
Sabina Saves the Future

Being reborn in the 21st century, Sabina must stop the apocalypse from happening in the 29th century. Sabina Saves the Future is a trilogy of novellas, following the adventurous and supernaturally gifted Sabina Hines, as she travels the world and uncovers various nefarious conspiracies. Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail Sabina is a gifted 18-year-old girl living in Sydney, in the year 2037. She carries a unique secret. Sabina used to be the Chosen One, but she failed to stop the apocalypse from occurring in the year 2887. As she died, she asked The True Maker to let her be reborn in 2019 and to keep her powers. After narrowly escaping being raped by the spoiled brat Joshua Harkins, Sabina has an epiphany: That it is time for her to set out on her mission to find the Primordial Zeto Crystal, also known as the Holy Grail. Sabina's quest takes her to Jerusalem where evil men are after the Holy Grail for their own nefarious purposes. Facing the conspirators, Sabina sets out on a dangerous quest to find and purify the magical artefact, and to stop it from falling into the wrong hands. But stopping evil is not an easy task, and what sacrifices must Sabina make to reach her goal. Will Sabina be able to retain her innocence throughout the ordeal? Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal Having secured the Zeto Crystal, Sabina must choose between love and duty. Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal takes place straight after the ending of Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail. Mentally and physically scarred from her ordeal in Israel, Sabina finds solace in the handsome and empathetic Alexander O’Neill, and she experiences romantic love for the first time. With the Zeto Crystal de-energised Sabina focuses on her relationship with Alex and raising funds for charity. Life is good for Sabina until one day when a new enemy emerges, which forces her to go to Mexico on the brink of civil war and face the difficult choice between love and duty. Sabina’s Expedition to Stop the Apocalypse After many ordeals, Sabina faces her nemesis, Rangda. But will Sabina overcome the evil that she tries to stop? Having survived the civil war in Mexico, and having stopped Pierre Beaumont’s evil scheme, Sabina and Alex are recuperating in Hawaii. Peace doesn’t last for long though, as the mysterious Martin Al-Sham re-emerges. His associates kidnap Alex, to force Sabina to help Martin with a dangerous expedition. Martin reveals that he has found a way to re-energise the Zeto Crystal, and that he needs Sabina to fulfil her destiny. Together they travel to Kiribati. First, they must scale an active volcano, before Sabina can swim down to the Sunken Pyramid of Kiribati, where the portal to the Divine Dimension is located. Eventually, Sabina reaches Rangda, but will she be able to carry out her mission, or will she become the very evil that she tried to stop?

Martin_Lundqvist85 · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

Chapter 38: Finding a New Enemy.

A month later, we came back from our honeymoon. We had been island-hopping on the Pacific Ocean and pursued one of Alex's biggest passions, scuba diving. I also loved scuba diving, but it made me sad knowing that all the beautiful reefs of the 20th century had died off, due to global warming and plastic pollution.

Altogether It had been a wonderful trip; we were young, rich, and free, and we could do whatever we wanted, just the two of us. A part of me wanted this life to never end, and I could choose to live that way if I wanted to. But I felt that I had an obligation to the world. I wasn't reborn to live a hedonistic lifestyle with my incredibly handsome partner. I was reborn, so I could change the world for the better.

I opened the safe in my home office to inspect the Zeto Crystal. It didn't glow, and I wondered if it would ever be useful again. At the moment, it looked like a dull blue sapphire, albeit it was massive, the size of a tennis ball. Next to the Zeto Crystal, there was an old cell phone. I recognised it, but I couldn't remember putting it in the safe. It was the encrypted phone that I bought from the Dark Net that Simona had delivered to me, when I was in Israel, two and a half years earlier. For some reason, I felt compelled to start the phone, so I plugged it into a charger.

Initially, nothing happened. Suddenly, there was a loud beep and a message showed up on the phone. The message was from over two years ago and meant for Simona. She was part of the revolution on the dark web against the Mossad, called A Better World, written in Hebrew. I hesitated for a bit. Did I have the right to read the message intended for my dead friend?

But then again, why had I suddenly opened the phone several years later if I wasn't meant to read it? Unable to control my curiosity, I read the message. It read: "Simona, I am worried about you. I haven't been able to reach you for several weeks. Did the Mossad capture you? Anyways, I have found out who is funding the conspiracy within the Mossad. It's funded by the leader of the World Bank, Pierre Beaumont. I have attached all the proof on our Dark Net servers. Please contact me, I am worried about you. //Joanne"

This message confused me and filled me with so many puzzling questions. I wanted to see the proof for the Mossad conspiracy that Simona's friend was talking about. But I didn't know what encryption programs Simona had used, so finding the encrypted server on the Dark Net was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But what else could I do? I could contact Joanne, but how would she react? She must know that Simona was dead by now, so why would she trust me if I tried to contact her with Simona's phone several years later? And worst of all, what if the message was a trap set by the Mossad? They didn't know about my real identity, since Martin Al-Sham destroyed my files at Ben Yehuda's house. Sending this message could be their way to lure me out.

I turned off Simona's encrypted phone and put it back in the safe. I needed to act, but what could I do? I decided to do some research on the World Bank on my own. Initially, I got a lot of positive reactions. I expected this to be the case for a large organisation like the World Bank. Such an organisation could pay Google and other search engines for Search Engine Optimisation and make sure to censor opinions about them. I had done the same for Building a Better World Pty Ltd.

I realised that I had to dig deeper. I found out that most of the countries that the World Bank 'helped' ended up worse off, with the ownership of their natural resources transferred to various shady organisations.

While this didn't prove anything, as the World Bank perhaps operated under misguided humanitarian acts, I realised that they didn't improve the world. But should I go after them or were there bigger fish to fry? I did an online search on Pierre Beaumont, and I realised that he was visiting Sydney for a global economic forum in the coming week. That kind of meeting was inaccessible to your average woman, but not for me. I was after all one of the wealthiest persons in Sydney after making billions on the stock market and other financial markets.

I accessed the Global Economic Forum website, and I bought VIP tickets for Alex and me to have lunch with Pierre Beaumont the following week.