
Sabina Saves the Future

Being reborn in the 21st century, Sabina must stop the apocalypse from happening in the 29th century. Sabina Saves the Future is a trilogy of novellas, following the adventurous and supernaturally gifted Sabina Hines, as she travels the world and uncovers various nefarious conspiracies. Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail Sabina is a gifted 18-year-old girl living in Sydney, in the year 2037. She carries a unique secret. Sabina used to be the Chosen One, but she failed to stop the apocalypse from occurring in the year 2887. As she died, she asked The True Maker to let her be reborn in 2019 and to keep her powers. After narrowly escaping being raped by the spoiled brat Joshua Harkins, Sabina has an epiphany: That it is time for her to set out on her mission to find the Primordial Zeto Crystal, also known as the Holy Grail. Sabina's quest takes her to Jerusalem where evil men are after the Holy Grail for their own nefarious purposes. Facing the conspirators, Sabina sets out on a dangerous quest to find and purify the magical artefact, and to stop it from falling into the wrong hands. But stopping evil is not an easy task, and what sacrifices must Sabina make to reach her goal. Will Sabina be able to retain her innocence throughout the ordeal? Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal Having secured the Zeto Crystal, Sabina must choose between love and duty. Sabina’s Quest to Open the Portal takes place straight after the ending of Sabina’s Pursuit of the Holy Grail. Mentally and physically scarred from her ordeal in Israel, Sabina finds solace in the handsome and empathetic Alexander O’Neill, and she experiences romantic love for the first time. With the Zeto Crystal de-energised Sabina focuses on her relationship with Alex and raising funds for charity. Life is good for Sabina until one day when a new enemy emerges, which forces her to go to Mexico on the brink of civil war and face the difficult choice between love and duty. Sabina’s Expedition to Stop the Apocalypse After many ordeals, Sabina faces her nemesis, Rangda. But will Sabina overcome the evil that she tries to stop? Having survived the civil war in Mexico, and having stopped Pierre Beaumont’s evil scheme, Sabina and Alex are recuperating in Hawaii. Peace doesn’t last for long though, as the mysterious Martin Al-Sham re-emerges. His associates kidnap Alex, to force Sabina to help Martin with a dangerous expedition. Martin reveals that he has found a way to re-energise the Zeto Crystal, and that he needs Sabina to fulfil her destiny. Together they travel to Kiribati. First, they must scale an active volcano, before Sabina can swim down to the Sunken Pyramid of Kiribati, where the portal to the Divine Dimension is located. Eventually, Sabina reaches Rangda, but will she be able to carry out her mission, or will she become the very evil that she tried to stop?

Martin_Lundqvist85 · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

Chapter 39: Lunch with Pierre Beaumont.

The following week, I was heading to the Global Economic Forum with Alexander in tow. He wasn't happy with me, and he voiced his concerns: "Why did you spend $100,000 for us to have lunch with Pierre Beaumont? That money could have been used to improve thousands of lives." Alex claimed in anger.

I struggled to come up with a proper response. I wanted to meet Pierre Beaumont, so that I could use my empath powers to find out about his true intentions for the world. But I had never told Alex about my empath powers. I was worried that he would see me differently, if he knew that I could enter and alter his mind when I touched him. No-one wanted to be a slave to someone else, even if it was for good intentions.

"Well, I think if we can get Pierre Beaumont on our side, then we can convince him to eradicate poverty. That's how powerful he is." I stated.

Alex shook his head and replied: "Bah, get these people on our side? Those plutocrats only care about benefitting themselves. Why else do we still have poverty on our planet?"

I nodded and replied thoughtfully: "Regardless, I think it helps us, if we meet these people and get to know how they think."

"Well, I assume the ticket are non-refundable, so we might as well go. I just wished you would have asked me first!" Alex grumbled.

I looked away and didn't say anything. There was nothing more to say, and I knew that Alex would calm down once we arrived at the meeting. I thought of saying that I was sorry for not consulting with him first. But I wasn't sorry, and I didn't want to lie, so I kept quiet for the rest of the drive to the International Convention Centre, where the meeting took place.

We arrived at the ICC, and we attended the conference in the morning. It was interesting, but without any revolutionary innovative ideas. During lunchtime, we got our money's worth, a private lunch with Pierre Beaumont in a small meeting room.

