
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Don't you feel the same way?

The following day.

Ranna loomed over the woman, her heart pounding with a blend of triumph and unease. She anxiously awaited the woman's awakening, aware that her actions were veering into dangerous territory. However, she swiftly dismissed her doubts, convinced that her love for Ryker justified any means necessary.

As the woman gradually regained consciousness, Ranna approached cautiously, modulating her voice with a peculiar mix of tenderness and possessiveness. "Our paths have intersected for a purpose," she whispered, fixating her gaze on the woman's bewildered eyes. "I cannot permit you to intrude upon the bond between Ryker and me. Our love is too precious to be jeopardized by an outsider!"

The woman's fear and confusion permeated the air as she struggled to grasp the situation. "I don't even know Ryker," she pleaded, her voice quivering. "Please, release me. I bear no ill will. Please hear me out!"

Ranna's grip tightened, her determination unyielding. "You may deny it presently, but I observed the way you regarded him, the way you conversed with him," she hissed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I shall not allow you to deceive me any further. No one shall wrest him away from me."

Desperation filled the woman's eyes as she implored, "Grant me an opportunity to explain. I hold no interest in Ryker. This is all a misunderstanding."

Yet, Ranna's mind remained clouded by jealousy and her unwavering devotion to Ryker. She viewed the woman's words as feeble attempts to shield herself. In her distorted reality, there was no room for reason or compassion.

"Escape from your destined course is futile," Ranna declared, her voice resonating with an unsettling conviction. "You shall remain here until you comprehend the ramifications of your actions. And when that moment arrives, you shall be grateful to have me as your companion."

The woman's efforts to break free escalated, yet Ranna remained resolute, refusing to release her captive. Her sole purpose was to ensure the woman recognized the profound extent of her love for Ryker, regardless of the consequences.

Days turned into weeks as Ranna confined the woman, subjecting her to unrelenting interrogations and manipulative tactics. Ranna's behavior grew increasingly erratic, blurring the boundaries between love and possession in her obsessive pursuit of Ryker.

Few weeks later.

Ryker swung open the door, only to be greeted by Ranna's presence, a disarming smile adorning her face. His initial relief at her absence swiftly transformed into shock and disbelief. He had hoped his plan to distance himself from her had succeeded, yet here she stood, seemingly undeterred.

"Ranna?" he stammered, his voice betraying his astonishment. "What brings you here? I thought we agreed we needed some space."

Ranna leaned against the door frame, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity that made Ryker uneasy. "Oh, Ryker," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness. "I simply couldn't bear to be apart from you any longer. I missed you deeply."

Ryker's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to navigate this unexpected situation. He couldn't let Ranna uncover the truth about the hidden forces at play and their manipulation of her emotions. He needed to handle this delicately.

"I appreciate your feelings, Ranna," he responded, striving to maintain a composed facade. "But I believe it's essential we confront the reality of our relationship. Ranna... I must confess... I was never romantically interested in you. It's the honest truth."

Ranna's smile wavered momentarily, a fleeting expression of hurt crossing her face. However, she swiftly regained her composure, determination shining through. "But Ryker, my feelings are beyond my control," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "I believed we shared something special. Don't you feel the same way?"

Ryker inwardly sighed, realizing that a straightforward rejection might not be sufficient to deter Ranna's advances. He had to handle the situation delicately and divert her attention from himself.

"Ranna, there was a connection between us, I won't deny that," he responded, his voice gentle yet resolute. "But lately, I've found myself questioning my own emotions. I need solitude to sort things out and discover what truly lies in my heart." He fabricated the truth.

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Ranna's face, her confident facade momentarily faltering. "But... I thought we were destined to be together," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

Drawing nearer, Ryker reached out to caress Ranna's cheek softly. "Listen, Ranna," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of sympathy and regret. "Sometimes, what we feel may not align with what is truly best for us. I need you to trust me and grant me the space to find clarity."

Ranna's gaze searched his face, torn between clinging to her emotions and respecting his request.

"I... I want to honor your decision, Ryker," she finally conceded, her voice barely audible. "But promise me you'll contemplate our connection, what we could have."

Ryker nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "I promise, Ranna," he assured her, his voice carrying a blend of sincerity and cautious deceit. "I will take time to reflect upon our bond. Yet, for now, please understand that I need some space."

Ranna paused momentarily, her expression hinting at unspoken words, before giving a slight nod and turning to depart. Ryker observed her departure, a tumultuous blend of emotions surging within him. He recognized the need for utmost caution going forward, ensuring that Ranna remained oblivious to the truth regarding the system's manipulation of her emotions.

As the door closed behind her, Ryker couldn't help but contemplate the durability of his charade and the impending repercussions of his choices.

A pang of guilt tugged at him, knowing the pain he had caused Ranna. However, he couldn't afford to allow sentimentality to prevail. The deep scars she left during his formative academic years reminded him of the necessity of his actions.

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