

Dying for no reason MC is picked at random as someone to change the ending of Remnant, given 3 wishes at the start he is thrown into the world slowly picking a path for himself. Edit: I will be using the general idea of RWBY but will have my own ideas and story progression. I don't want to be a copy past of RWBY and be the side character or take away from others in the story And please do give me constructive criticism as it will help a lot. you know the drill not my art

Slothful · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Trail of courage

The sun rises on a new day, the sky had no clouds to block the sun out while the snow seemed to glow and reflect the light coming from above. The simple village had a single building made of stone at the centre that towered above the others around them.

- Raziel pov -

Getting out of bed, I look back to Kahina who is sleeping soundly and then turn towards the door. I use my semblance to exit the room making sure no one is on the outside to see. After leaving I walk downstairs into the bar and jump onto a stool next to the bar. Looking towards the bartender he starts to walk over towards me.

Bartender: "Well, good morning young man. What can I help you with?"

Raziel: "One breakfast please!"

Bartender: "Of course, coming right up."

Walking into the back room for about half a minute he walks back out and starts to hum away as he does his daily checks. He checks the casher, mugs, barrels, tables, chairs and anything else he could get his hands on.

From the back room, I could hear the gruff voice of a woman.

Woman: "Foods ready dear!"

The bartender starts walking to the door and as he reaches out, opens the door and enters. While all this happened I sat at the table in silence playing around with my aura and watching the man as he went about his morning.

Walking out of the backroom with a wooden tray the bartender walks towards me and places the tray in front of me. On the tray, it had one plate with a few different fruits and a bowl of porridge with a wooden spoon already in it.

Bartender: "Hope you enjoy it, kiddo. Me wife makes the greatest porridge in the whole of Remnant!"

Looking up toward the bartender, I could see a glowing smile coming from the man. I give back a half-hearted smile as I bring my gaze back down onto the food and start to chow down. Taking a bite from the fruit, a bitter sensation flooded my mouth.

As time passes the food left in front of me is now completely gone as I get up and push the tray closer to the other side to give the bartender an easier time picking it up. After doing so I get up and head toward Akari's and my room.

Using my semblance to enter, I take a seat and start my basic aura training. I try my best to condense and conceal it, expanding my aura and using [Sixth sense] and keeping track of every little living creature's movement, moving it from different parts of my body arm to arm leg to leg.

While doing my aura control training Akari taught me the basics. After an hour of this I started with some Squats, jump rope, push-ups, Leaning Away Lateral Raise, Dips, Sit-ups targeting a few groups of muscles while not doing a full-body workout.

Taking a look over towards Akari the memories of never being able to sneak up on her came to my mind. it seemed like with her aura she always knew I was near, after about another hour Akari had woken up and did a few stretches as we had a short talk while she was getting ready.

Akari leaves the room and I'm left alone to get ready for the day. I do some daily hygienic needs and then head out to start my wonder of the village. I give my goodbyes to Akari, though Kahina hadn't left her room yet. I head out planning to stay out most of the day.

As I start to walk around the village I spend the first 10 minutes alone seeing the daily life of the villagers and just taking it all in. Stopping and smelling the roses in a way, until I see Roy walking down the street.

His bright smile brought the villagers that were just starting their day some energy as he saw me and we both started walking towards each other. Today he wore the same fur clothes he was wearing yesterday.

Raziel: "What's up Roy glad to see someone up early as well"

Roy: "Not much Raz just wanted to get out and see who's walking around see if I could help anyone"

Raziel: "Oh I see cool cool same as well"

- 3rd pov -

Both Raziel and Roy started walking around together talking about what kids do around here for fun and he kept talking about everything that came to mind. Raziel just kept on asking questions and engaging in the conversation laughing and some of the jokes Roy made.

After a few hours past, it was now 11 am and a sizable group of the village children had started to gather as Raziel and Roy came across the biggest group we could find. A wall of the children had made a circle around something. Raziel and Roy both looked at each other and then back at the other children.

Raziel's hearing wasn't the greatest having his ears covered under a large layer of clothing but he could still hear the shouting of a little arrogant boy and Mia coming from the centre. Roy started to push himself through the group as I watched from the sidelines.

Obnoxious child: "Heh Mia is a scaredy-cat. You couldn't even handle a little jump scare hahaha!"

Mia: "Shut up Patrick, no I'm not! Just your large size made me think you were going to sit on me!"

fatrick: "You know my name is Patrick you little Grimm! And everyone saw you jump up and on top of that you peed your pants hahaha haha!"

Mia: "You're lying!"

Roy stepped in front of Mia and put his hand up to Particks chest pushing him away, everyone oooowww'd the two. As Mia pointed at Patrick and with a face full of fear shouted out in front of everyone. all eyes on her, the eyes that seemed to lack any confidence lost the slivers of it from her eyes as she stuttered out.

Mia: "I'll... I'll do the trail of courage to prove myself!"

Silence fell the group of children as everyone looked at Mia with wide eyes, Patrick couldn't hold it back as his laugh rang out for all to hear. Raziel looked around to see Jimmy and Melvine turned up trying to figure out what was happening.

Jimmy: "What happened Raziel?"

Raziel: "From what I could gather some guy called Patrick did something to Mia and now she's talking about a Trial of courage."

While Raziel was talking Mia had already rushed off towards the edge of the village. Roy called towards Mia trying to convince her not to go, Melvine and Jimmy started jogging after them. Raziel looked towards the group and didn't know whether to join them or leave them to be.

Raziel muttered under his breath.

Raziel: "For fuck sake."

Raziel followed the group as he started to check his pouch for what gear he has on himself right now. The five of them kept on walking through the back alleyways Roy kept on trying to talk Mia out of it to no avail.

Roy: "Mia can you calm down, you know it's dangerous to do the trial. Can you please not? how about we prank him back?"

Mia: "This isn't about him! Why am I so scared of the littlest things? I want to prove to myself I'm not useless."

Jimmy: "Being scared doesn't make you useless. You should listen to Roy and calm down."

Mia: "Stop trying to convince me you guys I'm going and I don't expect you to follow me."

Melvine: "I'm going, gotta keep you out of trouble."

Everyone else gave a heavy sigh as they followed Mia, they all looked to the mountain range a ways off, maybe an hour's walk away. As they started to walk towards them, the mountain range was gigantic in scale with each mountain almost lined up making a wall of rock and snow as far as the eye could see.

Raziel: "Yo guys don't you think grimm and wild animals may be out there?"

The group looked back, each of them but Mia had a small smirk on their face, as Jimmy walked towards Raziel and put his arm around his shoulder. They kept on walking as Jimmy explained some things about the area around them.

Jimmy: "Forgot you didn't know about it but no grimm come around here, people believe it to be that atlas has put up a forcefield around this area"

Raziel: "And what's this trial of courage about?"

Roy: "It's this stupid trail where you have to jump over this crack in the ground in this big cave and then jump over it again leading out while feeling as little fear as you can. It's said if you feel fear the darkness will eat you whole"

Raziel: "I see, well that sounds fun"

Jimmy: "Yep no one has done it for years some think it isn't even real."

Mia: "It is real, my older brother did it when he was younger."

They walked and talked for the next hour till they reached the base of the mountain. A large cave entrance lay in front of all of them along the side. Small broken shards of what seemed like bricks lined the wall on every side as it seemed man-made.

They looked at each other as Mia took her first step into this trail of courage.

Editor: Xeno_Xavier

Proofreader: S_jay

"about 100feet tall and I weigh at least a lot" - beetlejuice

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