
Bound to Greatness.

Amidst the tumult and the valiant efforts of the local garrison, the heavens above Faradras bore witness to the graceful descent of the Aeldari spacecraft into the city squares. The cosmic vessel hovered, casting an otherworldly glow that danced upon the cobblestone squares of the palace.

Yet, amidst this celestial arrival, the attention of thousands was abruptly seized by a resounding explosion that echoed through the air, instilling a cocktail of awe, terror, and reverence. The shockwave rippled through the atmosphere, creating a palpable moment of silence before the surrounding chaos consumed it once more. However, for a select few, it carried an even more crucial connotation – security.

Enveloped in an ethereal whitish aura that cloaked his formidable frame, the formidable figure of Bann floated majestically over the city. His silhouette, framed against the backdrop of the descending spacecraft, created an imposing spectacle. His sharp gaze, like a discerning raptor, surveyed the pandemonium below with a deep frown. The cacophony of screams and unrest reached his ears, fueling his displeasure.

"This is unacceptable," he murmured to himself, his ki flaring like an incandescent beacon. The radiant energy emanating from him cast an intricate play of shadows across the buildings below. With a surge of power, he wove his energy into a formidable maelstrom, imposing an authoritative stillness upon the chaos. Every denizen below, gripped by an instinctual dread, froze at the presence looming in the sky – a predatory force beyond reckoning.

The sensation of being preyed upon by an insurmountable hunter sent shivers through the masses. Their thoughts intertwined, captivated by the lone figure in the heavens. The air, thick with trepidation, seemed to constrict around them.

"Stay calm and heed the guidance of the government," resonated a deep chilling voice that permeated the city. Heads nodded fearfully in compliance, and anxious eyes darted towards the enigmatic figure above, now the harbinger of an unspoken order.

Satisfied that his intervention had restored a semblance of order, Bann nodded in self-affirmation. With a casual exhalation, he relinquished his grip on the city, slowly descending towards the palace square. Thousands of eyes, now laden with apprehension and fear, fixated upon the enigmatic figure. The lingering echoes of his power resonated through the air, imprinting an indelible mark on the psyche of Faradras.

Observing the warlock and the eldar trio poised to disembark from the ship, Bann's voice sliced through the air, a command that carried the weight of authority. "Fetch me various servants and the Sister Superior Cielo. I want them here in five minutes." His outstretched fingers pointed imperiously towards the Aeldari spacecraft, a silent warning to anyone harboring ill intentions toward his alien allies. "If any of you dares to offend my friends there, I can assure that not even a speck of dust would be left of you."

Cold, steely eyes surveyed the gathering crowd, piercing through each onlooker. Heads nodded in hurried agreement, drawing a low hum of approval from Bann.

Tapping the ground with deliberate intent, Bann noted the approach of three figures, servants responding to his directive. Before they could utter a word, he issued crisp orders. "I want a square free in twenty minutes. Gather all the psykers that were in the census; inform them their training will begin shortly, and they cannot reject this call at all."

The trio of servants froze, their acknowledgment punctuated by hasty assurances. "As you said, sire," "As you command!" "Sire, yes sire!" With purpose, they dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks.

Approaching the Aeldari spacecraft, Bann wrestled with conflicting thoughts. The eagerness for training battled against the pressing necessity of his impending actions. He understood the pivotal role psykers would play in the looming battle, surpassing even the significance of the Imperial Guard. Psykers, unlike Guardsmen, wielded powers that could endure throughout the entirety of the conflict, an invaluable asset as conventional ammunition waned.

The paramount concern was providing a safe conduit for the psykers to harness their abilities, shielding their souls from the malevolent influence of the Warp. Daemon possession, warp taint, mutations – these were the risks that lurked in the shadow of psychic prowess.

'I don't know if the Asuryani Path is the best for these poor souls, but this is what we can do with all we have,' Bann mused silently, contemplating the dire circumstances he found himself navigating. The realization that he had to work with limited resources fueled a burgeoning frustration, yet he recognized the fickle nature of their fortune.

Grasping the fortunate timing of the Tyranid Invasion, Bann acknowledged the pivotal role it played. A decade of relative peace in the Warhammer 40,000 universe afforded them the opportunity to prepare for the encroaching threat. It was a stroke of luck that spared them the tyranny of ruling over a death world, preserving the vibrant essence of the planet they called home.

