
Sadist’s Slave Luna

Anastazie is an 18 year old innocent teenager who just wants to find her loving mate and escape the bullies at school. But when she learns her mate is Thorn, a cruel alpha. Will he live up to her expectations or be her worst nightmare.

Jeorgeana_Rose · Fantasy
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7 Chs

2 Hell Bound

There was a beautiful woman standing next to someone that looked a lot like Thorn. When She turned around I gasped so loud I'm sure they heard me. She smiled knowingly but Thorn2 didn't seem to notice. She looked exactly like me except her air was black and not silver like mine. Thorn2 said something I couldn't exactly make out and left. She walked closer to me emitting balance and grace as she did. "Listen to me child, you can't run from him no matter how much you wish to. Accept your fate now, and save yourself from the pain you will feel later. She started to fade. "Wait….What's that…'' She was already gone.

A loud noise made me jump from my sleep with a start. Was it a dream or a vision? I looked around the dark unfamiliar room. My gazed stopped on golden-orange eyes that seemed to glow staring at me. I pulled the cover closer to me for a sense of security. All that shit in the past years about your mate being loving and protective was bullshit. Thorn was possessive, he marked me without my consent. The tears started to fall at the thought of the betrayal. HOW COULD HE. "I can do with you as I please pup, you are mine, you are for my pleasure." He growled from the corner. He rose and walked over to the edge of the bed and climbed over me until he was on top of my trembling body. He smirked, "Such innocence, makes you taste, " He paused for a second thinking of the proper term "remarkable." He bit his lip making me melt just slightly. Damn this stupid ass mate bond my wolf interjected into my mind with disaste for Thorn. He lowered his head to my neck, just his breath made me shudder and moan slightly. NO! What are you thinking, Stazie? Iris on the other hand was fighting me to get free. Just accept it and quit fighting you prude she whined at me, she clawed wanting to get out her mate. Well so much for that hatred she felt seconds ago, I internally rolled my eyes at my heat ran wolf.

His eyes darkened and filled with lust, he nipped my neck causing my body to arch and react to his. His hand slipped down to my panties and rubbed me there, I moaned louder and moved my hips against his hand. WAIT WHAT? Stazie stop! He chuckled deeply as if he heard my inner battle with myself. "Do you really want me to stop Stazie?" He sipped a finger inside of me and circled his thumb on my clit. A louder moan I tried to bite back escaped my mouth. What is he doing to me? I don't want this yet. "Aw Stazie," He mocked "your body speaks differently. Why deny what you really want deep down." He added another finger and started going faster. The wave of pleasure was crashing against the shore more violently now, if he doesn't stop I'm going to burst.. Just as I got close exploding, he stopped. I was almost there. Why would he do that? A whimpered escaped my mouth. "Good girls don't cum without permission." He cooed with a cold smile.

He pulled back and walked out of the room. Stopping at the door momentarily to turn back with a smirk. "I will fully mate you once you're begging me too." He chuckled darkly and left. Only then I realized I was in my bra and panties. How did I get into this? Thorn you dirty bastard. I heard my phone buzzing then. Chloe <3. I answered.


OH Stazie are you okay?

My silence was followed by tears. I sniffled.

Ch-Chloe-H-He-m-m-ma-marked me, I sputtered out.

Stazie, i'm so sorry darling, who knew the moon goddess would pair you with someone so cruel. What he did is unforgivable among our kind but no one will say anything because they fear him. Though Emilio didn't hold back that fight was insane.


Yah, Staz, did you and him secretly have a thing going on?

NO! I don't know why he had any interest in me.

OHHH, hmmm

I know Chloe, it's okay, i'll be okay.

Stazie ...call me anytime you need okay?

Okay. Tell mom and dad I love them please?

I will Staz, I love you to baby sis.

I love you more chlo, i gotta go, bye

Bye, staz, stay safe.

The line gave an ending dial from her hanging up. I ended the call on my end, wiped my tears and got up to take a shower. I let the warm water hit me as I got lost in my thoughts. I hadn't realized that someone had entered the room. "You're exquisite." I yelped in surprise at the deep familiar voice that entered the room. I locked eyes with Thorn, he smiled, making my knees feel weak. What the hell is wrong with me? Your mate bond to him is making you love him no matter how much you fight it Iris mused. I'm glad you think this amusing. I snapped back at her. She internally rolled her eyes at me. Just accept that fact that he's attractive and your mate, I might be a little angry at the way he marked us but I've let it go because he's our mate, maybe it's time you do the same Staz. She spoke suggestively. I was so wrapped up in my hurt from his marking without permission that I had totally forgotten that the marking process also hurt her deeply.

