
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Ōzaru Burst

As ominous clouds draped Faradras in shadows, an air of oppression gripped the hearts of its inhabitants. Faces, once vibrant, were now contorted with fear, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of despair. The haunting echoes of sudden deaths and explosions, accompanied by swirling crimson mists, reverberated through the city's alleys.

In the midst of this chaotic turmoil, officials and nobles worked tirelessly to restore order. The Imperial Guard, in a frenzied retreat, hurriedly made their way back to the fortified walls of Redentia, where transport ships were being prepared for a desperate evacuation of the citizens around the cities. High above, on the space station, the Inquisitor issued directives that rang through the corridors, setting off alarms and propelling the chain of command into urgent action.

Within the grand halls of the Redentia Palace, corridors teemed with servitors and officers, each carrying an array of maps, books, and reports. The Strategic Command, gravely aware of the impending threat, meticulously fortified defenses around the formidable figures of the Saiyans, aware that their firepower was the only thing that would prevent their complete extermination. A palpable sense of grim determination etched their faces as they absorbed reports on the dwindling arsenal.

The ammunition count presented a dire reality. It fell woefully short, covering less than a mere fraction for the Tyranids to feel the loses. A meager eleven-thousand-strong force stood ill-equipped to arm the local garrison, grappling not only with inadequate training but also the staggering depletion of ammunition that would represent equipping them.

This predicament was just one of the many challenges besieging the Strategic Command beneath the looming cataclysm.

While commanders wrestled with the complexities of their strategic dilemma, troops were strategically dispersed among the four chosen cities. Simultaneously, the population in the outskirts underwent a mass exodus, urged to bring forth all available food supplies. The urgency of the impending apocalypse, though incomprehensible to many, was conveyed through the impassioned pleas of spokesmen. In response, at least twenty percent of the crucial food supplies were set in motion, forming a poignant exodus with cattle, wagons, and carts that families had brought with them, creating a somber tableau against the backdrop of encroaching darkness.

In one of the dimly lit chambers of the palace, Minister Agrippa and Aurora huddled together, enveloped by an air of impending doom. The gravity of an undisclosed revelation bore down on them as they grappled with the dire reality slowly unfurling.

Agrippa's voice echoed in the somber atmosphere as he conveyed the grim report, "Our water reserves, tainted by the creatures and the havoc they wreak, may dwindle to nothing in a week, if not less." His countenance mirrored the weight of the impending crisis, lines of concern etched deeply into his features.

Aurora's eyes remained fixed on Agrippa, a whirlwind of emotions flickering across her face. The direness of the situation struck a chord of despair within her. Even if they managed to endure the immediate threat, the specter of an unavoidable catastrophe loomed, with millions destined to perish from thirst in the weeks to come.

Her voice, tinged with a faint note of desperation, quivered as she questioned Agrippa, "And what can we do? These creatures seem to leave nothing untouched on the planet..." Her hand instinctively covered her lips, the weight of the impending crisis settling heavily on her shoulders.

Agrippa, audibly swallowing, responded with a sense of resigned acceptance, "We could call upon merchants to bring water, but given the urgency, lives may be lost by the time they arrive. Our resources, strained and depleting, might not be enough to avert the impending tragedy."

In the midst of this daunting dilemma, the two officials were enveloped in a heavy silence, contemplating the magnitude of the crisis that loomed over them. Beyond the confines of their chamber, frenzied footsteps echoed, underscoring the prevailing chaos, desperation, and anguish that had seized the world.


Meanwhile, a few dozen kilometers away at the Saiyan Base, the four Saiyans stood alongside the Eldars, awaiting Bann's arrival. The Aeldari spacecraft, with thirty meters in length, casted a shadow to the figures in front, as it rested beside the base. Conversations among the group unfolded, though the discourse was anything but pleasant.

"I fear any improvements you sought to implement on this world will come to a halt after this invasion. These foul creatures obliterate everything in their wake, and it takes decades, even centuries, for a world to recover," Urocain remarked somberly, his words laced with memories of past devastations.

