
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


Ryker's heart raced in his chest as he steeled himself to express his innermost sentiments to Maddison. His voice is shaking while he speaks. "Maddison, I couldn't hide it anymore. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger... I'm in love with you,"

Maddison's eyes widened, her brows knitting together in surprise. She instinctively took a step backward, her lips parting as she grappled for the appropriate response. Finally, she found her voice, a mix of uncertainty and regret permeating her words, "Ryker, I... I only perceive you as a dear friend."

Ryker's shoulders sagged, the weight of her revelation descending upon him like an oppressive burden. He had harbored hope for a different outcome, but he could not deny the veracity of her honest admission. The anguish of unreciprocated love coursed through his veins, threatening to consume him entirely.

"I understand," Ryker managed to utter, his tone tinged with disappointment. "I never intended to coerce you into feeling something that was not genuine. Our friendship holds too much value for me to endanger it."

Maddison's countenance softened, a trace of remorse etching itself onto her features. She reached out tentatively, her hand gently grazing Ryker's arm—an act of empathetic solace. "Ryker, I am sorry. I never intended to inflict pain upon you."

Tears welled up in Ryker's eyes as he summoned a feeble smile. "It is alright, Maddison. I shall endure. I merely needed to divulge my sentiments honestly."

Silence descended upon them, laden with unexpressed emotions and shattered aspirations. At that moment, Maddison's voice pierced through the stillness, tinged with frustration.

"I am not prepared for love, Ryker," Maddison declared, a trace of anger lacing her words. "We possess an entire lifetime before us, and I must concentrate on our academic pursuits. Love can await its turn."

Ryker's heart sank deeper, the reality of their divergent paths becoming painfully evident. He yearned to hold on, to patiently await the day when Maddison might perceive him differently. Yet, her words reverberated with finality, leaving him with a sense of resignation.

"I understand," Ryker whispered, his voice scarcely audible. "I shall honor your desires. However, please recognize that my affection for you will not dissipate easily."

Maddison's gaze softened, a blend of guilt and fondness shimmering within her eyes. "Ryker, I cherish our friendship above all else. I do not wish to forfeit that."

There's a hope that shine through to Ryker's eyes as he looked at her. "We can be still friends," He said, there's an affection there. "Perhaps, someday, circumstances may change."

Maddison sighed, her shoulders drooping. "I cannot make any promises, Ryker. Yet, I appreciate your understanding. Let us approach each day one step at a time."

Months went by, and Maddison underwent a remarkable transformation, both in appearance and confidence. Ryker observed her growth from a shy, awkward teenager to a captivating young woman. As Maddison's beauty radiated, even her former tormentors couldn't help but notice.

One bright afternoon, Ryker spotted Maddison in the garden as he headed home from school. Her vibrant presence caught his eye, and a warm smile spread across his face as he approached her.

"Hey, Maddison," Ryker greeted her with genuine warmth. "You look incredible, as always."

Maddison turned toward him, meeting his gaze. A polite smile adorned her lips, but there was a subtle hint of distance in her eyes. Ryker's heart skipped a beat, sensing a change in her demeanor.

Drawing nearer, Ryker mustered his courage, hoping to express his feelings once more. "Maddison, when we reach the age of 18, I would be honored to court you formally. We have shared so much, and I believe we could have something truly special."

A flicker of surprise flashed across Maddison's face, swiftly replaced by a composed demeanor. She took a step back, creating a slight physical distance between them. Her voice, gentle yet resolute, responded, "Ryker, I genuinely appreciate your feelings, but my current focus is on my studies. Romantic relationships are not a priority for me."

Her words make Ryker devastated. His smile gradually faded. The hope he is trying to hold is now getting slipped from his hands.

A blend of disappointment and acceptance settled within him, though he endeavored to maintain a supportive facade. "I understand, Maddison," he replied, his voice carrying a tinge of sadness. "I know studying first is important at our age. I respect it, Mady. You can always count on me as your friend,"

Maddison nodded, her eyes briefly averting his gaze. "Thank you, Ryker. Your friendship means the world to me."

Silence enveloped them, accompanied only by the melodies of chirping birds and distant neighborhood sounds. Unspoken tension hung heavily in the air, a silent acknowledgment of unreciprocated emotions.

Ryker sighed, vulnerability seeping into his voice. "Just promise me, Maddison, that you won't shut yourself off completely. Love can be a good experience, so I hope one day, you can find me as a person who cherishes you so much,"

Her expression softened. There's guilt on her face. "Ryker, I can't make any guarantees, but I will remain open-minded. The future holds countless possibilities."

Ryker summoned a faint smile, though a trace of sadness lingered in his eyes. "Your words, for now, are enough for me, Mady. I'll give you all the time you need. You are right, we're still young, study first,"


Today signified a momentous occasion in Maddison's life, as she reached the age of 18. The air was tinged with anticipation as her grand debut party approached, and Ryker couldn't contain his excitement. He eagerly awaited the chance to celebrate alongside Maddison and present her with a carefully chosen gift.

As the day of the party arrived, Ryker's enthusiasm soared. Clutching the gift tightly, he made his way to the lavish venue where Maddison's parents were hosting the event. The sight of exquisite decorations and the joyous sounds of laughter and music heightened his anticipation.

However, upon reaching the entrance, Ryker was confronted by Maddison's security guards. Their stern countenances left no room for doubt—he was not included on the guest list.

"Hey there, young man! You can't enter! You haven't been invited!"

Confusion and disbelief washed over Ryker. He was convinced that Maddison had merely overlooked sending him an invitation. Fueled by unwavering determination, he attempted to reason with the guards, hoping to persuade them of his rightful presence at the celebration.

"Maddison! Maddison!" Ryker called out, his voice brimming with urgency and longing. He desperately sought her attention, his heart yearning for a connection that seemed to slip away.

Maddison stood amidst her circle of friends and admirers, though her gaze briefly flickered in Ryker's direction, an unmistakable distance lingered in her eyes. She purposefully averted her gaze, deliberately ignoring his presence.

Ryker's heart sank, the weight of rejection pressing upon him. His voice waned as he repeated her name, clutching onto the hope that she would acknowledge him, that their bond would prevail.

Yet, at that moment, as the music swelled and the laughter of the crowd enveloped the room, Ryker came to a painful realization— he was invisible to Maddison, both physically and emotionally. The divide between them had widened, leaving him standing on the outskirts of her life, an outsider to a world he had once believed he belonged to.

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