In the intricate dance of arrival, Bann beheld Urocain and Anáeth descending from the ship with a grace that seemed almost incongruent with the tense atmosphere. As their feet touched the ground, they became the focal point, drawing a spectrum of reactions from the onlookers. Surprise, disdain, hatred, and despise flickered in their eyes as they scrutinized the newcomers. Alert to potential hostility, Urocain, with warlock instincts sharp, prepared runes in his pouch, ready to counter any sign of aggression. Fortunately, the animosity waned, replaced by the urgency that gripped the air, sparing the newcomers from immediate confrontation.

"I assume the psykers are en route," Urocain observed, his strides melding grace with pride, his chin held high while his keen eyes assessed the surroundings.

Meanwhile, Anáeth, seemingly impervious to the resentful stares, exuded an ethereal grace that stood in stark contrast to the harsh reality. Her golden hair caught the feeble rays of sunlight penetrating the clouded sky, leaving an indelible, otherworldly impression on those privileged enough to witness her presence.

Bann, who also almost lost himself staring at her consciously steered his focus back to the pressing task at hand, confirming Urocain's assumption. "Yes, preparations have been made. The square is being cleared for our work."

Urocain, ever vigilant, expressed his approval, emphasizing the critical role of caution when dealing with the warp. "Our teachings may be secure, but vigilance remains paramount."

Bann, standing with arms folded, broached a pivotal aspect. "I'll be the one speaking on your behalf initially. I'm uncertain how they'll react to having your voice in their minds. We can consider that option later, once they've had time to ease into our presence."

Previously during their first meeting, the actions of Urocain triggered a range of reactions among his comrades, and only their familiarity with Bann's idiosyncrasies prevented an immediate assault. However, Bann acknowledged the crucial difference – his seasoned team possessed the confidence and resilience necessary to manage such unconventional actions. In contrast, the incoming individuals, burdened by anxiety and societal stigma as psykers, required meticulous preparation before Urocain could directly commune with their minds.

Though a subtle flicker of displeasure crossed Urocain's features, he concurred with a nod, acknowledging the strategic timing necessary for their unique interaction.

Gazing upon Anáeth with a benevolent smile, Bann inquired, his voice carrying a tone of curiosity tinted with a hint of warmth, "Is this your first time encountering with such an extensive gathering of humans?" The Aeldari healer responded with an effervescent energy, casting a radiant smile towards Bann. "Indeed! Though I've had glimpses of various humans on the space station, never before have I beheld them in such overwhelming abundance. Will I be taking care of healing them all?" Her eyes sparkled with eagerness, a manifestation of her genuine curiosity and willingness to contribute.

With an earnest smile that conveyed a sense of responsibility, Bann affirmed, "Certainly, Anáeth. They shall all be under your care. After the upcoming instructional session, I encourage you to make your way to the palace for a well-deserved rest, okay?" Anáeth, captivated by the unexpected gentleness in Bann's demeanor, gazed at him for a moment, her demure expression accompanied by flushed cheeks, offering a subtle yet appreciative nod in acknowledgment.

Abruptly, a voice that was both sharp and soothing resonated, breaking the conversational bubble between Bann and Anáeth. "Bann! Did you summon me?" It was Cielo, carrying herself with a confident stride as she approached the trio, capturing their collective attention.

Another charismatic smile graced Bann's countenance as he addressed her, "Indeed, I did. But more importantly, I'm sincerely relieved to see you in good health." His eyes attentively surveyed Cielo. Unlike those around her, she exuded an air of calmness, a reassuring smile adorning her features that brought a palpable sense of security to the atmosphere.

Nodding affirmatively, Cielo gestured with her hands, palms open, and proclaimed with a serene confidence, "With His light shining brightly within me, there's no valid reason to harbor fear or despair. As it has already been revealed to me." Her words, though initially invoking a subtle roll of Bann's eyes, carried an undeniable conviction that left him momentarily frozen, muttering in disbelief, "You have foreseen this already?"

Halting before Bann, Cielo lifted her head, her eyes meeting his with unwavering certainty. "Indeed, I have," she affirmed, her tone taking on a husky quality. "Among many other revelations." Her words, confident and resolute, crashed upon Bann like a relentless wave, leaving a sense of anticipation lingering in the air.