Rucule, his jaw clenched, couldn't contain the surge of frustration as he grumbled, "These damned things! It took us years to reach this point, only to face losing it all overnight!" The veins on his arms pulsed with restrained strength.

Aprit and Ramela mirrored Rucule's angry countenance, teeth gritted in shared frustration. The impending threat bore heavily on each of them, knowing the impending invasion would touch their lives in profound ways.

In contrast, Seleri remained impassive, her gaze fixed on the sky. Her eyes honed in on an approaching figure, and she addressed the group with a stoic resolve, "Whatever happens, this is our first test. As Saiyans, it is our duty to overcome it, no matter what." She shifted her gaze to her companions, adding with an unwavering tone, "Even if it means destroying this planet and claiming another as our own."

Her words hung in the air, creating an uneasy tension among the Saiyans. Rucule eyed Seleri with a mixture of consternation and disbelief, a sentiment mirrored in the troubled expressions of the other Saiyans. This planet, once viewed merely as a conquest, had transformed into something more—a home, a duty to protect, thanks to Bann's persuasive words.

A pregnant pause lingered until Bann's figure made a resounding impact on the ground, the thunderous clap echoing through the sky. The sheer force of it seemed to punctuate the gravity of the impending threat.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Bann broke the silence, addressing Seleri with a sense of urgency, "Let's cut this short; sadly, we don't have too much time." Nodding in agreement, she became the focal point of everyone's attention.

As Seleri took a deep breath, a palpable tension gripped the group. Her gaze, unwavering, seemed fixed on Bann, as if seeking his approval and understanding. Her voice, measured and deliberate, began to unravel a revelation born from contemplation and experimentation.

"During one of your discussions about harnessing our ki more efficiently and the potential for advanced techniques to multiply our power," she began, her hand rising and clenching into a fist, "I conceived an idea, one that involves short, calculated bursts."

Intrigued, the other Saiyans leaned in, sensing the weight of what Seleri was about to unveil. Her words carried a gravity that mirrored the impending crisis.

"Charging our ki in battle is a luxury we often cannot afford," she continued, her tone resonating with the challenges they faced. "My atempts to hasten the process were met with laughable results. However, during one of the full moons, I found inspiration."

The moon, a symbol of their primal power in Oozaru form, became the catalyst for Seleri's ingenious concept. The place, now enveloped in an anticipatory hush, hung on her every word.

"In our Oozaru state, our true power is unleashed, and ki flows freely through our bodies. Returning to our normal forms, I harnessed this transformation as a baseline," she explained, weaving a mental image of their powerful, primal state. "Visualizing the Oozaru form, I sculpted the ki into calculated bursts. Each strike carries a percentage of our primal fury, condensed and enhanced into controlled moments."

As she spoke, the room seemed to absorb the weight of her revelation. The Saiyans, attentive and focused, grasped the significance of her breakthrough. Bann, his initial surprise shifting into contemplation, absorbed the intricacies of Seleri's technique, a potential game-changer in their battle against the impending threat.

A profound sense of incredulity settled over Bann's features as he regarded Seleri. It wasn't merely surprise; it was the realization that she had not only comprehended his explanation of the Kaio-Ken but had independently crafted a technique of her own. 'S-she heard my explanation of the Kaio-Ken and came up with a lesser version of it... all of this on her own!?' His mind grappled with the unexpected depth of Seleri's capabilities, challenging the status quo of their dynamic.

Having spent years as the mentor, the one who surprised and guided the other Saiyans, Bann found himself thrust into the role of the astonished observer. The unique talent that Seleri embodied had taken center stage, leaving him dumbfounded by the ingenuity she displayed in creating a technique that could double her strength.

As the weight of the revelation settled, Seleri pressed on with her explanation, unveiling the broader spectrum of her newfound ability. "This doesn't only allow my strength to increase, but everything I want. Be it my speed, my reaction, my durability, potency of attacks. Anything." Her words resonated with an underlying confidence, a belief in the limitless potential of her technique.

