
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Ryker lay down on his bed. But his heart raced as the System delivered the distressing news about Ranna's violent behavior towards the woman he had met at the restaurant. Panic gripped him, and he knew he had to act swiftly to prevent a tragedy.

Without hesitation, he reached out to the System, seeking guidance and a solution to the imminent danger. The System's voice echoed in his mind, its tone urgent and stern. "Ryker, you must intervene immediately. Ranna's actions have escalated beyond control, and the woman's life is in peril. You have the power to save her."

An overwhelming surge of unease and remorse consumed him as he became acutely aware of the repercussions entailed by his deeds. Never had he harbored any intention for matters to escalate to such an extent, and the burden of accountability pressed upon him with immense force. Acknowledging the necessity, he comprehended the imperative task of addressing Ranna, in order to quell her destructive course and safeguard the blameless woman ensnared amidst the turmoil.

With a sense of trepidation, Ryker sought out Ranna, his heart pounding in his chest. The System helped him to find her, her eyes ablaze with fury and her body trembling with uncontrollable rage. The atmosphere was charged with tension, crackling with the uncertainty of what would transpire.

"Ranna," Ryker began, his voice cautious yet determined, "we need to talk. This has gone too far. You're hurting innocent people, and I can't let it continue."

Ranna's eyes narrowed, her breathing heavy and erratic. She restlessly traversed the space, her profound sentiments emanating through each measured step. Her hands tightened, the pressure causing her knuckles to pale, as she exerted herself to preserve composure.

"This bitch? Hah? Innocent? You dare lecture me?" Ranna seethed, her voice laced with venom. "You, who toyed with my heart, who made promises and then discarded me like a worthless object. And now you want to protect her? You've betrayed me, Ryker!"

Ryker's voice quivered with a mix of remorse and urgency. "I never wanted any of this, Ranna. I never intended to hurt you."

Ranna's anger erupted, her face contorted with a mix of anguish and madness. "What about my pain, Ryker? The torment I endured because of your actions? You think I'll just let her take you away from me? No! I won't allow it!"

Ryker took a step closer, his voice filled with sincerity. "Ranna, listen to me. Stop this! This is not right! Hurting other people just because you're hurt?"

Ranna's grip on reality seemed to waver, her eyes darting between anger and confusion. She faltered, her body trembling as the weight of her actions pressed upon her. "I... I don't know what to think anymore," she whispered, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Ryker seized the opportunity, his voice gentle yet resolute. "You aren't like this, Ranna. Don't let your feelings for me be a destruction for other people."

Ranna's gaze softened, tears welling in her eyes as a glimmer of reason broke through her tumultuous emotions. She nodded slowly, a mixture of sorrow and determination etched across her face. "O-Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I... I understand what you mean, Ryker,"

The room seemed to close in on them, the tension reaching its peak as Ryker pleaded with Ranna to release the crying, helpless woman. Fear and desperation pulsed through the air, mingling with Ranna's unyielding jealousy and possessiveness.

"Ranna, please," Ryker implored, his voice quivering with a mix of concern and urgency. "She's defenseless. Let her go. We don't have to resort to violence."

But then, Ranna thought he was protecting the woman. A fiery blend of intense emotions flickered within her eyes, concealing traces of both rage and envy, while her hold on the woman grew tighter, revealing her battle for self-restraint.

Her voice quivered, laced with an unsettling intensity, as she forcefully expressed her thoughts, her ire simmering just beneath the facade.

"Concerned for her, aren't you? She occupies a greater place in your heart than I ever did!"

Ryker's heart sank as he felt the weight of Ranna's words. He desperately searched for the right words, the right actions to diffuse the situation. His mind raced, grappling with the potential consequences of his next move.

"I'm not driven by affection towards her. However, she is undeserving of such treatment," he implored, his voice carrying a genuine undertone. "We must discover a solution that avoids harm. The stakes are far too high. Your emotions cannot govern your actions."

Ranna's gaze narrowed, a blend of anguish and fury flickering across her countenance. "You fail to understand me, Ryker! I cannot endure the prospect of losing you! I cannot allow this bitch to steal you away from me!"

As Ranna's grip tightened further, the woman's cries grew louder, echoing through the room. The situation had escalated beyond control, and Ryker felt a growing sense of desperation. He had to act swiftly, yet carefully, to protect both the woman and himself.

"Ranna, listen to me," he urged, his voice filled with a blend of determination and compassion. "I don't want to lose you either, but this isn't the way to hold onto someone. We can choose a different path, a path where love and understanding prevail."

Ranna's face twisted with a mixture of anguish and defiance. The room grew suffocating, the air thick with the weight of their choices. Ryker knew he had reached a critical juncture, where one wrong move could lead to irreversible consequences.

Ryker stepped forward, his voice resolute and unwavering. "Ranna, I cannot allow you to inflict harm upon her. Nor will I permit any harm to befall anyone. If your love for me is genuine, you must place your trust in me and release your grip."

Ranna's eyes ignited with a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions, while her grasp around the woman's throat intensified, tightening even further.

Ranna's eyes flashed with a maelstrom of emotions, her grip on the woman's throat tightening even further. Her voice trembled, laced with a deadly resolve. "If you're not mine, Ryker, then you won't belong to anyone."

Ryker's heart sank as the weight of Ranna's words settled upon him. He found himself entangled in a perilous battle for survival, torn between his instinct to rescue the woman and the urgent need to protect himself. The seconds ticked by agonizingly, each moment hanging in the balance, as Ryker desperately sought a way out of this deadly impasse.

"Ranna, if you really want me to love you, you will obey my words," Ryker's mind raced as he seized the opportunity presented by Ranna's momentary distraction. With a swift and deliberate motion, he untied the captive woman, urgency fueling his actions. He leaned in close, his voice hushed yet urgent.

"Run!" he whispered, his eyes filled with determination. "Find help. Get out of here!"

The woman nodded, her eyes wide with fear and gratitude. Without a moment's hesitation, she dashed towards the nearest exit, her steps fueled by a newfound hope for escape.

As the woman fled, Ranna's attention snapped back to Ryker, her anger boiling over. In a burst of fury, she struck him forcefully with an open hand, the impact rippling across his face with remarkable strength.

"No more," he declared, his voice devoid of the gentleness and hesitation of the past. "I never wanted you, Ranna. I never loved you. Seeing you in pain now, it brings me joy."

"W-What the hell are you talking about?!" Ranna's expression shifted from anger to shock and betrayal. Her world shattered as she processed Ryker's heartless words. The pain of his rejection cut deep, the realization that her love had been nothing more than an illusion.

Before Ranna could react, he swiftly produced a syringe from his pocket. With meticulous expertise, he administered a carefully measured dose of a sedative, a potent blend designed to induce a profound slumber. This temporary remedy would grant him the necessary respite to secure his own well-being and protect the aforementioned woman. The elixir is sanctioned by the System.

Ranna's eyes fluttered, her body growing limp as the sedative took effect. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious and vulnerable. Ryker stood over her, a mix of emotions swirling within him—relief, satisfaction, and a tinge of regret.

With one final glance at Ranna's motionless form, Ryker turned away, determined to leave behind the darkness and the pain that had consumed their lives. The echoes of their tumultuous relationship lingered in the air, a reminder of the consequences of jealousy and revenge.

While Ryker ventured beyond the confines of the room, an air of uncertainty permeated his thoughts, prompting contemplation of the enigmatic future. The course of vengeance had inflicted indelible imprints upon his very essence, and he acknowledged that the pursuit of restoration and absolution would demand a protracted and burdensome expedition.

"Good bye, Ranna... this is the last scene of you in my life," He whispered.

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