Seizing her shoulders, Bann peered at her uncertainly, his eyes betraying a mix of curiosity and concern. Inquiring with a hint of urgency, he asked, "And how did it unfold? Were we successful in repelling these pieces of shit?" His usual pragmatism momentarily gave way to an uncharacteristic uncertainty. The numbers on his scouter had been sufficient to shake his usual confidence, and the inherent arrogance ingrained in his Saiyan physique and mindset faltered momentarily.

The one posing the question wasn't merely Bann; it was the essence of his human soul, resonating with a desire for reassurance amidst the ominous uncertainties that surrounded them.

Raising her own hands with deliberate tenderness, she delicately cradled Bann's face, the touch conveying a warmth that transcended the physical contact. It was an intimate gesture, akin to comforting a child seeking solace. As her fingers traced a gentle path across his features, she spoke with a soft assurance, "I've borne witness to your existence across myriad worlds. Allow no apprehension to seize you; place trust in your own strength. This, my dear, is but a mere stepping stone for you to ascend to the highest reaches of the sky, bringing forth light to pierce the enveloping darkness, as the Emperor will's it." Her eyes, suffused with an affection that had deepened over the passing days since their first encounter, maintained a steady gaze. The visions and dreams, persistent companions since their meeting, continued to unfurl a future she ardently yearned to see materialize.

The enchanting interlude was abruptly fractured by the grating voice of a servant, its raspy timbre slicing through the intimate atmosphere. Turning their attention towards the source, they were met with the announcement, "Sire, word has spread, and a gathering of more willing volunteers has manifested, seeking the privilege of training under your esteemed guidance." The grey-haired man gestured to the side, unveiling a scene where three orderly lines had formed, each comprised of hundreds of individuals. Their collective gaze, a mosaic of fear, anticipation, and hope, fixated on the Saiyan.

Among the assemblage, some were adorned in fine clothes, their skins pristine. Confidence emanated from their posture, though a subtle flicker of fear danced in their eyes upon locking gazes with Bann. Others, draped in more modest attire, displayed a palpable mix of anxiety and expectation. Their eyes, like windows to their souls, revealed a tentative hope, yearning for validation.

Yet, the most unfortunate among them wore garments tattered and frayed, or even fashioned from makeshift pieces of bags. The lines around them were notably more spacious, a clear indicator of the societal shame attached to their destitute appearances. However, it was the eyes of these individuals that seized Bann's attention, eliciting from him a faint but genuine smile. In those hopeful gazes, he discerned not only resilience but an unwavering determination to step willingly into the uncharted realms of the unknown.

For these figures, there existed nothing more to lose; society had already cast them away, labeled as witches. The promise of a brighter future acted as an irresistible force, compelling them to march forward with hope, embracing the uncertainty that awaited. The Saiyan, amidst this eclectic gathering, saw not just volunteers but souls yearning for redemption and a chance to rewrite the narratives that had been unjustly thrust upon them.

Directing his penetrating gaze towards the servant, Bann inquired with a discerning tone that carried the weight of his leadership, "Is this the entirety of their number? My memory recalls a census revealing over four hundred individuals. Yet, this gathering scarcely reaches the count of three hundred." A lingering unease settled at the back of his mind, hinting that the fate of those absent might be shrouded in ominous uncertainty.

The servant, visibly troubled by the query, responded with a respectful yet troubled demeanour, "Milord, we've summoned all those who were accounted for in the designated location. If some are missing, regrettably, it may be beyond our control. I shall promptly dispatch someone to locate them," he offered, poised to carry out the given orders with a sense of duty that befitted his role.

Bann, sighing with a mixture of acceptance and concern, nodded in acknowledgment. "Do so and ensure to explore the possibility of more psykers willing to harness their abilities for a greater purpose. That will be all," he stated, his words carrying both command and understanding. The servant, with a respectful bow, hastily excused himself to fulfill the assigned task, leaving Bann momentarily immersed in his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Bann's discerning eyes swept across the assembled group, taking a momentary pause before addressing them collectively, "Once, you were branded as witches by the inhabitants of this land."

His words triggered a myriad of reactions – grimaces etched on some faces, clenched fists by others, tangible responses to the heavy weight carried by the term 'witch.'

