
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


The man walked away from her. Maddison's mind swirled with a mix of desperation and determination as she observed the man's every move. Her heart raced with a single-minded focus on obtaining that elusive book, her aspirations hanging in the balance. She followed him closely, her steps silent and purposeful, her eyes never leaving her target.

As the man approached his car, Maddison positioned herself in his path, effectively blocking his way. The annoyance on his face was evident, his impatience palpable.

"What the hell do you want, woman? Huh? Get out of my way! You're disturbing me!" He demanded that she leave him be, but Maddison refused to back down.

"No! You have something that I need!" Maddison exclaimed, her voice laced with determination and frustration. Her eyes darted to the book, a burning desire to possess it fueling her actions.

In a desperate attempt, Maddison reached out to grab the book from the man's hands, but he proved stronger and managed to resist her grip. The force of their struggle caused Maddison to lose her balance, and she stumbled, falling to the ground in a jarring motion.

"Damn you! Did you seriously push me?"

"M-Miss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. But you were persistent. Please let's avoid each other. No matter what you say, I won't sell my book,"

Anger surged within Maddison, her frustration boiling over. She pushed herself up from the ground, her eyes blazing with a mix of determination and rage. Unwilling to accept defeat, she directed her fury at the man before her.

With a surge of energy, Maddison lunged forward, pushing the man forcefully.

Taken by surprise, he stumbled backwards, his equilibrium wavering precariously. Amidst the ensuing commotion, he lost his footing and toppled onto the bustling street.

Car horns blared and the screech of tires pierced the atmosphere as the man found himself in a dangerous predicament.

Maddison's heart raced with a mix of panic and adrenaline as she realized the magnitude of her actions.

She witnessed the man lying unconscious and injured after being struck by a speeding car. However, deep down, a part of her couldn't deny the twisted satisfaction of asserting control and dominance.

As the tumultuous situation unfolded, onlookers gasped in astonishment, their voices reflecting worry and disbelief. Maddison's face twisted with a blend of anger, fear, and a tinge of remorse. The weight of her actions dawned upon her, and a wave of guilt threatened to overwhelm her.

In that fleeting instant, the anger that propelled her vanished, giving way to a surge of regret and alarm.

"Fuck! Shit! I need to go! I couldn't let these people see me!" Maddison's eyes grew wide as she understood the gravity of her impulsive action. She had let her ambition and longing for the book cloud her reasoning, and now she found herself on the brink of uncertainty, with her future at stake. But she's not sorry for it. Accidents happen. It's not really her fault, he pushed her first!

Maddison felt her heart race, and fear coursed through her body. Gripping the book tightly in her trembling hands, she looked back at the still person on the ground, her breath hitching in her throat.

"Holy shit! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Maddison whispered to herself, her voice shaking with a blend of remorse and unease. She fought to calm her racing mind, overwhelmed by the possible consequences of her impulsive choices.

Her steps quickened, fueled by a combination of adrenaline and fear. Maddison darted through the streets, her eyes darting anxiously from side to side, searching for any signs of pursuit. Each passing moment only intensified her sense of dread and remorse.

As she hurried away, her voice barely audible, she whispered to herself in soft tones. "How did it come to this? What will my parents say? They trusted me, and now... now I've done something terrible. How about my new friends?"

Tears welled up in Maddison's eyes, blurring her vision, as she thought of the consequences that awaited her. The weight of disappointment and judgment loomed heavy on her shoulders.

She feared the disapproving gaze of her parents, their hopes dashed by her impetuous act. "And what about my friends? Will they abandon me too? They won't understand. They'll see me as a monster! Oh my God, they will treat me like a criminal!"

Maddison's voice trembled with a blend of sorrow and worry. She was intimately familiar with the ache of being turned away, the sharp pang of feeling excluded, and now she dreaded the possibility of reliving that experience.

Her footsteps faltered momentarily as doubt and regret threatened to consume her. Should she turn back? Should she confront the outcomes of her choices directly? However, the dread of judgment, of jeopardizing all her diligent efforts, pushed her onward.

Maddison continued her hurried escape, her mind a chaotic storm of self-doubt and trepidation. She knew this was a bad decision, but as long as no one saw her, she's safe. And she could give this fucking book to Ryker… and she could achieve her dreams!

Hello readers, I hope someone is still reading this story. To be honest, while I am writing this story, the character of Ryker in my mind is Light Yagami from DN, lol. Please forgive my english, it's not my second language. And pls bare with me for trying hard to write this story, huhu. I am a romance and werewolf writer, this is not my forte. But I really like to get out of my comfort zone. I want to exploring trying new things! And I hope you could give me a chance to show it and improve my skills overtime. Anyway, I love shonen novels so much, but Naruto and AOT is the best for me, lol. You can see it from my pen name! I am a girl sucker for anime. See you next chapter!

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