
Sadist’s Slave Luna

Anastazie is an 18 year old innocent teenager who just wants to find her loving mate and escape the bullies at school. But when she learns her mate is Thorn, a cruel alpha. Will he live up to her expectations or be her worst nightmare.

Jeorgeana_Rose · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The contract was full of absurd material of a sexual nature. This is not love, this is blasphemy. Is he freaking mental? I let out a raging sigh and put my face in my hands. I rubbed my temple and took deep breaths trying to calm both my nerves and my internal rage. I was pacing trying to wrap my head around the contract I just read. I looked at the clock on the wall, 2 A.M. I need to see him, he needs to explain this. I walked out of the room and down the hall until I came upon the door to a room. I could hear him rustling around in the room. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Thor-" I stopped dead. He was sitting on a leather seat with no back. He looked up and smirked, "I wondered when you'd come begging for more." He stood up and was in front of me in an instant. He stroked along my jaw bone "all you need is ask Stazie." his voice was husky and full of need. My body acted on its own and stepped closer to him. His fingers hooked under my chin to make me look at him, he leaned in and stopped just shy of my lips. A needy whimper escaped my lips, my body ached for him. What are you thinking, Stazie? Get it together!

You can't help it, it will only get worse, you will start to crave him. You'll need to feel him inside of you, will start burning deeper and deeper. Iris snapped out clearly annoyed. I hate when she is right. "Have you signed the contract Stazie, did it turn you on so much that you decided to start today?" He questioned me, pulling me from my internal argument.

"No, why do you need a contract? Didn't you already say I belonged to you? So why do I have to sign a demeaning document? What would you gain?" I had a million questions forming in my mind.

"You. as my submissive." He wanted my total submission? I'm supposed to be his equal as his luna, not his play thing. "What kind of Luna would that make me?" I wondered out loud in a whisper, afraid to know the answer.

He snickered deeply "Wait, you thought just because you were my mate that you would gain the title Luna?" He shook his head in amusement and tsked. "Oh, poor Stazie, you thought so wrong. I have a luna, she's strong and fierce. She's an alpha in her own right, her mate died and she found me and we mated. You're just my amusement, here to fill the desires she can not. You're to be rejected as my mate, but will remain my property through the contract."

My heart burned with heartache and pain, how could he do this, and how had i missed that in the contract when i read through it. "I won't sign it." I stood up for myself. "You will on your own accord or I will use the Alpha tone to make you." His voice was stern and made my blood run cold. I pushed him off of me. "Fuck you!" I shouted. He slammed me against the wall, gripping my throat enough to cut off blood circulation, "Do NOT push me Anastazie." He growled through clenched teeth, trying not to lose his control. I fought him momentarily trying to pry his hand from my throat but it was useless. When had my life gone so wrong? I felt my wolf retreating further away from me in betrayal and hurt of what was to come, the rejection. I wasn't sure if she was ever going to talk to me again after that. A tear fell from my eye at the realization, and my body went limp. "I'll sign it." I struggled out. He let go causing me to fall to the floor. I felt so empty at this point.

Weeks had passed since I signed the contract and I was exhausted sexually. He was training me to be the "perfect slave" as he put it. I learned mannerisms, such as bowing, kneeling, and how to properly respond. He has removed every ounce of character from my body, I tried to fight it but the punishment for that left me bruised and battered. I fucking hated Thorn, what kind of mate was he to do this to me. Iris refused to talk to me, she had retreated back to the deepest darkest parts of my mind, I doubt I'd ever get to be in my wolf form.


I signed the document and pushed it to him, "There are you happy" I spat. The anger flashed across his eyes and he had me against the wall. He lowered his head and chuckled evilly "Oh Stazie, I will break you of that attitude towards me." He bent me over a table and quickly shackled my arms and legs. What was this? No way! He grabbed a riding crop, came over and pulled my pants down. He slowly circled the crop on my ass, I closed my eyes knowing the pain that was going to come was imminent. He chuckled at how tense my body came. "You know," he said matter of factly, "tensing only makes it worse for you. Poor innocence Staz," he giggled deeply. I hate this bastard so much, he Has yet to reject me. In the middle of my thoughts the pain seared across my behind. I yelped out, my eyes watered. Why did it have to be me? "Count for me Staz" He demanded. This continued for a good while, at the end all that fell were silent tears, I couldn't even feel my lower half. He unshackled my legs, then my arms, I fell crippled in the floor. I just know my backside was bruised and bleeding. " Get up!" He growled.