"Ostracized, and perhaps even hunted by your own kind for forces beyond your control. Branded with a nature not of your choosing, burdened with a fate none of you sought." Stirred by Bann's empathetic words, the onlookers began to close in, their collective curiosity piqued, eager to discern the nuances of the situation.

Cielo observed Bann with a complex gaze, now comprehending the purpose behind his summons. Her eyes carried a mix of understanding, empathy, and a trace of anticipation.

"I acknowledge the suffering and haunting memories this fate has inflicted upon you. Your journey was arduous, but hear this," Bann continued, his stride leading him gracefully before the assembled group. "All the beliefs imposed upon you are falsehoods. Each one of you represents the next evolutionary stride for humanity, standing resilient against the encroaching darkness and the myriad creatures that threaten our home." His outstretched hands gestured towards the planet, emphasizing not only the significance of their individual roles but the collective responsibility they bore.

Confusion and surprise played across the faces of many, while others regarded Bann with a newfound seriousness, their attention captivated by his words that resonated with a promise of purpose and redemption.

"Endowed with abilities bestowed upon humanity in the future, you are the guardians destined to shield and protect all that you hold dear and all that is deemed worthy," Bann proclaimed, his voice ascending into a grandiose crescendo that successfully ignited a fervent passion within the hearts of those gathered, kindling a spark of hope amidst the shadows of their past.

Bann's resonant voice, a force of nature that reverberated through the assembly, held the power to captivate the hearts and minds of those gathered. With unwavering conviction, he continued his impassioned address, "Your will and minds have been meticulously shaped to harbour a strength capable of shattering the very shackles that once bound your kin. The disparaging words uttered by your ignorant peers will serve merely as fuel to the raging fire within you, an inferno eager to be awakened. Your destiny is one of greatness, a fate that refuses to be constrained by the moulds imposed by others. It is you who will carve a path, boldly claiming what is rightfully yours!" His voice, now reaching various emotional notches, elicited spirited responses from the listeners, who, moved by his rallying words, expressed their fervour with shouts and cheers.

As Bann's deep voice continued to permeate the air, the physical resonance it produced stirred a tangible response in the gathering. The subtle vibrations echoed a symbolic unity, as if the very essence of their shared purpose was harmonizing.

"Now, standing beside me are not just allies but beings who share a connection with my race, and hopefully, in time, with yours. Humanity and Eldars share profound commonalities." Bann's gaze, laden with hope and aspiration, shifted towards Urocain. Continuing his introductions, he said, "Allow me to present these esteemed individuals – Urocain Rhain, a warlock hailing from a land of formidable power, and Anáeth Arthat, a healer from the same revered realm."

Both Eldars responded with a bow, their movements marked by gracefulness and smiles that exuded calm assurance. The scrutiny from the assembled onlookers only heightened, as if their collective gaze sought to fathom the depth of these enigmatic guests.

"Set aside your preconceptions and judgments," Bann declared, his words cutting through the charged atmosphere. "These individuals have walked a disciplined path, honing their abilities to ensure their safe and purposeful use. Today, they stand as guides for you all. Show them the respect they deserve, for they hold the key to shaping your destinies towards greatness." His words, stern and sharp, resonated with authority, commanding the attention of those present.

The psykers, their determination now fortified, cast their gaze towards the Aeldari duo. In their expressions, curiosity and anticipation mingled, forming a tapestry of emotions that mirrored the transformative moment they stood on the cusp of.

With the introductions concluded and individuals facing one another, the pivotal moment had arrived for the psykers and the fate of Faradras to be forever altered.

As for the chosen battle sister, this was the moment to tap into her latent potential and step into the destiny intricately woven for her. The atmosphere shimmered with anticipation, a sense of imminent change lingering in the air. Like a golden beacon, her light was poised to shine brightly in the far reaches of Ultima Segmentum, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of their shared fate.

Turning to the psykers with a subtle yet reassuring smile, and an eager tone that mirrored their collective anticipation, Bann posed a question that hung in the charged atmosphere, "Now, shall we commence with our class?" The air buzzed with an electric sense of anticipation, as the gathered individuals prepared to embark on a journey that promised not just knowledge but a profound transformation of their destinies.


A.N: 13 chapters in advance on my patreon. /Sr_Devoxero

Psykers trained by Aeldari? Do you know how crazy that sounds?

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