As I entered the room, I felt that something was amiss. Pierre Beaumont turned out to be a balding man in his fifties with a strange monocle, the same type of monocle that Ben Yehuda had worn. While I could not read his mind without touching him, I could sense the dark aura of evil and greed in the room. This was a man who had died on the inside a long time ago.

"Please, do sit down, I've only got 10 minutes." Pierre Beaumont urged us, and we took a seat. Pierre spoke again: "As you know, my time is valuable, but I will make an exception and let you make your case, for whatever you seek the World Bank's assistance with." Alex looked at me, and I nodded to encourage him.

Alex cleared his throat and spoke: "As you know, we have developed automated marine prototype vessels that will clean up the oceans from plastic waste."

"Don't be too confident, there are many worthy projects out there. But yes, I have heard about your utopian project, and if you are asking for the World Bank's support on this matter, the bank's answer is a NO." Pierre replied with an arrogant and firm tone.

"But why? It could save a lot of marine life at a low cost, and it is a green and earth-friendly project" Alex pleaded.

"We do not prioritise preserving marine life, and the World Bank has a lot of missions on its hand," Pierre replied coldly.

"Geez! we paid $100,000 to see you, the least you can do is to answer the question properly, that answer is not good enough!" I proclaimed in anger.

Pierre brushed off some imaginary dust from his suit, nodded and replied. "Okay, Miss Hines. I will be as forthcoming as possible. Cleaning up the oceans and saving marine life are worthwhile goals. But the ocean is for everyone, it is not an investment asset that we can capitalise on, so it does not have any value to us. The World Bank doesn't deal with utilitarian social aims, we deal in financial and investment assets."

"But you said that you wanted to create a better world?" I asked.

"Everything good has a monetary value. Cleaner oceans don't have a monetary value. Thus, it isn't for us to pursue," Pierre replied.

"Money isn't everything in the world!" I responded angrily.

"Well, that is where the bank has to disagree with you. Money doesn't exist to serve humans. Humans exist to serve money. In the absence of deities, money becomes the new god, the raison d'être for humanity." Pierre stated in a malicious manner, while rubbing his hands together.

I pondered the ugly old man's statement for a few seconds. I wondered what made him so mean and wicked. I responded with a sad, pitiful smile. "Do you know what you need? You need a hug. You must never have been loved or loved anyone before." I said and hugged Pierre before he had the time to answer.

I didn't hug Pierre because I liked him, although I did pity him for being so greedy and wicked. I needed to get physical contact with Pierre to use my psionic powers to reach his mind. Much to my dismay, I couldn't access Pierre's mind. I didn't know what to do. as I hadn't expected this. An unnerving thought reached my mind: What if Pierre was also an empath, and was reading my mind?

Suddenly, I heard Pierre's voice: "Humph!! Miss Hines, this hugging is not part of the lunch meeting. Ugh, now that you have succeeded in making me feel miserable for a few seconds, would you please stand back and let me continue my duties?" I stepped back and felt like an idiot for doing such a silly thing. Pierre spoke again: "Humph! I didn't like that at all. What a waste of time! I am afraid our time is up, Miss Hines and Mr O'Neill. I am a terribly busy and important man, and I have many dignitaries to meet in Australia. Godspeed. "

A few of Pierre's bodyguards approached us, so we took the hint and left the room. When we got out of sight from the room, Alex scolded me: "What was that all about? Why awkwardly hugging the leader of the World Bank in front of your husband?"

"I needed to feel his aura. Now I have, and I realised something eerie about him and his shady corporation." I replied with a worried voice.

"And what is that?" Alex asked irritably.

"We must focus our efforts on taking down the World Bank's evil operations. As long as they are around, they will keep funding evil corporations, supplying weapons for wars, drilling more holes in the Earth, polluting the oceans, and killing our trees. We can never get the world we desire, as long as the World Bank's exists", I stated with tears in my eyes.

"Unbelievable. How could you come up with that, after randomly hugging the CEO? I am going home." Alex growled.

I thought of saying something or using my powers, but I decided against it. I understood where Alex was coming from, and while I was determined to take down the World Bank, I didn't know how to handle my husband's short fuse. I felt sad and helpless, and there was only one person I could confide in, my sweet mother, Ellen.