
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


Ryker stumbled into his room, his steps heavy and laden with sorrow. He closed the door behind him, shutting out the world that had crumbled around him. His trembling hands fumbled with the lock, an echo of the chaos within his shattered heart. As he sank onto his bed, tears streamed down his face, each droplet a testament to the pain that consumed him.

"Why, Maddison?" Ryker's voice cracked, filled with anguish. "Why did you have to do this to me? I thought our friendship was unbreakable! I believed in our friendship, in something more... But you used me like a disposable pawn, casting me aside without a second thought!"

His voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and hurt as he continued to pour out his wounded soul. "I treated you with kindness, with love, and genuine care. I was always there for you, supporting you, believing in you when nobody else did! How could you just discard me like I meant nothing to you? Was it all just a game to you?"

The room bore witness to Ryker's pain, absorbing the weight of his broken dreams and shattered trust. He hugged his knees tightly, burying his face in his hands as sobs racked his body. "I can't comprehend how someone I held so dear could turn into a stranger so cold. I gave you my heart, my unwavering loyalty, and you repaid me with betrayal!"

He paused, his voice strained with the ache of lost innocence. "I loved you, Maddison. I loved you with every fiber of my being, believing that someday you would see the depth of my feelings. But now, my heart lies shattered, the remnants of a love that was never reciprocated!"

Ryker's voice grew faint, the words carrying the weight of resignation. "I will mend my broken heart, piece by piece. I will learn to live without you, even though it feels impossible right now. But I will never forget the pain you inflicted upon me, the scars that will forever mark my soul."

With each whispered word, Ryker vowed to rebuild himself, to find solace in the remnants of his shattered dreams. His voice reverberated in the hushed chamber, an amalgamation of melancholy and resolve intertwining seamlessly. "I shall mend my wounded heart, and in due time, discover a love that enwraps and reveres the intricate layers of my essence. And in that future moment, Maddison, you shall fade into the ethereal realm of forgotten emotions, a love never fated to unfold."

He was in this moment when his door creaked open, disrupting his solitude, and his heart sank as he laid eyes on his brother, Raiden. The room suddenly felt suffocating, as if the air grew heavy with the tension between them. Raiden's presence alone was a reminder of the stark contrast between their lives—Ryker, the one who always seemed to stumble, and Raiden, who effortlessly glided through life.

Raiden's gaze swept over the tear-traced countenance of his younger sibling, a malevolent grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. His tone oozed with contempt as he jeered, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? My brother, the perpetual loser, shed tears like a wounded puppy. Did someone break your fragile heart again?"

Ryker's eyes welled up with fresh tears, his vulnerability on full display. He choked back his sobs, his voice trembling as he mustered the strength to respond. "Why do you care, Raiden? You've always taken pleasure in mocking me, in belittling my pain. Can't you see I'm hurting?"

Raiden's laugh filled the room, cutting through the already shattered fragments of Ryker's wounded spirit. "Hurting? You think your little heartbreak compares to the real challenges of life? You're nothing but a pathetic crybaby, always whining about your insignificant problems."

Ryker's fists clenched, his anguish mingling with anger at his brother's callousness. "You don't understand, Raiden! You've never understood. While I may not possess the same level of understanding as you do, I am not devoid of emotions or vulnerabilities. Is it too great an imposition to request even a modicum of empathy from my own flesh and blood?"

Raiden's expression hardened, his voice dripping with contempt. "Compassion? That's for the weak, Ryker. You need to toughen up, stop wallowing in self-pity. Life isn't meant to be a sob story like yours. Maybe if you weren't such a loser, people would actually respect you."

Ryker's eyes flashed with a mix of hurt and defiance. "Respect? I don't need the respect of people like you who thrive on bringing others down. I may not fit into your perfect mold, but I am worthy of love and understanding. I won't let your cruelty define me."

Raiden's laughter turned bitter, his voice laced with malice. "Oh, spare me your self-righteous speech, Ryker. You're just a pitiful excuse for a brother. Don't think for a second that anyone will ever see you as anything more than a pathetic loser. You shouldn't waste time thinking about that bitch. She's a slut anyway. A user," Raiden shrugs his shoulders.

