
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


The following morning, Maddison woke up with an unwavering determination to rebuild her friendship with Ryker. As she prepared for the day ahead, her mind was consumed by her childhood aspirations of popularity and becoming a model.

Doubts of her own confidence and petite stature had plagued her in the past, but now, with her blossoming beauty and increasing popularity on campus, she believed she had what it took to pursue her modeling dreams. And Ryker, in her mind, held the key to unlocking those dreams!

The mere thought of someone like Ryker, a commoner guy, lacking any discernible fashion sense, being approached to become a model stirred a mixture of jealousy and irritation within her. She couldn't fathom how someone like Ryker, with his obliviousness to style and trends, could be considered a potential model, while she, a beautiful teen and allure, had struggled to break into the industry.

"Tsss, Ryker? Hah! A model? It's absurd! What does he have that I don't? It's infuriating to see someone like him, someone so undeserving, effortlessly stepping into a world I've yearned for all my life!" She scoffed.

She pictured Ryker in her mind, and he saw nothing but an ordinary guy withv lack of physical appeal and branding him as nothing more than a wealthy, plain-looking nerd. In her eyes, he was undeserving of any attention or success.

"He's just a rich kid, playing dress-up!" Maddison sneered inwardly, her tone dripping with disdain. "How could someone like him even be considered to try modeling? It's laughable!"

Her frustration deepened as she realized the inconvenient truth: the only way to gain access to the talent scout, Lucas, was through Ryker. Maddison resented this reliance on someone she held in such low regard, lamenting the necessity of engaging with him further.

"If only there were another way," she muttered under her breath, her voice laden with exasperation. "Talking to Ryker is unbearable, but I have no choice if I want to reach that Lucas!"

"I'm so tired of blending into the background," Maddison thought bitterly, her tone laced with resentment. "I deserve to be noticed, to be adored by everyone. Why should I settle for anything less?"

Her mind whirled with thoughts of achieving social superiority and becoming the envy of her peers. The jealousy that coursed through her veins fueled her determination to manipulate every opportunity, even if it meant utilizing someone she considered beneath her.

Maddison contemplated her strategy, her mind spun a web of calculated manipulation and deceit, carefully crafting a facade of renewed friendship with Ryker. She knew that transparency was not an option; she had to maintain the illusion of genuine friendship, all while concealing her true intentions.

"Alright, Mady, you've got to play this perfectly," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and irritation. "Ryker can't suspect a thing. He's smart enough! He must believe that I genuinely want to reconnect with him."

She mentally sifted through memories, searching for shared interests and moments of camaraderie they had once experienced. Maddison understood that in order to regain Ryker's trust, she would have to tap into those genuine connections they had shared in the past, even if she found them trivial and unimportant.

"Think, Maddison. What did you two bond over? What made him feel special?" she mused, her thoughts veering between skepticism and the necessity of her plan. "Ah, yes, his hobbies. That's it. I'll show an interest in one of his hobbies, make him feel he's somewhat important to me,"

The idea took hold, and a cunning smile crept across Maddison's face as she plotted her next moves. She knew that Ryker's weakness lay in his eagerness for validation and acknowledgement. "But it can't be too obvious!" she mused, her tone dripping with sly calculation. "I must tread carefully, slowly rekindling our friendship while ensuring he remains oblivious to my ulterior motives."

Maddison envisioned herself subtly steering conversations, skillfully drawing out his stories and opinions, all the while feigning genuine interest. She mentally rehearsed the art of asking leading questions, planting seeds of camaraderie without raising Ryker's suspicions.

"Make him feel comfortable, Mady. You can do it! Gain his trust," she coached herself, her thoughts consumed by the meticulous game she was about to play. "Once he believes our friendship is genuine, I can use that connection to approach Lucas. Ryker will be none the wiser."

A mischievous grin played across her lips as a devious idea took hold in her mind. She recalled a certain fantasy book that Ryker had mentioned, one that he held dear to his heart. The notion of using it as a peace offering sparked a devilish excitement within her.

"So, Ryker, you think I'm reaching out to rekindle our friendship?" she chuckled under her breath, her tone smug with cunning. "No way in hell I want to be friends with someone like you. I deserve many great friends. Someone who is popular and good-looking! Someone who could lift me up into greater things!"

Maddison envisioned the scene in her mind—the look of surprise on Ryker's face as she presented him with the cherished book, his gratitude overshadowing any suspicion he might harbor. She believes in her ability to make him believe, knowing that this gesture would solidify her role as a seemingly sincere friend.

"I'll make him believe that I regret what I did," she whispered, her voice laced with confident anticipation. "Once he accepts this offering, he'll be putty in my hands."

Thinking about Ryker's favorite book, Maddison's scheming mind reveled in the possibilities it presented. She relished the upcoming encounter, eagerly anticipating the moment when she would play her part, all while keeping her ulterior motives shrouded in secrecy.

"It's time to find that fucking book! Ryker, I really don't want a connection with you, but you are my hope!"

I really love reading comments. I love to know that there are readers of my book. I want you all to know that I'm doing my best for this book. English is not my native language and it's not the spoken language we use in our country. I am not a new writer, but a new writer for this platform, yes. But since I'm a girl, most of my stories are romance and female novels. This is my first time to write a fantasy book with male lead novel. And I'm still learning, but I hope someone is liking it so far! :) I will admit this genre and male lead novels are not my forte, LOL. This is not my best shot, but am trying! Hehe. I just love manga and anime so much that I wanted to create one too. love lots!

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