I tried but my arms were shaking so bad they wouldn't hold my weight. After many failed attempts he grabbed me off the floor like a ragdoll. And threw me on the bed. My yelp was strained and barely audible. I was going to die here. "Anastazie you aren't going to die, you were just punished for being disrespectful. The faster you learn and submit, the faster this can be enjoyable." I felt every part of me screaming no, but my body submitted completely, I was a shell. He entered me, it hurt terribly and he didn't take his time; he thrusted hard and fast. It felt as if I'd break. I felt the wave building again, he crashed into me hard, he climaxed at the same time I did. He growled and bit into me at the same time fully marking me. But this Mark was different this one was of a sex slave. The silent tears fell once more. He retracted his teeth and grinned at his handy work. My cruel alpha, who made me a slave instead of a Luna. He pulled out of me, and went to shower. I laid there debating how my life went so wrong and became this way.

He returned after his shower, he came into the room with a collar and chain. He put the collar on me and told me to kneel. I complied, my willpower was broken. "Anastazie Lyra Micheals, I Thorn D'Klavarik reject you as a mate and accept you as my sworn Slave." The silent tears fell as I felt the sharp pain of the mate bond removed and the burning sensation above my left breast of a half moon, meaning I'm now a pleasure slave.

~end of flashback~

It's been months since the ordeal where he made me the perfect slave. I was there to be used however he chose. Tonight he was throwing a bachelor party for one of his buddies.

And the main attraction, me, his perfect slave.

I'm to be used by any man who wants to screw around in ways he would never with his mate.

I was in my room naked kneeling with my collar on waiting to be summoned to be used. The beta had come for me, he enjoyed using me as much as Thorn did. I walked behind him head bowed in both submission and shame. "Listen Slut, you best be on your best behavior, Thorns past punishments will be nothing compare to if you fuck this up, do you understand me whore." "Yes sir, I do."

His smirk disgusted me as he led me into the room that was still empty except Thorn and his Luna. the beta lead me to Thorn handing my leash to him causing me to bow and say "Good evening Master." exposing my rear goods in which his beta took the opportunity to shove a buttplug in with no lube. I gritted my teeth so I didn't cry out. Thorn pulled on the leash bringing me down to kneel next to him. The night's partiers had already started to fill the room. I stared forward with no expression, even though the shame was running through my head. A familiar face entered, Emilio….shit. I couldn't look down to hide who I was because the punishment for doing that many times taught me it wasn't worth it.

"Alpha, Luna." Emilios voice rang. Our eyes met and the realization hit him. "AH! Alpha Emilio so glad you could make it, sorry to hear about your parents unfortunate demise." Thorn said with not a hint of empathy in his voice. The cold bastard. "Staz is that you?" Emilio questioned. I didn't answer and I wasn't allowed to. "She's such a good whore, not even breaking character for a familiar face." Luna mused. "You should try her out Alpha Emilio, I've heard shes a great fuck, everything is on the table."

"I rather not fuck someone who's been whored out completely to other men, but I got to know why accept her as a mate if you were just going to reject her and mark her as a whore?" Emilio questioned. I have to say hearing the first part of his phrase hurt me. "Stand" Thorn demanded, I complied with a "Yes Master." He smacked me on the behind and gave me the order to go tend to the guest as they see fit."


I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Anastazie kneeling by Alpha Thorn completely naked and chained like a dog. The mark of a half moon on her. Wait, NO! Thorn rejected her and marked her as a whore. How could he do that to his destined mate? But that means the rumor buzzing around the pack was true, no telling how many guys she'd be used by. Every Alpha is always bringing her up and how they destroyed her many holes over and over and she loved it. I thought they were just sick twisted fantasy or dreams not real life scenarios. The shit I've heard is sickening and insane, her being part of BDSM fantasies, gangbangs, and other such sexual matters.

I walked up to their thrones "Alpha, luna" I acknowledged them. I met her eyes and I momentarily saw the recognition in her eyes but it was gone before I could be sure. She was a shell of a person, very little emotion was shown. "AH! Alpha Emilio so glad you could make it, sorry to hear about your parents unfortunate demise" Alpha Thorn said obviously not sympathy whatsoever. "Staz is that you? I questioned the chained girl. She didn't answer or even seem to notice I've asked her a question. "She's such a good whore, not even breaking character for a familiar face." Luna mused. "You should try her out Alpha Emilio, I've heard shes a great fuck, everything is on the table." This "luna" was no luna she was cruel and crude. How could he pick this fake woman over his destined Luna.

"I rather not fuck someone who's been whored out completely to other men, but I got to know why accept her as a mate if you were just going to reject her and mark her as a whore?" I slightly notice the tidbit of pain in her eyes before she masks it again. I'm sorry staz, but I don't want to take advantage of you, I'm not that kind of guy. "Stand" Thorn demanded and she complied while calling him master and he ordered her to go tend to the guest which was code for go be a good whore and let my guest use your holes. That's honestly the sickest and twisted fate to give your mate. "Alpha Thorn, may we have a word."

"Of course, my love, can you keep an eye on our whore and make sure she behaves? I'd hate to punish her more." He said to his wife and she beamed a sick smile as to say yes. No doubt she would claim Staz was bad just to get her punished, she's more sadistic than Thorn is.

He led me into a private chamber and shut the doors.

