
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 13

"Eh? Me? Why?" Nathan was flabbergasted at why he was suddenly being promoted to such an important position right off the the bat.

"Before I explain my reasons, there are a few things you all must know, and vow to upkeep as the future figureheads of Darkness. First of all, we do not harm the innocent. They may get caught in the crossfire, and it does complicate many of our missions, but that is a line we don't cross. Other than that, every method and power is a tool, as long as they do not collide with our core values."

"Second, we keep our words. If a word is given, then it shall be honored. The only case where breaking a promise is acceptable, is when it harms your loved ones or our Path of Darkness. In our Path, family stands above all. Our loved ones are our bottom line that should never be touched. Even if you are forced to act against the Path to protect your loved ones, know that we approve of your actions. If such a situation would come to pass, then it is the result of our short insight and weakness, and we are ready to pay the price for it."

"And three, we are people of integrity. We do not force ourselves on people who don't deserve it. Most important of them all, we are not traitors. Betrayal is the worst action, the true evil of the heart. You may ,lie, hurt, kill! But never betray…"

"These are the main teachings of Darkness, that you all share. That is also the reason that you can trust each other as family. Everyone here chose to die, in order to save their loved ones in the face of power and wealth, within the third trial. All of you here have lost loved ones, have tasted the bitterness of the mortal world, and managed to maintain a pure heart towards all the cruelties you have faced. That is only possible because you do not blame the world, but you blame your own weakness. And reality is indeed as such…" The Heart of Darkness seemed very patient, and moved toward her goals step by step.

The five looked at each other, deep in thought…

"I… have suffered much as a result of a betrayal of not just people, but a country against my family. Lucy here was the person who showed me, that there are people out there that I can place my trust in once more… and I am willing to take this chance to become Brothers and Sisters with all of you here…" Nathan decided to take a leap of faith. The people here were chosen out of an unimaginable number of people, so the pros outweighed the cons.

"Whatever he decides, I will follow. I too shall call you, Brothers and Sisters, of course you are my husband, so you are not included~." Lucy playfully winked at Nathan, while yet again, showing her determination to follow him.

"I-I have a-always wanted a family, so this seems like a dream true!" The rather shy Primrose also seemed to like idea.

"I don't mind joining the family. Having people whom I can rely on is a welcome change." The stoic Damon also agreed with the idea.

"A family huh… this should be interesting…" Vanessa also seemed to welcome the idea.

"Now that you you have accepted to be Brothers and Sisters, I shall continue."

"Nathan Netherstar, you possess the qualities of a ruler within you. A diamond in the rough. You possess the wit and courage of a great warrior, the wisdom and intellect of a scholar, and a kind and understanding heart, created by the many tribulations you have faced in your life. Although everyone here also possess these traits, they are more specialized. You on the other hand, have more potential. Make no mistake young ones. Potential does not mean better. You are all hardworking individuals, and with enough effort, you may surpass your Brothers and Sisters in what they excel. My request is to choose someone to help choose The Path, that we all will help to shape it. And if you surpass him in the future, you may challenge him for the title he possesses."

"But this power comes with a greater burden, I presume?" Nathan asked, while deep in thought…

"Yes. With great power, comes a greater responsibility to wield it. You will face greater dangers, while also being a bigger target for those who betrayed us. You are free to reject my offer."

Nathan locked eyes with Lucy while holding her hand for a brief moment before facing his new family, "I will be honest. I am indeed greedy toward this power, but that is not the reason I am willing to take it. The reason for it, is to protect my new family. Consider this as my first act of sincerity as your Brother. If the danger could be focused on me, then so be it. I would be much more at ease to know my new family is in, at least, lesser danger. You may challenge me for the title when you feel you are ready, and I will not hold anything against you. So please, let me take on this burden." His tone was firm and unshakable as he boldly locked eyes with each and every Prince and Princess here.

'So that's what The Heart meant. Indeed, now that it is pointed out, I ,too, can see it.' Damon thought to himself.

"Why not? Let us consider this as a gift to celebrate our new family. I accept!" Vanessa was the first person to accept the proposal.

"If B-b-brother wants it, then I accept too!" Primrose couldn't help but stutter, when calling someone her Brother for the first time in her life.

"I also accept." Damon locked his gaze with Nathan, "Brother…"

"No words needed for me!~" Lucy was as cheerful as always.

"Well then step forward and kneel on one knee" as The Heart of Darkness finished speaking, a ceremonial scepter appeared in the hands of The Herald. He raised it slightly, before gently tapping the bottom to the floor three times. The sound was extremely loud, as it seemed to have surpassed the sound barrier. It breached the walls of Time and Space, and one by one, hazy figures shrouded in darkness started materializing. Soon, the entire platform was filled and many more started floating in the dark void surrounding it. Nathan and the others did not raise their heads, as they kept a calm and collected form, so they couldn't see the end of the ever growing crowd.

"Do you, our new chosen, vow to stand by the teachings of our Path, and try your utmost to fulfill them?" The Herald started the ceremony.

"We do!" The chosen said unitedly.

"Do you vow to dedicate your all to The Path of Darkness, and guide it to rise once again?"

"We do!"

"Do you vow to take all denizens of Darkness as your Brothers and Sisters, and protect them till your last breath?"

"We do!"

The Heart of Darkness took her turn and spoke, "Let this day be known as the day of our rebirth from the ashes! Let us welcome our new Princes and Princesses!"

The crowd exploded violently, shouting and cheering like there was no tomorrow.

The Herald hit the floor with the bottom of the scepter once again, and this time, five sigils appeared in front of each person respectively. The sigils were a circular shape filled with runes, that emitted a dark fog. What caught the attention of the spectators, however, was the sigil that had a golden ring around it, that appeared in front of Nathan.

The Heart of Darkness explained, "These are called The Sigil of Authority. They are bound to your souls and you may manifest them anytime you wish. But be warned of exposing your identity so easily."

The crowd exploded once more, murmuring and whispering among themselves with excitement!

"That golden ring! A crown prince has been chosen!"

"Thank The Supreme God! Looks like fortune is smiling on us!"

"We won't have to suffer anymore with a Crown Prince being chosen!"

"The ceremony is hereby finished. Return to your posts." The Herald waved his hand, and the hazy figures dispersed one by one without a single word of complaint.

"Why did they seem so happy to see a Crown Prince, when they don't even know any of us yet?" Primrose asked curiously, finally able to breath after the massive crowd left.

"In our history, those who were chosen as Crown Prince right after finishing the trials have always been very capable and trustworthy people. Do keep in mind that all participants were chosen from mortal worlds and were under the age of 18." The Heart of Darkness explained patiently.

"Speaking of which, what happened to those who failed in the second and third trial?" Primrose simply didn't know how to hold back her curiosity and bombarded The Heart of Darkness with questions.

"Do not worry. As per our first rule, we do not harm the innocent actively. Their souls have been safely returned to their bodies. Enough questions for now. Let us proceed…"

"Herald, bring Melian here."