
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 The Trial Of The Ball Begins

"There is such a big place behind this hole?""

Entering from the hole where the ball was written, what appeared in front of Luffy and others was a forest similar to the outside.

"But what are these white balls?"

The difference from the outside is that there are dense white spheres floating in this forest.

Nami looked at these spheres with some curiosity, and reached out to touch a certain white sphere floating in front of him.

Luffy grabbed Nami's outstretched hand just in time.

It doesn't matter if these balls are just floating in the air.

But if it touches people, it will explode, or various monsters or weapons will pop out from it.

"These balls are also clouds, but they are called human ball clouds, and if people touch them, they will explode."

Luffy briefly explained that he was not afraid of these things. Once Armament Haki opened, he couldn't hurt himself with this level of explosions and weapons.

But other people can't, even Zoro, who is already 14 Master Armament Haki, can't take a few hits.

"Hooho…ho, I didn't expect you, a Qinghai native, to know this?

Just as Luffy finished speaking, a slightly joyful voice reached everyone's ears.


After hearing the sound, a group of people immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Luffy has already sensed the person who made the sound, and Luffy's Observation Haki is always open when he may be attacked by Enel at any time.

Several people looked at the person who made the sound, it was a man with a length like a ball.

With a hat on his head, a pair of small round glasses on his chubby face, and gloves on his hands, he looks like a big cloud of balls.

"Aren't you here to accept the trial of the ball? I am the priest of this trial."

"Priests? Do priests look like this?"

For this self-proclaimed priest, even if he knew that they were not the real priest of God, he still had a feeling of disfigurement.

"Hoo ho… ho, this is the trial ground of the ball, the Lost Forest, the survival rate is 10%! You are lucky, you have chosen my trial with the highest survival rate.

Mori's Dawu, the priest of the ball trial in front of him, completely ignored everyone's complaints, and made some popular science with a unique laughter.

"Huh? 10%?"

For the survival rate that Mori Zhidawu said was only 10%, no one here took it seriously.

Maybe there is only a 10% survival rate for ordinary people, but these people are not ordinary people.

Moreover, even if something really happened, with Luffy around, everyone didn't think they would explain it here.

"Zoro, Sanji, 3, this person will be handed over to you."

Luffy did not explain to them the abilities of this priest, only in a real crisis would it be easier to awaken Observation Haki.

If they don't know what Observation Haki is like the original, then maybe even if Daigo Morino is finally defeated, they may not be able to awaken Observation Haki.

But now that I have learned about Observation Haki, under the conscious guidance, there is still a great chance of being able to awaken through these whole human ball clouds.

"Does this guy need the three of us together?"

For the unremarkable priest in front of him, Gal-Tino did not believe that he could deal with the three of him including Zoro at the same time.

"You'll know when you hit it."

Hearing Luffy's words, the three Zoro glanced at each other, and all looked at Mori's Dago, who was not far away.

They wanted to see what was so special about this man who needed the three of them to defeat him.

"Hooho…hoo, can't you get on your own? My trial of the ball is not so easy, you are not afraid of your three men dying here?

Seeing that Luffy asked the other three to deal with him, but he didn't act like he did, Daigo Mori didn't get angry, but said with a smile.

Luffy didn't answer, and was greeted by a blue flying slash.

The blue slash flew towards Mori's Dawu at a speed that could not cover his ears.

However, even with an unexpected attack, Zoro's slash failed to reach Morino Daigo.

I saw that the ball-like body flexibly moved to the side, directly dodging Zoro's slash.

"Hidden away? Is it Observation Haki?"

Luffy has been talking about Haki to them recently, and Dago Mori's performance naturally made Zoro think of this for the first time.

The other party would Observation Haki, which the three did not expect.

Although Luffy keeps saying that Haki stuff is common on the Grand Line.

But so far, apart from Luffy and Zoro, who just Master Armament Haki, everyone has not met anyone who knows Haki.

I didn't expect that the person who met Haki for the first time would actually be on this Sky Island.

"Observation Haki? What is that? This is the heart net, the ability to learn from our gods, which can predict the arrival of an attack in advance."

Hearing Zoro's voice is not small, and Mori no Daigo naturally heard what Zoro said.

But he didn't know what Observation Haki was. When Enel imparted this ability to himself, it was called Heart Net.

"Xinwang? It doesn't matter."

The three did not intend to correct each other.

It seems that even though Qinghai people often come to this Sky Island, Enel does not seem to have seen those people use the power of Haki.

It's no wonder that the person with the real power of Ringo 597 dares to call himself a god, because this piece of Sky Island does not have the ability to restrain his existence!

"Since you've already attacked, it's my turn, and try my trick too!

Daigo Mori, who escaped Zoro's slash, slapped a white ball floating in front of him.

After being slapped by Daigo Mori, the ball cloud that was only slightly floating, flew towards Zoro and the three at an extremely fast speed.

Having just learned about the effect of this white ball from Luffy, the three of them naturally wouldn't be foolishly waiting for the white ball to come.

Zoro slashed past again, and then the three jumped off the boat and each jumped towards the shore.

In this small boat, there is no way to use your hands and feet well.


At the same time as the three jumped down, the whole ball cloud hit by Zoro's slash immediately roared and exploded.

The shock wave caused by the explosion caused the surrounding whole ball cloud to flutter violently, but it did not cause a series of explosions.

"If this power is directly hit, we may explain it here."

After seeing the power of the explosion, the three Zoro looked solemn.

The surrounding area is densely covered with such white balls, if the other party can detonate at the same time, it will really kill people!