

Dying for no reason MC is picked at random as someone to change the ending of Remnant, given 3 wishes at the start he is thrown into the world slowly picking a path for himself. Edit: I will be using the general idea of RWBY but will have my own ideas and story progression. I don't want to be a copy past of RWBY and be the side character or take away from others in the story And please do give me constructive criticism as it will help a lot. you know the drill not my art

Slothful · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Into the dark

The pure white snow laid around the group of children, they now stood 500ft from the grand expanse of snowy fields they once walked on. In the distance, the village could be seen in little detail, further up the mountain the snowy peaks just insight with no clouds blocking the view.

- Raziel pov -

Looking up, the size of this mountain is truly out of this world. I don't think I've seen something on this scale. Maybe Everest and K2, those types of mountains could amount to what I'm seeing right now. but peeling my eyes off the terrain around us I look down to this creepy cave leading into darkness.

Jimmy: "Well we made it..."

Roy: "Yeah... let's just get this done."

Mia: "I- Its fin- fine *Cough* I'll take the lead."

Before Mia could walk into the cave Roy walked in first as he pulled out a torch. Clicking the button atop it, a beam of light shot out of it as he turned to her giving a bright smile. As for me, I check my gear in the back with the satchel I have on my side.

I have a hunter's dagger, a bottle of water with some nuts, dried meat in a small tin with some bandages for small cuts and wounds and then a blanket.

While checking on my supplies I follow the group, making sure nothing comes from behind while everyone's focused on what's in front of them.

I should be able to fend off any weak Grimm, and most animals that don't have dust embedded, natural weapons. Apart from that, I do think I am able to fight off most creatures I would come across as of now.

Coming out from my deep thought, I noticed that Melvine was walking next to me in the back, Mia and Roy took the front and Jimmy was walking in the middle. Every one of them apart from Melvine and I seemed scared.

Raziel: "Melvine, why are you so calm?"

Melvine: "I want to be a huntsman, and to become one someone needs to be strong. So something like this won't scare me."

Raziel: "That's pretty cool man. Have you unlocked that semblance thing?"

Melvine: "No… Not yet."

Raziel: "I see well don't worry about it, you just need to wait for the right moment."

Looking towards him I see a small smile form on his face as his eyes still hold some doubt. I think back to how and when I got mine and how it's not like that for him. While thinking this we kept walking further into the cave. It was shaped in a perfect circle with only the edges of the rocks giving imperfections to it.

Walking further in we reach a part of the tunnel where it starts to level out, in front a large crack had formed on the ground. The crack was about two meters in size cutting the tunnel in two as the crack is going into both sides of the wall making it impossible to climb across.

Mia: "We- well we fou- found it"

Roy: "That we did, I know I can make that jump but I think we should go back now."

Mia: "No! we have come this far we have to at least try!"

Melvine: "I'll jump across and help anyone that needs it."

Melvine takes a few steps back and starts to run towards the crack just before reaching the edge he pushes off the ground jumping. His leap sends himself over the crack as he lands in a roll leading into him standing up.

Jimmy: "Melvine be built differently."

Roy: "I know right hahaha!"

Melvine: "Okay when you jump do so towards me."

Hearing this Roy took a look towards Mia and then took a few steps back leaning down he readied himself to jump. A forced smile crossed his face as he started to run towards the rift in the ground speeding up till he reaches the crack taking a leap not as perfect as melvin's but still is able to land close to the crack.

Roy: "Hey that was super easy!"

His words and the way he stood were off Roy's hand shook slightly as he just laughed it off. The next one to walk up is Mia. Her hands shook but she still didn't stop getting ready as Jimmy moved closer to the edge probably in case she slips or something.

Mia Like the others rushes towards the edge unlike the others she didn't hide her fear but at the same time it didn't slow her down. Taking a single step right next to the edge she leaps over getting good air time before landing on the other side.

Jimmy: "Lets gooooo I knew you could do it!"

Roy: "good job Mia!"

Mia let out a deep breath and a wide smile bloomed across her face, the signs of fear lessened as she looked towards Jimmy, her smile turned mischievous. Jimmy seeing this lets out a dry laugh as he turns to walk back up the tunnel.

Mia: "Jimmy don't even think about running off!"

Jimmy: "Well you see I'm not great at jumping, I'm more of a runner."

Roy: "If Mia can do it you should be able to right? Or are you saying she is better than you? hahahahah!"

Jimmy: "God damn it, I shouldn't have come."

Raziel: "Don't worry I'll be here to catch you so just do your best."

Jimmy: "Thanks for the words, Raz."

He starts to dash towards the crack, as he does this I jog behind him to better help if needed and jump over at the same time. As he jumped he flung his body as far as he could and planted his feet on the edge of the other side.

Seeing this from my lacking speed I bend down and push off the edge of the entrance side. Jimmy's body starts to fall into the crack Roy and Mia, both close to him, reach out to try and grab him, both missing by inches.

Using my strength I push off the ledge towards Jimmy his body now at a 45-degree angle he had no chance to fix the fall himself. Putting my hands out I go to spear him back onto hard ground, my body and his connect but his frame made it hard for me who is smaller.

I fixed his fall but now most of my body is over the edge and I lost the forward momentum. I reached down to grab ahold of the edge. My fingers hook onto the rocks as my body follows behind adding a jolt of weight making it hard to hold on.

Jimmy and Roy grabbed Jimmy and pulled him up as Melvine grabbed onto my hands and pulled me up. Jimmy walked toward me, his face pale still in shock of his near-death experience. I myself checked over my body for any injuries.

Melvine: "You okay man?"

Raziel: "All good my fingers are a little nicked up but nothing too bad."

Jimmy: "Thanks man for what you did."

Raziel: "It's all good man I didn't see you as I was jumping over so it was by accident."

While talking I felt something from further into the dark tunnel. It was now twice the size of the last tunnel we walked through. The feeling of something looking at me pierced my side. But when I let out my [shroud] I felt no aura.

Before I could do anything a whip came flying towards Jimmy wrapping around his leg and pulling just as quickly back into the darkness. Everyone was stuck in place for a second till my body jolted into action like a lightning bolt had hit my body powering it up.

My eyes locked onto the darkness as I started my sprint after him.

Editor: Xeno_Xavier

"I would bet on a dog beating 5 cats in a fight" - Johnny Depp

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