
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


Ryker sat on a park bench, engrossed in the pages of his book, seeking solace within the written words. The soft wind gently whispered among the foliage, bringing forth an aura of calmness that briefly swept aside the burden of his recent emotional distress. Engrossed in his inner musings, he found himself taken aback by the unexpected appearance of an unfamiliar individual—an individual adorned with a photographic device hanging from his shoulder and exuding an unmistakable air of fervor.

The stranger approached Ryker with a warm smile, extending a hand in greeting. "Hey there! My name is Lucas. I'm a street photographer, and I couldn't help but notice the unique aura you exude. It aligns perfectly with my ongoing photography endeavor, which revolves around the focal point of our educational institution. If you love the idea, I would like to ask if you want to be one of our models,"

Ryker lifted his gaze, his brow furrowing subtly with a tinge of astonishment and a trace of doubt. Interactions with unfamiliar individuals, particularly when it pertained to unanticipated propositions like modeling, were not a customary occurrence for him. He briefly pondered before offering his response, "I acknowledge your kind offer, Mr. Lucas, although I must confess that modeling does not particularly pique my interest. It simply does not resonate with my personal inclinations."

Lucas chuckled, undeterred by Ryker's initial reluctance. "I understand your hesitation, my friend. But believe me, your essence possesses an unparalleled allure that would enrapture any lens. It presents an occasion to delve into uncharted territories, to abandon the familiar confines and wholeheartedly embrace your distinctiveness. What can you say about my offer?"

Ryker contemplated Lucas's statements, his eyes drifting to a distant point as he carefully assessed the potential outcomes. There's a part of him that wants to change himself, he wants to discover something that it wasn't him. To go out from his comfort zone, however, what happened between him and Maddison is still painful, and he just wants to find his peace for now.

"I really appreciate your offer to me, Mr. Lucas. This is very new to me. But I am not prepared for this yet," He replied, his tone trying to make Lucas understand. "I'm not in myself recently. A lot of things going through my life, and I need to find myself first before going into a new experience,"

Lucas nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting empathy. "I respect that, Ryker. Healing takes time, and it's important to prioritize your well-being. If and when you feel ready, know that the opportunity still stands. Just remember, embracing new experiences can often lead to unexpected growth and self-discovery. Here's my calling card, I would to hear from you soon,"

Ryker offered a grateful smile, appreciating Lucas's understanding and supportive words. ""Thank you, Mr. Lucas. This is noted. Hmm, who knows? In future, I might consider it. But for now, I need to focus on finding my own sense of strength and my studies,"

Lucas patted Ryker's shoulder reassuringly before bidding him farewell. "Take all the time you need, my friend. Remember, true growth comes from within. I hope to cross paths with you again someday."

As Lucas walked away, Ryker watched him with a mix of curiosity and admiration. The encounter had sparked a glimmer of hope within him, reminding him that there was a world beyond his pain and heartbreak.

While in the same village, Maddison walked briskly through the familiar streets, her mind swirling with newfound ambition. She saw everything. She heard everything about the encounter of Lucas and Ryker, and it had ignited a spark within her, fueling her desire to venture into the world of modeling. As she replayed their conversation in her mind, a wicked smile tugged at the corners of her lips, fueled by a cunning plan that began to take shape.

She stepped into her home, firmly shutting the entrance behind her, and proceeded towards her designated chamber. Immersed in the solace of her personal sanctuary, Maddison allowed herself a brief moment of introspection. A glint of determination illuminated her eyes as she contemplated the potential authority she could wield through her newfound association with Ryker.

"I have witnessed his vulnerabilities, his inclination to assist and be of service," she murmured softly, her voice infused with a calculated undertone. "Now, I possess the means to exploit that to my advantage. With Lucas at my side, there exist no boundaries to what I can accomplish."

Maddison restlessly traversed the room, her mind swirling with a blend of anticipation and a hint of regret.

Deep down, she knew she was about to exploit Ryker's genuine kindness again for her own gain, but her hunger for success and recognition clouded her conscience.

"He will introduce me to Lucas," she mused, her voice tinged with a sense of determination. "Ryker will surely offer to help me, particularly when I tap into his unwavering allegiance. I shall employ his aid to unlock boundless opportunities, and once I have firmly established myself, his utility shall be rendered obsolete."

The reflection staring back at her in the looking glass hinted at a glimmer of unyielding determination within her eyes as she meticulously charted her path forward. The notion of employing Ryker as a mere stepping stone toward her lofty aspirations stoked a fervent flame deep within, obscuring her sight to the potential repercussions her actions may entail.

"I shall skillfully persuade him of my genuine appreciation for our companionship," she murmured to her mirrored self, her voice saturated with calculated charisma. "However, once I have acquired my desires, once I have cemented my place within the realm of modeling, Ryker shall fade into the realm of distant memories."

Maddison's mischievous grin expanded, propelled by her resolute ambition. She comprehended the perilous trajectory she had embarked upon, one rife with manipulation and deceit. Yet, she rationalized her actions as indispensable means to a triumphant end, steadfast in her conviction that achievement would absolve any lingering twinges of remorse.

Having solidified her resolve, Maddison drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for the forthcoming performance. Once again, she would approach Ryker, concealing her true intentions behind a mask of camaraderie and trust, forever altering the dynamics of their relationship.

Maddison's transformation into a ruthless and ambitious woman would test the limits of Ryker's resilience, pushing him to confront the true nature of their connection and the strength of his own character.

Is there a reader who can appreciate new authors in this platform? I hope someday there will be a reader who could read my works even I'm a new writer here. I hope to read your comments! Loves.

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