
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Going To The Island Of God

"By the way… are we going to the Island of God in such a small boat?"

At dawn the next day, Luffy and the others set off.

We rented a boat from the coast of Kauai Street, and after Conis pointed out the direction, we set off towards the Island of God.

However, the boats that can be rented are a bit small. If you rent two boats, it will be easy to disperse if you encounter an emergency.

So Luffy decided to keep some of them at Conis' house.

Don't worry about them being attacked by Enel.

From what I've heard from Ganfur earlier, Enel should only drop lightning strikes on those who offend him or cause damage.

Although I can't be completely relieved, if I let them stay in a crowded place, I think Enel won't attack the crowd at will before they are ready to leave.

Those who remained were Usopp, Chopper, Mikita and Marianu.

Usopp "597" and Chopper one need to study the horn of the unicorn lion, and the other needs to study the sky island shell.

Rather than follow Luffy and the others to find Enel, it makes more sense to stay and finish the research as soon as possible.

Fighting with Enel et al, the current sea of ​​Usopp and Chopper can't help much.

As for growth without fighting, Luffy felt that it only made sense to fight with people who were evenly matched.

Otherwise, being crushed by the opponent will have no effect other than hitting yourself.

The battles that follow must be completed after Chopper's research is completed and Marianu's abilities are developed.

And Marianu's words, although the ability is good, but a little girl or something, Luffy does not need her to fight the enemy head-on.

As for Mikita, it's purely there just in case.

After all, people who have been secret agents can also have some countermeasures in the face of some emergencies.

After all, there may still be other pirates in this Sky Island.

As for Nami, Luffy didn't think she would agree to let her stay at Conis' house even if she offered to.

One is the attraction of gold, and the other is that Angel Island is no safer than being with Luffy.

In Robin's words, Luffy had already told her last night that there was a historical text on the island of the gods, and she naturally wanted to follow.

"Although it is true that it is not as comfortable to sit on the Merry, if you drive the Merry to the past, you may be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Luffy paused, then continued:

"You have also seen the attack range of the thunder pillar before. That kind of power is just an attack by the opponent."

"Is it so strong with a single blow?"

Luffy didn't tell them these things yesterday, is it too late to go back now?

Gal-Tino secretly complained, but he just thought about it, if he really went back, he would be laughed to death by the woman Mikita.

Although he is a former colleague, the Baroque Workplace is not a place to talk about human feelings.

In addition to being a partner, the relationship may be good, other people are competitors, and the relationship can only be a ghost.

If you are caught by the other party and run away before you start fighting, you will definitely be laughed at to death by the other party.

After all, he didn't ridicule the other party that he was petrified at the beginning.

"Wait, what is that?"

Although the rented boat is small, the speed is not slow. After all, it is a shell boat with Sky Island shells installed, and it does not only rely on the wind to drive.

Before long, the boat entered a narrow river, surrounded by lush woods.

And it was when the ship was coming in, a sound of breaking the air came from a distance.

Everyone's eyes were quickly drawn to the thing holding the rope.

"It's an axe. We've just entered the island of God, right? Have you already set up a trap?"

Although it was a high-speed axe, but the cowardly duo were not there, naturally there would be no screaming.

Several people on the boat looked at the axe swaying from the air with unusual calmness. With this level of attack, Gal-Tino's Candle Wall was completely able to block it.

Without Luffy's explanation, when the axe was about to chop over, Gal-Tino waved his right hand, and the liquid candle flew out quickly, and then solidified into a wall of candles to block the axe's path.

I have to say that Mr.3's Wax-Wax Fruit has been developed very well by him in terms of hardness.

If Armament Haki can be attached, even a high temperature attack should be able to block a large part of it.


The sound of the axe colliding with the candle wall sounded.

However, even the axe, which was slashed by strong kinetic energy inertia, could not split the candle wall made by Gal-Tino…

"When you sail in the future, you may be able to use the ability of Wax-Wax Fruit to attach a layer of candles to the Merry, so that even if it bumps, you don't have to worry about the Merry being damaged.

Even if you change the boat made by Baoshu Adam in the future, you can do this.

Hearing Luffy's words, Gal-Tino's eyes twitched, and he always felt that this was the real reason why Luffy kept himself on the boat.

"Don't rush to relax, another axe is coming."

Luffy pursed his lips in the other direction, motioning for Gal-Tino to continue his work.

After the two attacks, no new traps appeared on either side of the shore.

Those who want to set up traps also know that those who can escape the two axes, even if there are similar traps, it will not work.

And people who can't escape, naturally there is no need to meet.

However, although there are no traps, there are quite a few sea beasts blocking the road, mainly shark-like things.

But they were both split by Zoro with two knives.

It didn't take long for the boat to reach a certain entrance.

There are four caves at the entrance, which should be four different fork roads. The words "ball", "swamp", "iron" and "rope" are written on the entrance of the cave.

Corresponds to the four trials of the four priests mentioned by Conis and Paigea.

"So, which one do we choose?

Although whichever one chooses is not a threat to Luffy, if it is suitable, Lu 0.4 Fei will choose to let Sanji and the others do it.

Unlike Usopp Chopper and the others, Sanji and Gal-Tino were the right choice to match the strength of these priests.

As for Zoro, it is the existence of the swept array.

Luffy is responsible for protecting Nami and Robin, and even Robin can help Sanji and Gal-Tino.

Sanji and Gal-Tino don't have to be 1v1.

"You are the captain, you have the final say.

Everyone has no opinion on Sanji's words. Since this is the case, Luffy has no entanglement and chose the same "Trial of the Ball" as the original book.


Isn't that a perfect place to practice Observation Haki with those swarming clouds of balls everywhere?

With the talents of Sanji and Zoro, it is entirely possible to awaken Observation Haki in such an environment.

As for Gal-Tino, just leave it to your fate!