
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Book fair event

Frustrated and determined, Maddison scoured every bookstore in town, her steps growing heavier with each disappointment. She couldn't grasp the notion that the essential book she required for an opportunity seemed to have vanished without a trace. A deep-seated rage lurked within her, poised to surge forth in a torrent of exasperation.

While traversing the bustling corridors of yet another retail establishment, Maddison's gaze swiftly shifted from one shelf to another, scouring for any hint of the elusive volume. The attendant, a courteous young lady with a pleasant countenance, drew near.

Maddison's irritation seeped through her voice as she asked, "Do you have 'The Art of Modeling' by Lucas Walker?"

The store attendant gently shook her head, a gesture of regret. "Regrettably, they are out of stock. This particular book has enjoyed enduring popularity, and we are uncertain about the timeframe for its restocking."

Maddison clenched her fists, her annoyance mounting with every failed attempt. She could feel the anger bubbling inside her, threatening to overflow. She needed that book, and the universe seemed determined to deny her. "I can't believe it!" she cried out, her voice tinged with annoyance. "How can I make progress without that book? It feels like everyone is plotting against me! I need that fucking book, arrrghh!"

Maddison's face turned red with annoyance as she hurriedly left the bookstore, her mind filled with urgent ideas. She refused to abandon her goals, unable to accept being hindered by a simple book. Finding a solution became her top priority.

As she entered her empty room, Maddison paced back and forth, her anger dominating her thinking. "I can't allow this to hinder me," she whispered with determination. "There must be another option. I won't let a foolish book obstruct my journey. I need to get Ryker's trust again! There's no way he would trust me after what I've done to him! Oh, please!"

Her frustration mingled with a sense of desperation, fueling her relentless pursuit. Maddison's mind raced, considering alternative options, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of her emotions.

"I'll give online a shot," she mumbled, her voice tinged with a touch of urgency. "I must discover a means to obtain a copy. I refuse to let this obstacle ruin all my efforts."

Maddison grabbed her laptop and began scouring online marketplaces and bookstores. Her clicks were frantic, her eyes scanning each search result with an intensity fueled by her growing frustration. She muttered to herself, her words sharp and filled with annoyance. "Come on, where is it? I need that book. It holds the answers to everything," she murmured, her voice filled with tension. "I can't believe it's this difficult to locate. But I won't quit. This won't mark the conclusion for me."

The minutes turned into hours as Maddison tirelessly searched, her frustration growing with every unsuccessful attempt. But deep down, a flicker of determination remained, driving her forward in her quest to obtain the book that held the secrets to her ambitions.

Maddison's outburst and relentless search for the book showcased her impatience and the lengths she was willing to go to achieve her goals. She refused to let a setback deter her, her unwavering determination propelling her forward on a path that would ultimately shape the lives of those around her. But then, she saw an event online. There will be a big book fair event tomorrow. And she needs to go there!

The next day, she wasted no more opportunity. Maddison's eyes narrowed as she locked her gaze on the man clutching the book she so desperately sought.

"That's the fucking book! Oh my God! I have to have that book no matter what! By hook or by crook! That book should be mine!"

Her heart pounded with a mix of desperation and anger, her determination igniting a fire within her. She approached him with purpose, her steps firm and calculated.

"Uhm. Excuse me," Maddison called out, her voice tinged with an edge of annoyance. The man turned to face her, curiosity etched across his features.

Maddison wasted no time and got straight to the point. "Where did you get that book?"

The man's eyebrows furrowed slightly, his eyes studying Maddison with caution. "Oh, this book? It was a gift from my father. It holds a lot of sentimental value to me."

Maddison's mind raced, weighing her options as she considered how to approach the situation. She needed that book, but the man's attachment to it presented a challenge. She couldn't let her frustration show, not if she wanted to negotiate.

"Sentimental value, huh?" Maddison replied, a hint of irritation seeping into her voice. "Well, I'm ready to pay you for it. How much would you sell it for? I have a lot of money. I can even buy this book fair itself," she bragged carelessly.

The man's face relaxed, his gaze examining Maddison's expression as he considered her proposal. A moment of doubt flashed across his features, but he stayed resolute. "I apologize, but this book holds immeasurable value to me. It's a rare edition, and you won't find it available for purchase anywhere. Most who have this are book collectors. Even if you search anyway, you can't find one who is selling this,"

She rolled her eyes. Does this man think she doesn't know that? She fucking tried all ways to have that book, but luck is not on her side!

Maddison's irritation flared, her anger bubbling beneath the surface. How could he refuse her offer? The thought of being denied once again fueled her frustration, pushing her to find a way to convince him otherwise.

"$3000," Maddison blurted out, her voice laced with both determination and impatience. She observed the man intently, anticipating a sign of agreement in his eyes. His face suddenly showed a brief moment of astonishment, with his eyebrows furrowing together.

He hesitated, seemingly torn between the monetary gain and the sentimental value of the book. Maddison held her breath, hope mingled with her growing annoyance.

But then, the man firmly shook his head, his face displaying a determined look. "I apologize, but I can't let go of this book. It holds immense sentimental value to me."

Maddison's anger surged within her, her frustration reaching its peak. She had exhausted all her options, yet the book remained out of her grasp. The realization that she might never obtain it, no matter the cost, fueled her irritation.

She clenched her fists, her tone sharp and laced with anger. "Fine! Keep your precious book then!" she spat, her words dripping with scorn.

Maddison swiftly turned around, marching away from the man, her mind brimming with ideas for alternative solutions to her problem.

Her anger blazed inside her, intensifying her resolve to find a way, even if it meant considering drastic actions. Maddison's unwavering pursuit of the book dominated her thinking, compelling her to explore uncharted paths, all with the aim of achieving her goals and seeking justice against those who had mistreated her.

Hello, thanks for reading this novel and adding it up. Thank you too for the powerstones. It means a lot to me! :) Sorry my dog got sick and I need to take care of him for a while. I'll go back to my daily updates!

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