To illustrate, she began a demonstration, her lavender hair taking on an ethereal quality as an orange-red aura enveloped her form. The air around her seemed to crackle with energy as her ki flared up in a mesmerizing dance. The subtle hum of power underscored the unfolding spectacle, captivating Bann and the other Saiyans.

"HA!" Her scream reverberated through the air, a manifestation of her enormous ki doubling in intensity. In that moment, Bann and the other Saiyans stood rooted to their positions, transfixed by the spectacle unfolding before them. The magnitude of her newfound ability resonated, leaving them in awe of the unexpected depths of Seleri's power, a force that had now come into its own.

Seleri gracefully parted from their view, a whirlwind of extreme winds enveloping their position. Her silhouette, a fleeting orange-red flash, painted the horizon with a momentary brilliance that left the Saiyans in awe.

Their eyes widened, captivated by the thunderous echoes above them as Seleri descended, the winds subsiding with her ki returning to its previous levels. The sheer spectacle had etched itself into their minds, leaving an indelible mark of admiration.

"With this technique, I'm able to fly around the entire planet in just a couple of seconds. While I can react to anything that our enemy may produce," she declared confidently, relishing the prideful ambiance that enveloped her while she assessed their expressions. The air, still charged with residual energy, seemed to shimmer with the echoes of her display.

A palpable gulp resonated through the group as Bann sought further clarification, "So, let me see if I understood correctly, you use the basis of the ki charge I often use when training against all of you?" Seleri responded with a nod, affirming the foundation of her technique.

Intrigued, Bann delved deeper into the intricacies, his genuine curiosity reflecting in his expression. "But how do you increase it to such lengths? I could only manage mine to at most one or two thousand. Not multiply it by two." His acknowledgment of the technique's ingenuity hinted at a genuine desire to understand its inner workings.

It wasn't a lack of thought on Bann's part; he had pondered such possibilities but had been unable to execute them himself.

Seleri nodded, her head, as she began to unravel the layers of her technique. "I was able to achieve this by channeling all my energy into the process, simultaneously tapping into the primal strength we possess in our Ōzaru form. However, this is precisely why I can't sustain it and have to execute it in short bursts. Otherwise, the risk of self-destruction or injury becomes a considerable concern." A wry smile accompanied the latter part of her explanation, revealing the inherent risks and limitations of her groundbreaking technique. The group absorbed her words, the intricacies of the technique becoming clearer, and a newfound appreciation for Seleri's mastery unfolded.


Suddenly, a burst of ki surged through the air, capturing everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards Ramela, who raised her arms and lowered her stance, initiating a ritualistic dance of ki that ebbed and flowed in various successions. However, the surge lacked the seamless grace of Seleri's demonstration.

"Kugh," came the audible groan from Ramela as her ki flared up, veins protruding around her limbs, neck, and forehead, while her muscles bulged under the strain.

Seleri swiftly closed the distance, her urgency evident in her words, "Don't let the ki go outward, just try to condense it around your body!" Ramela, in response, let out a primal scream, attempting to adhere to Seleri's instructions.

"RAAAARGH," echoed her cry as her ki manifested in wisps of orange, the struggle evident in every fiber of her being. Under the watchful gaze of the Saiyans, the scene unfolded, an interplay of determination and the uncharted territories of mastering one's ki.

Until Bann sighed deeply and assumed a focused position. He couldn't bear to remain idle while others attempted the challenging task.

With a deliberate motion, he removed his scouter, extending it towards Anáeth's awaiting hand, and said, "Please take care of it for me in the meantime." An affirming nod from her acknowledged the responsibility.

Closing his eyes, Bann immersed himself in the visualization of his ki, envisioning it as a fluid stream winding around his body. He compelled the energy to traverse a narrower path, intensifying its flow and pressure, a manifestation of which was his ki flaring up.