"I won't stand by and let you berate her," Ryker declared, his voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and determination. "You may see her as a 'bitch,' but I saw the vulnerable side of her, the girl who needed someone to believe in her when no one else did!"

Raiden's mocking laughter reverberated off the walls, his voice dripping with disdain. "Believe me, Ryker, you're nothing more than her pawn. She played you like a fool, and you fell right into her trap. Wake up and smell the deceit, little brother."

Ryker's fists clenched at his sides, his voice rising in defiance. "You don't know anything about her. You've never bothered to see beyond the surface. She may have hurt me, but that doesn't give you the right to demean her character. I won't let you taint the memories we shared!"

Raiden stepped closer, invading Ryker's personal space, his sneering face inches away. "You're so blinded by your infatuation that you can't see the truth. She used you, Ryker. Don't be naive. She's moved on to greener pastures while you wallow in your self-pity!"

Ryker's chest heaved with a mix of anger and sorrow, his voice shaking with suppressed emotion. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I was foolish to believe in her. But I'd rather have believed in something, in someone, than to live a life devoid of trust and compassion like you."

Raiden's eyes narrowed, his tone dripping with contempt. "Trust and compassion? Those are just illusions, Ryker. Life is a ruthless game. Learn to embrace the harsh reality, or you'll forever be trampled upon."

Ryker's gaze hardened, a flicker of defiance igniting within his eyes. "I am resolute in my rejection of the notion that love and kindness are mere figments of imagination. Though I have experienced pain, it will not deter me from shaping my own identity. Regardless of your relentless mockery and scorn, Raiden, I hold firm in the knowledge that I possess a strength that transcends your superficial perspective."

Raiden leaned against the wall, his voice taking on an uncharacteristic seriousness as he stared at his broken-hearted brother. The usual mockery and derision were momentarily replaced by a tone tinged with reluctant sincerity.

"Listen, Ryker," Raiden began, his voice devoid of his usual taunting cadence. Ryker cast a fleeting glance at Raiden, his eyes shimmering with concealed emotions, an amalgamation of sensitivity and unease manifesting in his gaze. There existed a wavering reluctance within him, yet a willingness to lend an ear to his sibling's discourse, regardless of its potential to inflict anguish.

"Maddison... she possesses a complexity that diverges from your current perception," Raiden persisted, his tone tinged with a trace of remorse. "I have borne witness to her treatment of others in moments when your presence eludes her, the exploitation of their adoration to bolster her own self-importance. To her, it is naught but a diversion, a means to a predetermined end."

Ryker's brow furrowed, his heart ensnared amidst an intricate web of adoration for Maddison and his brother's ostensibly authentic disquietude.

He desperately wanted to believe that there was more to Maddison than Raiden's words suggested.

"I've heard the rumors, Ryker," Raiden continued, his tone edged with bitterness. "The whispers behind closed doors, the stories of how she played with people's emotions, leaving broken hearts in her wake. Don't become another casualty in her twisted game."

Ryker's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his inner turmoil mirrored in his tense posture. Part of him wanted to defend Maddison, to refute Raiden's claims and hold on to the image he had built of her in his mind. But another part, a part wounded and vulnerable, questioned if there might be some truth in his brother's words.

Raiden's words held a gentle tone as he reluctantly acknowledged the difficulty of embracing the truth. "It is indeed challenging to fathom," he softly conveyed. "However, you merit a companion of superior caliber—someone who perceives your worth beyond a mere stepping stone, an individual who upholds your significance even after attaining their desired objectives. You deserve someone who truly values and cherishes you."

Ryker's gaze faltered, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He yearned for the love he believed Maddison was capable of, but he couldn't ignore the doubt planted by his brother's revelations.

Raiden's final remarks carried a subtle undertone of apprehension and acceptance. "Reflect upon it, Ryker," he concluded, his voice veiled in a blend of solicitude and surrender. "Your repertoire is abundant, your capacity for benevolence boundless. Refrain from allowing an undeserving individual to shape your intrinsic value. Seek out someone who will cherish your authentic self, not solely for the provisions you offer them."

Having uttered those parting sentiments, Raiden pivoted and departed, leaving Ryker to confront the stark variety that had been unveiled.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, but deep down, Ryker knew that he needed to reevaluate his feelings for Maddison and consider if his brother's advice held a kernel of truth.

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