"Whiskey Alpha Emilio?" he asked as he poured himself a drink. I politely declined, this next part wasn't going to be polite though. Alpha Thorn finished pouring himself a drink and sat across from me. "Now, on to business, how can I help you Alpha Emilio?"

I sighed, this should be interesting "I want Anastazie back."

He hummed "Sorry Alpha I can't do that, she's my property, mine to do with as I please."

I scoffed, "She was your mate, how can you mark her as yours then force a slave mark onto her?"

"Easy really, I was already happily married to my luna." he stated.

"She isnt your MATE." I said angrily.

"No, but she's an Alpha by birthright and that makes her more formidable than my whore." He said cooly with a coi smirk on his face. What I would do to smack it off his face. He doesn't deserve someone as beautiful and strong as Anastazie.

"Alpha Thorn, just let her go to be my beta, she doesn't deserve this."

He laughed coldly "It took months of training and punishments to break her firely soul, she is of no use but a fuck now, none of the other Alpha's have a problem with it besides you."

"She's an old friend." I stated dryly. Which wasn't true, I was cold and toyed with staz but the truth was i loved her all my life, i was disappointed when i saw she was mated to thorn the same asshole who made her a whore.

"Ah, I'll let you have some time with her alone, but don't make her disobedient with false hope, I punish rather roughly. " he warned.

"Fine, bring her to my quarters tonight, wash her up and actually put clothes on her."

He chuckled "Whores don't have clothes so she'll be naked with her collar, which isn't to be removed."

"Fine." I said and stormed out.


Emilio had left with Thorn, which distracted me with intrigue, I hoped he wouldn't tell my parents what Thorn had made me. A whore.

"Hey Whore, suck my dick."

"Yes sir" I stated with my head down out of respect. I kneeled in front of him, taking his putrid dick into my mouth. I started out slow and he got tired of that because he pushed my head forward pushing his dick to the back of my throat. He then started fucking my mouth in hard rough rthyms. He pulled me up from his cock and bent me over, sliding into me. He pounded in and out, finally releasing his seed. Then, the next guy slid into me repeating what this guy did. I fucked at least 20 guys by the time I was done. They had already left, leaving me sore and my heart more shattered. Each time I was fucked like this my soul would shatter more and more. Iris refused to even acknowledge me anymore, which made the pain even more unbearable. But I was a stoic in all expression on the outside except my fake looks of pleasure beat into me. The only man who got a genuine reaction from me is him. I fucking hate him for it too, he didn't deserve my reaction.

"WHOREEE" His voice yelled.

I froze then resumed the position of submission. He stormed in, grabbing my jaw to make me look at him. The fear in my eyes was evident. What did I do wrong? I went through the night's events trying to pinpoint what I did wrong. "You whore seem to have friends, did you slip a letter out begging to be saved?" he accused. "N-No-o M-Mast-ter." I grunted through his grip on my jaw. He pushed me back and stood up straight. "Assume the position. NOW" he demanded and unbuckled his belt. I swallowed hard and bent over the couch seat. "COUNT Whore."

"Yes Master." I trembled.

The belt swang through the air and striked my behind leaving a red mark "1" I gritted out.

Again "2"

This went on for a while. "25" I screamed out panting. I'm sure the bruises were there. "Go get cleaned up whore."

"Yes master." I stood and the pain was unbearable. I gritted my teeth so I didn't cry out. Thorn would add to the punishment if I cried out.

"Oh Whore," He waited. "Yes Master?" nodding my head in submission. "You are to be in room #34 in an hour to be used as they see fit." "Yes Master." I turned to walk away, I winced and silently cried in the shower. I was finished 30 minutes later, and left my room for my quest to be used once again. Room 32, Room 33, Room 34, I paused and then knocked. The door opened and I gasped. EMILIO. NO! He grabbed my arm and pulled me in the room gently. I immediately kneeled, and begged forgiveness for my out of line reaction. "Im sorry sir, please forgive me." Emilio knelt down next to me and lifted my head gently. "Staz, baby, how did you get yourself in this mess, Come here baby" He opened his arms and I hesitated at first but he looked so comforting, and I haven't had that in so long. He held me close and for the first time I cried out everything I had to hold and hide. He held me for a long time stroking my hair telling me everything would be okay. It was the first time in a long time I had felt like myself, and got some hope back, before I had none I was just a shell of a person. Sadly this warm loving embrace was coming to an end and I had to get back. I looked up at Emilio and smiled slightly. "Emilio, I have to go, I can't stay and you can't come back here, you give me to much hope, hope that will just get me hurt." Emilio looked hurt for a second but understanding soon came over his face. "I won't stop fighting for you Staz." He stated. "Oh and please don't tell anyone, I don't want them to hurt knowing I'm living like this. Lie to them for me Emilio." He smiled sincerely "I won't Staz, but I will try to save you." He kissed my forehead before I left his room.