As the numbers flickered in his mind, his body and veins began to bulge, the ki dancing wildly around him. Maintaining a consistent pressure, Bann skillfully widened and narrowed the energy's path, creating an intricate dance of fluctuating gains.







Observing the gradual success, as his ki surpassed more than twenty percent of his total, Bann internally strategized, 'Let's diminish my ki completely before pushing it to the maximum.' With unwavering focus, he initiated the challenging sequence.





The gradual transformation of Bann's aura didn't go unnoticed. The once orange hue took on a reddish tint, capturing the attention of everyone present. Even Ramela, in the midst of her own efforts, halted momentarily to witness Bann's unconventional approach.

Seleri's gaze turned towards Bann with a mixture of curiosity and concern, recognizing the anomaly in his ki manipulation. The air around them crackled with anticipation as they awaited the outcome of this unique demonstration.



As Bann's ki neared the doubled threshold, the strain on his body became palpable, his breaths ragged and his strength seemingly drained. A moment of vulnerability unfolded as he felt himself descending into weakness, his eyes opening only to meet the concerned gaze of Seleri. Swiftly, she cradled him in her arms, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and admonishment.

"You idiot! You were supposed to be more careful. The technique shouldn't strain your body or drain your strength at all," scolded Seleri, her words laced with both frustration and genuine concern.

Anáeth, entrusted with Bann's scouter, approached swiftly, runes materializing around her as she observed the scene. The other two Aeldari followed closely, their expressions stoic after witnessing the exertion that had transpired.

Gently placing Bann on the floor, Anáeth positioned her hand over his chest, uttering incantations that resonated with mystical energy. The runes floated around her, weaving a tapestry of healing power as she harnessed her abilities to mend Bann's internal injuries.

"Various of your organs ruptured... you should be more careful," reprimanded Anáeth, her voice soft and melodic, yet carrying a tone of admonition. Bann, despite the pain, managed a pained smile in response, acknowledging the gravity of his lapse in caution.

Observing the unfolding scene, Urocain's contemplative expression deepened. "In the limited time we have, we can expedite this learning process," he suggested, locking eyes with Seleri, who met his gaze with a curious expression.

"And what method do you propose, Warlock?" Seleri questioned, her demeanor relaxed but intrigued.

Urocain nodded thoughtfully and gestured with a sweep of his hand. "I can facilitate the transfer of the technique's knowledge directly into their minds. However, it's important to note that this won't translate into a physical experience."

Seleri, seemingly unbothered, gave an indifferent shrug. "Sure, go ahead" she agreed, closing her eyes to focus on the technique.

Urocain mirrored her actions, briefly closing his own eyes. As he reopened them, a subtle wry smile played on his lips. "To complete the process, I'll need to make physical contact with your head, and you'll have to lower your mental defenses, Miss Seleri," he explained after failing into his initial approach.

Without much ado, Seleri gestured for him to approach. "Just get it done; we don't have time for formalities. Ugh."

Urocain complied, placing his left palm on Seleri's head. A low, resonant hum filled the air, and the warlock's brows twitched sporadically, hinting at the mental exertion. After successfully extracting the information, he moved on to the Saiyans. This time, the process seemed smoother, leaving the knowledge without delving into their minds.

Throughout this exchange, Urocain couldn't help but glean valuable insights. The mental defenses of the Saiyans were truly formidable, even without considering the potential enhancements from Aeldari teachings—a venture they couldn't afford to explore given the pressing circumstances.

Having successfully implanted the information about the technique, the group now possessed a basic mastery of it. The technique allowed for a potent x2 increase in ki for short bursts, sustaining the boost for hours, provided the wielder had the requisite stamina.

While the Saiyans delved deeper into their training, Bann, now somewhat recovered, made his way toward Redentia. Despite the urgency to continue refining the newfound technique, more pressing matters demanded his attention—initiating a crash course on the warp for the psykers around Redentia.


13 chapters in advance on my patreon.


Cheap Kaio-Ken

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