
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


Ryker rested on his bed, gazing at the ceiling. Ranna had been sending him constant messages, and he had grown weary of her presence. Her neediness, demands, and annoyance had become unbearable. He had utilized an intricate method to charm her, but now he desired to sever their connection.

He closed his eyes, pondering ways to elude her. Merely ignoring her would exacerbate the situation, as she possessed a penchant for appearing unannounced—a prospect Ryker abhorred.

Sitting up, he rubbed his fatigued eyes, determined to devise a plan. Suddenly, inspiration struck. He could harness the capabilities of the system to his advantage.

Meanwhile, Ranna was consumed by envy. The woman who had flirted with Ryker posed a threat to their relationship. Ranna refused to allow anyone to pilfer Ryker's affections. Her love for him was profound, and she would go to great lengths to retain his companionship.

Days elapsed as Ranna meticulously shadowed the woman, studying her daily routines and habits. She familiarized herself with the woman's abode, workplace, and preferred haunts. Ultimately, she discovered a vulnerability—the woman unfailingly ordered fast food at precisely 7 p.m. each evening.

A triumphant smile graced Ranna's face. She had unearthed a means to reach the woman—an avenue she could exploit to her advantage. She knew precisely what she must do.

Under the cover of night, Ranna loitered near the woman's apartment building. She observed as the woman departed, en route to the fast-food establishment.

From a safe distance, Ranna shadowed her every step, ensuring her presence remained undetectable. She bore witness as the woman placed her order and patiently awaited its preparation.

In the ensuing days, Ranna maintained this pattern, incessantly tailing the woman with meticulous dedication.

Ranna's infatuation with Ryker had propelled her onto a treacherous path. Her jealousy had consumed her, leading her to stalk the woman who had engaged in flirtation with him.

Ranna's prowess in the art of surveillance was unparalleled. She monitored the woman's every move, from her residence to her workplace. And now, she had even gleaned insight into the woman's dietary inclinations.

Ranna knew that the woman ordered the same meal every evening without fail. She diligently jotted down the particulars in her notebook, possessing an intimate understanding of the woman's preferred choices on any given day.

On Sunday night, Ranna discerned that the woman would order chicken wings and fries from UnliWings. Thus, she ventured to the same establishment, carefully selecting the identical fare that the woman consistently indulged in.

However, Ranna harbored a clandestine motive. She had surreptitiously added a potion to the food—a concoction acquired from a witch dwelling in the city's obscure alleyways. This elixir would plunge the woman into a profound slumber, enabling Ranna to spirit her away without arousing suspicion.

When Ranna espied the delivery boy arriving at the woman's residence, she recognized that her opportunity had arrived. Swiftly, she trailed the woman, skillfully diverting the delivery boy's attention. Subtly, she substituted the chicken wings in the bag with her own, laced with the soporific potion.

Ranna cautiously retreated to a secluded alley nearby, patiently awaiting the woman's collection of her meal. Deep down, she knew that soon the elixir would work its magic, forging an unbreakable bond between them.

At last, the woman arrived, her hunger palpable and excitement evident. Ranna observed attentively as she unveiled the bag and extracted the succulent chicken wings. Yet, with each bite, weariness overcame her, causing her to slump over the table, drifting into a serene slumber.

After allowing a few moments to pass, Ranna approached the woman, keenly aware of the need for swift action before attracting unwanted attention.

With utmost care, she lifted the woman, cradling her in her arms, careful not to stir any suspicion. Carrying her to a forsaken building on the outskirts of the city, Ranna had meticulously arranged a room, a sanctuary for their shared destiny.

As the woman gradually regained consciousness, Ranna settled beside her, her eyes shimmering with a mix of emotions.

"You shouldn't have entertained the allure of Ryker," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, tinged with a captivating intensity. "Now, our fates intertwine."

Fear flickered in the woman's gaze as she met Ranna's eyes, a feeble attempt to break free met with a gentle yet firm hold.

"Do not attempt to flee," Ranna implored. "For days, I've observed your every move, gaining an intimate knowledge of who you are. Escape is a notion that eludes you."

Bewilderment and trepidation etched across the woman's face, grappling with the enigma that had unfolded, confining her to this unfamiliar presence.

"What is your purpose?" she quivered, her voice trembling.

"I yearn for you to relinquish Ryker," Ranna confessed. "He is mine, and I cannot bear to share his affections with another."

The woman regarded Ranna, her face etched with horror. It was an inconceivable situation, as she had never crossed paths with Ryker before. She couldn't fathom the depth of this stranger's fixation.

However, Ranna remained resolute. Her sole focus was on securing Ryker, regardless of the consequences that befell innocent individuals.

Helpless and filled with trepidation, the woman lay prostrate, unable to escape the impending danger. Ranna's satisfaction gleamed through her smile. She had finally attained her desire, unwavering in her determination.

A chill traveled down the woman's spine as she turned to confront Ranna. Her instinctive retreat faltered, for she found herself rooted to the spot.

"Who are you?" the woman managed to utter, her voice quivering with fear.

Ranna's lips curved into a malevolent smile. "I'm someone you should distance yourself from," she retorted, her eyes glistening with malice. "I observed you conversing with Ryker at the restaurant. Do not dare to entertain thoughts of snatching him away."

Shock widened the woman's eyes. "I have no intentions of usurping anyone from you," she asserted. "In truth, I am unacquainted with Ryker."

"Do not deceive me," Ranna spat venomously, stepping closer. "Your existence shall no longer pose a threat to me."

Desperate to flee, the woman implored, "Release me!"

Ranna's grip tightened, unyielding. "In due time, you will appreciate my actions."

The woman fought against Ranna's clasp, but her efforts were in vain. Succumbing to her fate, she closed her eyes and braced herself for the impending ordeal. Suddenly, a searing pain surged through her neck, and darkness consumed her.

Ranna relinquished her hold on the woman, observing her crumpled form on the ground. A smirk of contentment graced her lips, assured that none would dare venture between her and Ryker again.

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