
Sabina Saves the Future

Being reborn in the 21st century, Sabina must stop the apocalypse from happening in the 29th century. Sabina Saves the Future is a trilogy of novellas, following the adventurous and supernaturally gifted Sabina Hines, as she travels the world and uncovers various nefarious conspiracies. Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail Sabina is a gifted 18-year-old girl living in Sydney, in the year 2037. She carries a unique secret. Sabina used to be the Chosen One, but she failed to stop the apocalypse from occurring in the year 2887. As she died, she asked The True Maker to let her be reborn in 2019 and to keep her powers. After narrowly escaping being raped by the spoiled brat Joshua Harkins, Sabina has an epiphany: That it is time for her to set out on her mission to find the Primordial Zeto Crystal, also known as the Holy Grail. Sabina's quest takes her to Jerusalem where evil men are after the Holy Grail for their own nefarious purposes. Facing the conspirators, Sabina sets out on a dangerous quest to find and purify the magical artefact, and to stop it from falling into the wrong hands. But stopping evil is not an easy task, and what sacrifices must Sabina make to reach her goal. Will Sabina be able to retain her innocence throughout the ordeal? Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal Having secured the Zeto Crystal, Sabina must choose between love and duty. Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal takes place straight after the ending of Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail. Mentally and physically scarred from her ordeal in Israel, Sabina finds solace in the handsome and empathetic Alexander O’Neill, and she experiences romantic love for the first time. With the Zeto Crystal de-energised Sabina focuses on her relationship with Alex and raising funds for charity. Life is good for Sabina until one day when a new enemy emerges, which forces her to go to Mexico on the brink of civil war and face the difficult choice between love and duty. Sabina’s Expedition to Stop the Apocalypse After many ordeals, Sabina faces her nemesis, Rangda. But will Sabina overcome the evil that she tries to stop? Having survived the civil war in Mexico, and having stopped Pierre Beaumont’s evil scheme, Sabina and Alex are recuperating in Hawaii. Peace doesn’t last for long though, as the mysterious Martin Al-Sham re-emerges. His associates kidnap Alex, to force Sabina to help Martin with a dangerous expedition. Martin reveals that he has found a way to re-energise the Zeto Crystal, and that he needs Sabina to fulfil her destiny. Together they travel to Kiribati. First, they must scale an active volcano, before Sabina can swim down to the Sunken Pyramid of Kiribati, where the portal to the Divine Dimension is located. Eventually, Sabina reaches Rangda, but will she be able to carry out her mission, or will she become the very evil that she tried to stop?

Martin_Lundqvist85 · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

Chapter 37: A Beautiful Flowerless Wedding.

A few hours later, I was dressed up and prepared for my wedding. We had decided to have a non-religious wedding, as we prefer to keep things simple rather than religiously dogmatic. Sectarian behaviour had caused endless segregation, and conflicts throughout the history of humanity. Thus, we didn't want to involve any religious matter on our wedding day.

Besides, although I have long heard the True Maker inside my head, I had another reason for not marrying Alex under a Terran religion. The deity, who had rebirthed me, was the True Maker, the creator of the Universe. But no religion on Earth acknowledged the True Maker, so it didn't make sense to marry under any Terran religious beliefs.

We exchanged our wedding vows in front of 500 people at the beautiful and serene Lyne Park on a sunny March day. The sun reflected beautifully on the crystal-clear water of Sydney Harbour, and it was just the perfect temperature for a nice event. I wondered if the True Maker was looking over me to make my wedding memorable. I concluded that wasn't the case. The almighty creator of the Universe had better things to do than manipulating the weather for my enjoyment, or so I thought.

"I do," I replied to the marriage celebrant. Then I turned to Alex and kissed him.

As we walked around among scenic locations for the wedding photos, Alex turned to me and smiled. "You look stunning today," he said.

"I better; otherwise three hours of makeup and wearing this impractical white dress would be for nothing," I responded, and winked at Alex.

"I can't wait to help you take it off!" He responded cheekily, purring under his breath.

"That makes it two of us. But believe it or not, I have an even better present for you tonight!" I announced.

"Ah, do you perhaps have a twin sister?" Alex asked jokingly.

I gave Alex an angry stare, and he quickly backed down. "Just kidding, Boss!" he apologised, sporting a big silly grin on his face.

"Good. I wouldn't like sharing you with anyone else. But I will share your wedding present with the world. Let's go to the reception, it is starting soon." I replied.

The wedding reception went smoothly. The food and drink were all delectable, but unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy much of it, as I wanted to avoid going to the bathroom with my impractical dress. After the main course, we danced the wedding waltz, which we had practised a lot. Dancing was one of the better ways for a couple to stay fit together, while also building a closer bond.

After the wedding waltz, came the highlight of the wedding, which was the wonderful speeches. I had prepared the speeches to get media attention, and I had invited several reporters to my wedding. I had realised that revealing my plans to clean up the oceans on my wedding day would be unique and would give the topic a lot more attention than if I called in a separate press conference. I went up to the podium and spoke: "Dear friends and family. Thank you for attending our big day. First of all; this wasn't meant to be a flowerless wedding; we do apologise for it. Our florist had a minor accident and is now recovering in a hospital. I would appreciate if all of you can send her your best wishes on social media, whenever time suits." I looked at Alex, we looked at each other with a beautiful and warm gaze. I continued my speech and said, "To you, Alex, you are the love of my life. While I could spend the next 45 minutes talking about how much you mean to me, I want to show you, and everyone here, how much you mean to me. Behold, your wish comes true, I have organised for projects on the first step to cleaning up the oceans. May I introduce, Dr Tony Phillips, who will lead our ocean preservation projects."

As I finished speaking, Dr Tony Phillips walked in with a marine prototype built like a vacuum suction, packed with tentacles like underwater tubes. He gave a presentation on how the machines would slowly clean up the oceans, through sucking up plastic and rubbish, to protect marine life. After the performance, we drank and celebrated all night, before we finally took a limousine to the hotel suite we had reserved for the night.

As we got to our hotel room, Alex looked at me drunkenly and spoke. "Hey babe, you don't intend to use this dress again, do you?"

"No, of course not, I'm never going to get married again, you silly darling. Why do you ask?" I replied with a laugh and a quick pash.

"Because today is our special day. I feel like a young kid who just got his first bike. I want to tear the wrapping off my present," Alex replied cheekily while kissing me gently.

I nodded and smiled at Alex and said, "Go ahead, husband, enjoy your present."

"With pleasure, my beautiful wife," he replied.

After that, we had a long and passionate night. We rejoiced that the peer pressure of pleasing everybody on our wedding day was over, so we could enjoy each other's company without interruption!