on this mission. I believe the children are a tribute…"

"A tribute?" Sophie asked in confusion.

"Yes, a tribute. An offering to a God, or perhaps a part of a God's plan. The playing field is far bigger than I can fathom at the moment, and we do not have enough information to figure out their goals." Nathan concluded.

*Clap*  *Clap*  *Clap*

Grandpa clapped in admiration, "Young Prince is truly exceptional. Indeed, it is as you said. These kids are handed over to a Cult belonging to a Deranged God. They send these kids as a tribute through many different methods and channels in order to hide their tracks, and this company is one of their bigger partners. Now, what will you do young Prince? Whatever decision you make, we will do our utmost to fulfill it."

Nathan stood there silently, deep in thought, and no one interrupted him. This was the true trial that Grandpa had prepared for him. A trial on leadership.

"I… would not have made this choice under any other circumstances, but these children are the future of our Universe. We cannot abandon them. If they were adults then I would have left them to their own device, but for the sake of our future, we must act, even if the effects will be minimal, it is still better than nothing." Nathan said.

Without stopping he turned to Aunty Solina, "Send one of your Assassins to keep watch over the children we saved. I will move them to an orphanage personally."

Aunty Solina raised an eyebrow in surprise, "How do you know of our Assassins? They don't show themselves to anyone except me."

Nathan chuckled, "You underestimate me too much Aunty. I can feel their gaze on me most of the time, especially when I leave or enter the mansion."

"Ha. They are definitely getting a reward for getting discovered so easily." Aunty Solina sipped her wine as she smiled sadistically, with a glimpse of excitement in her eyes!

'Sorry Brothers… I didn't intend for this to happen, forgive me.' Nathan truly pitied the poor Assassins.

An Assassins hiding nearby shivered in terror as he heard the ongoing conversation, 'Young Master! You doomed us all!' He wanted to cry rivers of tears, but he couldn't. If he was discovered, he would get the 'special reward' from their Mistress! No one knew, but their Mistress enjoyed torturing these hidden shadows the most!

Nathan held a moment of silence for his fallen Brothers, before continuing, 

"As for what we will do…"