
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Zoro'S Crisis

"Candle Shackles!"

Gal-Tino, who had just jumped off the boat, after standing up, his right hand turned into a liquid candle and threw it violently.

A cloud of candle liquid flew towards Mori Zhidawu.

But just when the candle was about to touch Mori's Daigo's feet, the ball-like body moved nimbly to the side.

Kankan escaped Gal-Tino's ability.

"Isn't it really that simple?"

When I played against Luffy before, because I was crushed by the opponent, I didn't know that Observation Haki's ability was really difficult.

Now facing the priest of this ball trial, it is obvious that the opponent is not strong enough to make people desperate.

But because of the existence of Observation Haki, his candle shackles could not hit the opponent at all.

"Can he throw this white ball over, can we throw it over? 35

Sanji looked at the white balls floating around and asked on a whim.

"You can try it."

Zoro replied, because his slash and Gal-Tino's candle were easily dodged by the opponent, so Zoro didn't make another rash shot at this time.

Then give it a try, the explosion's attack range is relatively large, and it is not so easy for him to avoid it.

Thinking like this, Sanji tapped the ground with his toes, and then kicked a white ball beside him.

It was a good idea, but the moment Sanji's kicked foot touched the white ball, the white ball cracked with a bang.

This time, the white ball didn't explode, but a Lion Majesty bit Sanji's outstretched right leg.

Because he was not sure whether he would be able to kick the white ball out, Sanji was always focused.

Although the white ball did not explode at this time, Lion Majesty, who came out of it, was discovered by Sanji at the first time.

Before he had time to retract his right leg, Sanji turned around and kicked out his left foot, making a full circle in the air.

The kicked left foot accurately hit Lion Majesty who bit his right leg, and the Lion Majesty was kicked out.

"Tsk ~~'

Sanji smacked his lips, it really wasn't that easy, how on earth did that guy throw these white balls out.

"Even though he slaps these white balls with his hands, why is he able to push the white balls towards us?"

Sanji didn't understand, and Zoro and Gal-Tino couldn't see anything, so the three of them stood there silently.

Now I can only wait and see how things change, since long-range attacks won't work, I have to try to get close to him.

"Hooho…hoo, you are thinking too much about attacking me with the whole person ball cloud I placed! 39

For Sanji's behavior, Mori's round face showed a slightly mocking look.

"Ugh? Why can he throw these balls when Sanji wants to but can't?

On the boat, Nami and Robin, who also saw this scene, turned their inquiring eyes to Luffy.

"Senzhi Dawu did not directly touch the ball cloud, and when his hand was about to touch the ball cloud, a shock wave was released.

Luffy explained what he sensed to Nami and Robin.

Then the shock wave should be caused by the shock shell, right? The shock shell is installed under the gloves, which can really deceive people.

Non-Sky Island residents, if they don't understand the existence of Sky Island shells, really can't find the mystery.

"Do you want to tell Zoro and the others?"

Nami did not directly tell Zoro the information that Luffy said, but asked Luffy's opinion.

Since Luffy saw the secret, he didn't tell Zoro that he had his own plans.

"No, observation in battle is also what a qualified fighter needs to have.

Otherwise, next time, if I encounter an ability that Luffy doesn't even know about, will they all close their eyes and wait to die?

"Since you don't shoot, then I will continue to attack!

Seeing that the three of them did not dare to act rashly, Dawu Mori shot with both hands, and several whole ball clouds were shot towards the three of Zoro.

"These white balls are really disgusting!"

Looking at the cloud of white balls flying towards the three of them, Gal-Tino couldn't help complaining, and while waving his right hand, a wall of candles formed in front of him.

As for Zoro and Sanji, the distance is a bit far, and they can only figure out their own way.

Several ball clouds hit the candle wall, but they didn't explode like the first ball cloud, nor did Lion Majesty appear like the ball cloud that Sanji kicked.

Instead, cold weapons such as swords or stabbing or slashing attacks popped out from the candle wall.

There was even a flower that popped out of a ball cloud.

Because there was no such defensive means as Gal-Tino, Zoro and Sanji, who were far away, saw this scene, and a black line crossed their foreheads.

"Since the distance can't be done, then get close to him!"

But the two were not in a daze. After avoiding the flying ball cloud, Zoro said a word to Sanji and rushed towards Mori Zhidawu.

Sanji didn't answer, but his body also rushed in the direction of Mori's Daigo.

".~ Thought long-range attacks wouldn't work, can you hit me with melee combat? Hooho…hoo!

Seeing the movements of Zoro and Sanji, the Mori Daigo had no plans to retreat, but kept slapping the ball cloud beside him.

Zoro and Sanji, who rushed over at high speed, were tossing and turning among the clouds of balls that were constantly flying over.

But the good times didn't last long. In this forest full of ball clouds, he avoided the ball clouds shot by the priest, but encountered the ball clouds that had been floating around.

There were constant explosions, and at the same time, various cold weapons such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds shot at the two from around.

Soon, there were a lot of wounds on the two of them.

Fortunately, both of them deliberately avoided the attack on the key point, so apart from being a little embarrassed, there was nothing serious.

"This is really…

Gal-Tino, who escaped (Li Nuozhao) because he didn't rush up with him, looked at the cloud of balls that kept exploding, and his scalp felt numb.

Although his candles can protect him in all directions, but seeing so many balls and clouds around him, he doesn't have that much physical strength to activate his abilities all the time.

However, although they were blocked by Qiuyun, Zoro and Sanji had to slow down, but they still reached the front of Mori no Daigo.

"caught you!"

The corner of Zoro's mouth with the words He Daoyi slightly grinned, the Snow Walk in his hand crossed the Third Generation Ghost, and the three knives slashed at the Mori Daigo in front of him at the same time.

The shadow of the sword flashed, but it didn't cut Yang's body.

That seemingly fat body, but always rubbed the tip of Zoro's knife to avoid it.

Just when Zoro wanted to continue cutting, a strong sense of crisis came to his heart.

Instinctively, Zoro twisted his foot, dodging the hand of Mori's Daigo that patted his waist at some point.