
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Walk away

Ryker's heart sank as he saw Maddison's friends and classmates pointing in his direction, their laughter echoing in the air. The sharp sting of humiliation cut through him, intensifying the ache in his chest. His attempts to gain Maddison's attention had only made him the object of ridicule.

Maddison glanced at her companions, a slight grin adorning her face. "The hell, who is that guy?" inquired one of her friends, with a gleam of mischief twinkling in her gaze.

"Yuck, who is that loser?"

"So ugly!"

"Yeah, very cheap,"

Maddison laughed sarcastically, her voice dripping with disdain. "I'm clueless," she uttered, simulating a lack of knowledge. Her response struck Ryker like an impact, every syllable serving as a poignant affirmation of his unimportance in her realm.

Her friends joined in the mockery, their laughter growing louder. Ryker's heart pounded in his ears, the weight of their collective judgment crushing him. The words he had hoped to hear—words of acknowledgement, acceptance, and perhaps even gratitude—were replaced with bitter derision.

"Maddison, are you sure you don't know him? He seems like he knows you?"

Maddison's voice carried over the jeering crowd, laced with cruel intent. "Why would a beautiful woman like me be friends with a loser like him?" Her words hung in the air, a declaration of her newfound confidence and a cutting rejection of Ryker's presence.

Laughter continued to ripple through the room, drowning out Ryker's protests. The pain etched deep lines of hurt and frustration on his face as he stood there, feeling the weight of their ridicule. In that moment, Ryker experienced a wave of conflicting emotions—anger, disappointment, and a profound sense of betrayal. The girl he had once defended, uplifted, and cherished had transformed into someone unrecognizable, someone capable of inflicting such pain.

Ryker's voice trembled with a mix of anguish and frustration as he called out to Maddison, his words piercing through the noise of the laughter-filled room. "Maddison! Don't lie! You know me! I am your friend! I am always at your side, helping you! And I'm not even invited today?"

The sharp silence that followed Ryker's outburst hung heavy in the air. Maddison's friends glanced at her, their judgmental stares casting a shadow over her face.

Maddison stood frozen, caught between the weight of their scrutiny and the truth she knew deep inside. A sense of discomfort swept over Maddison as her friends ridiculed her, mocking her pretense of popularity while having a so-called "loser nerd" as a friend.

Their laughter filled the space, each chuckle driving a wedge deeper into Maddison's heart. Feeling the weight of her friends' abandonment, Maddison's anger swelled, fueled by embarrassment and the desire to salvage her image.

She directed her frustration towards Ryker, her voice laced with bitterness. "How dare you embarrass me like this, Ryker?! I've moved on! I don't need you dragging me down with your nerdy presence!"

Ryker's eyes widened in disbelief, hurt etched across his face. He had always believed in their friendship, in their bond that seemed unbreakable.

However, in the face of Maddison's fury and dismissal, he experienced an overwhelming surge of disillusionment. The anguish permeated through the very essence of his existence, intensifying the burden of his love unreciprocated.

"Maddison, what are you talking about—" In the midst of his incomplete sentence, a sharp sting coursed through his face as Maddison's palm hit him, leaving him momentarily astounded and in agony. With widened eyes, he instinctively raised his hand to soothe his flushed cheek, his trembling voice resuming the conversation.

"Maddison... w-why? Why did you slap me?" Tears streamed down Maddison's face as she trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. Her voice cracked as she unleashed her frustrations upon Ryker.

"You ruined everything! My birthday party, my image, everything! My friends are calling me a loser now, and they hate me for lying!"

Ryker's eyes softened with empathy as he tried to console her, his voice filled with compassion. "Maddison, they were never your true friends. They only cared about appearances. Me? I am always at your side. I accepted you for who you are, Maddison. They're not real friends, trust me,"

"Tsss! Who cares for real friends?!" Maddison's anguish fueled her actions, pushing Ryker away with a forceful shove.

She fixed him with an intense gaze, her eyes brimming with tears that betrayed a hint of resentment. "You're no longer necessary in my life! I never want to lay eyes on you again! You're simply a failure, and I have no use for failures like you!"

Ryker staggered backward, his heart shattering with each syllable that escaped Maddison's lips. The ache in his chest mirrored the sting on his cheek, both physical and emotional. He desperately attempted to bridge the widening chasm between them, yearning to reach out to her, but his efforts were met with rejection and animosity.

Maddison's cutting words pierced Ryker's heart like shards of broken glass, while her eyes revealed a mixture of pain and newfound self-assurance. He refused to accept her rejection, his voice quivering with desperation.

"Maddison, please... I can't just walk away. You are one of the most important people in my life. My feelings for you surpass your comprehension."

Maddison's expression twisted with fury as she brushed aside her tears, her words tinged with acrimony. "I used you, Ryker. I take advantage of our friendship to bolster my self-confidence. However, that time has passed. I don't need your presence. I do not harbor any affection for you, nor will I ever. Please, fucking leave me alone!"

The weight of Maddison's admission crushed Ryker's spirit, his world crumbling around him. He fought back tears, his voice choked with sorrow. "How could you say that, Maddison? Our friendship meant something to me. I thought we were there for each other, no matter what. I can't believe you'd discard it so easily."

Maddison's resolve hardened, her tone cold and dismissive. "Well, I did. And I have no desire to lay eyes on you ever again. Should you refuse to go away from here, I will instruct the guards to forcefully remove you."

Ryker's heart splintered into innumerable fragments as he gazed into Maddison's once affectionate and warm eyes, now frigid and distant. He recognized the futility of his efforts. Tears streamed down his face as he turned away, his voice barely audible. "I will respect your unfair decision, Maddison. I will go,"

In a haze of anguish and heartbreak, Ryker stumbled away from the venue of the gathering. He clutched his chest, burdened by the weight of his shattered aspirations, which crushed his spirit relentlessly. With a heavy sigh, he reached into his pocket, retrieving the thoughtfully chosen gift he had procured for Maddison. Without hesitation, he flung it onto the abandoned streets, symbolizing the rupture of their once unbreakable bond.

As he moved forward, his posture slouched, and his footsteps weighed down by desolation, Ryker couldn't help but ponder how something that had once held so much promise had unraveled into such profound heartache. The echoes of their conversation reverberated in his mind, haunting him with the harsh reality of their severed ties.

With every tear that cascaded down his cheeks, Ryker mourned not only the loss of their friendship but also the shattered aspirations of an unreciprocated love. The pain etched deep within his soul, serving as a constant reminder of the profound ache caused by unrequited emotions.

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