Thorn cleared his throat pulling me out of my internal conversation with Iris. I had totally forgotten that he was there and staring at my naked body. I blushed in embarrassment. "Stazie don't be embarrassed, your gorgeous and your smell is sooo…" he paused looking for the right word, "Intoxicating." I removed myself from the shower trying to hide my body from him while I grabbed the towel. I wrapped myself in the towel and stared at him. "Come stazie we have to have a talk." He turned to leave but I stopped him with a question. "I don't have any clothes here, i don't want to be naked." He scoffed amusedly. Such an asshole. "Stazie there are clothes for you, you were out for 18 hours so Chester went and got you clothes. Your sister Chloe was really helpful" I walked to the closet to see he was indeed telling the truth. I slammed the closet sliding door shut, he doesn't deserve to see my body more than he already has. I dress in high-waisted skinny jeans and a-frame lace top. I opened the door and stepped out. "Fiesty one are we?" he questioned, mocking me.

"I am not very submissive if that's what you are getting at." I snapped back.

"Yet." he clicked his tongue.

This sadistic asshole, how dare he mark me without permission and then not even be loving towards me. Why would the Moon Goddess pair me with this heartless man.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I watched him cautiously, not knowing his intentions. He smirked, the lust in his eyes more evident now. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. He stood up from the bed, and I flinched backing away a little. His smirk ran cold and amused at my reaction. "You want me, yet, you still fight your deepest desires." his tone mocking again. "SIT" he ordered me with his Alpha tone. How dare he. I narrowed my eyes at him trying to fight the demand but it didn't last long until my body did as commanded. I sat near him, still fuming over the Alpha command. I looked at him, his face firm but now soft.

"I have very. Peculiar tastes." He pulled out a folder and handed it to me. "What is this?" I asked haphazardly. "A binding contract to me and my needs." he said sternly. My blood boiled "Does the mating bond not already give you full control over my body and being?" I growled. "Don't growl at me staz, I will punish you." He barked full rage, as fast as his rage started it dissolved. I opened the folder, inside a contract but not just any contract. Is this man for real right now, my mouth went up and down like a fish out of water trying to breath.

"Are you serious Thorn? What the fuck?"

"Watch your tone with me Stazie." the silent rage all over his face but not in his voice.

"I-I-I need time...t-to p-process this and read over it before I walk in blindly after signing." I stuttered.

Has this man lost his damn mind. He expects me to become submissive, a betas daughter who has more dominant features then submissive features to completely submit my soul, mind and body to him. He left the room and returned with a laptop, "You need this to research some of the topics and words." I took it from him gingerly mumbling thanks. "I'll be down the hall if you wish to discuss any of the contracts." I nodded to his statement and he left giving me time to breath.

I paced back and forth afraid to see what all the contracts pertained. I mumbled to myself every so often about him being an asshole, or a dick. He wants me a virgin who has never done anything with a man to allow my first time to be a BDSM fantasy for him. I need fresh air, I slipped on my heeled boots and walked downstairs and outside. I breathed in the fresh air, calming my nerves completely. I walked into the rose garden, taking in the smell of roses and the sounds of the animals. There was a beautiful koi pond nearby with a small bridge over it. I walked over it stopping in the middle to sit down. My legs dangled off as I put my face on my arms to watch the Koi, the feeling of peace engulfed me. I was there for hours just watching the beautiful Koi swim around without a care in the world. I felt an intense gaze on me but no one was outside. I looked up to the second story to see Thorn staring down on me. I guess I'm never free of him no matter where I go. Do you really want to be rid of him though? Iris questioned. Deep down i knew without him my heart would feel immense pain and hurt if i lost him. If he decided to reject me, my heart quenced at the thought of rejection. Would he reject me if I refused to comply with the contract? I heard stories that rejected mates are sold to vampires and used as blood bags or whored out. I shaked the thoughts from my head. Focus! I returned to my room and opened the laptop and folder. Here goes nothing.