
Sadist’s Slave Luna

Anastazie is an 18 year old innocent teenager who just wants to find her loving mate and escape the bullies at school. But when she learns her mate is Thorn, a cruel alpha. Will he live up to her expectations or be her worst nightmare.

Jeorgeana_Rose · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I walked down the hallway with my head slightly down to show respect. When I heard heels clicking. I didn't even have to look up I smelled her perfume mixed with his musk. It made me sick that he chose her over me.

"Ohhh your in trouble now." The fake Luna's tongue clicked and she chuckled. I didn't break from my respectful eye level. She continued down the hall I'm sure there was sadist smile on her face. What did she blame on me now? I continued to walk quickly back to my room to avoid anything and anyone else. People around here liked to see me get punished they got off on it. I took a shower and was toweling off when I heard the door to my room open. I stepped out of my bathroom to see Thorn standing there looking furious. "Kneel NOW!" He commanded. I obeyed getting into the position that he taught me. Eyes down, knees spread apart with hands on my legs. "What did you and Emilio do?" He questioned. I swallowed hard knowing that if I lied and he figured it out my punishment would be more severe.

"H-he...held-d m-me-e" I croaked out. And closed my eyes preparing for the pain that was surely to come but it didn't. Thorn bent down and grabbed my face roughly forcing me to look at him

"Do you love him?" He asked. I stared back at him and swallowed unsure if I even knew the answer to that. After what seemed like a long deafening silence I said on simple word. "No" and a hard smack across my face that burned. And my eyes watered and I for the first time looked up at Thorn confused as he started pacing with anger.

"I fucking knew he would ruin all the work I instilled." He grabbed me dragging me from the room and down the hall toward a door I never wanted to see again. I started fighting trying to grab on to anything to keep me from going there. The carpet burned my skin leaving angry red marks on my legs and bottom. As he drug me to my doom. He opened the door and pulled me across the cold concrete and forced me to stand as he hooked silver chains to my wrists, ankles and middle. He laughed

"this will break you entirely" and a sadistic smile spread across his face. "Plea..see....don't." I begged him. The silver was already weakening me. He turned and walked out slamming the door behind him.

Consciousness came and went as the silver drained me and poisoned my blood stream. After days of not eating or drinking my lips were cracked and dry. The door opened making my eyes burn from the sudden light. Thorn entered and lifted my jaw with his knuckle in order to make me look at him. For a second I thought I saw remorse in his eyes but it was gone before I could be sure. He dropped my face and unshackled me, thank Goddess I thought it was over. Oh did I speak to soon. He stood me up and reshackled me facing the wall. I felt my body involuntarily shaking as fear rose. I knew what was coming next and I was so scared. Then the pain seared through my back. I cry out as the pain runs throughout my body.

"Count." Thorn commands.

"Yes S-sir..1" I whimper out through clenched teeth. He brings the whip across my back once again.

"2.Sir" I grip the chains even though they were burning my hands from the silver that they were encased in. I was praying this will be over soon.

Several whips later he was panting along with me except mine were pants of pain and his were of tiredness.

"9 Sir." I scream feeling the liquid spray and drip down and from my back.

"10 Sir." I scream as my legs collapse from under me my body weak from the silver, blood loss and pain.

He walked close and leans down to my ear and whispers cruelly " You belong to me, I own you and you will not be saved. Do you understand me." I nodded weakly feeling all my hope leave my body.

"Good" he states and leaves me once again in the dark.

Those next few hours I loomed in and out of consciousness, the pain in my back hurt only when I moved other than that it was numb as my soul was. I closed my eyes for what seemed like seconds.


A young girl and a buff guard open the door to this terrible prison. They entered saying nothing to me. The young girl starts undoing the shackles and chains on my body. The guard caught me gently as he could as my body gave out careful to not further injure me. They walked with me in their arms back to my room where the girl gently bathed me and cleans my deep brutal wounds. During this time I learned her name is Nina and she is 15. She's also a betas daughter and is very sweet and caring she tells me about her and her family until I fell asleep.

My slumber was filled with Thorns deafening sadistic laugh and pain as I replayed what was done to me over and over. Cold sweat encased my body along with the shakes. I didn't want to live this nightmare anymore. Unlike during the moment he whipped me, I screamed and pleaded for him to not hurt me. Something that I knew better than to ever do. Thorn punished harder if I begged or cried. The rest of the night was filled with me being tormented by my dreams and his haunting words about me never escaping filling my ears.

I wake in the morning to find Nina opening the door of my room with food for me. Along with water and orange juice. She's so sweet. She helps me eat and drink. I guess 5 days without food and water can do a number on you. The next two weeks were spent resting and regaining my strength as well as making sure my injures healed faster. Turns out Thorn used a whip laced with silver so it slowed down the healing process and made it more painful. Thorn didn't visit me at all during this time which was nice, he was cruel and I wanted nothing to do with him. Nina told me quietly that she didn't agree with what Thorn was doing that actually a lot of the pack didn't. She said she knew I was his mate, so they did know, and he should have never passed me up for the woman who holds the title as Luna now or marked me as a slave. So I have the pack on my side so maybe I could make it out of here. But, I knew whatever plan I came up with had to e a good one and I had to make sure not to implement anyone because I'm sure he'd punish them or worse kill them for helping me leave here. I sighed filled with conflict and sadness.