

Dying for no reason MC is picked at random as someone to change the ending of Remnant, given 3 wishes at the start he is thrown into the world slowly picking a path for himself. Edit: I will be using the general idea of RWBY but will have my own ideas and story progression. I don't want to be a copy past of RWBY and be the side character or take away from others in the story And please do give me constructive criticism as it will help a lot. you know the drill not my art

Slothful · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Making friends

The sun started to set with an orange tinge in the sky laid into a beautiful red. The large group of children all split off into groups, each having a fire they sat around. The once light breeze that swept across the land now had settled down.

- 3rd pov -

Sat around the fire Jimmy could be seen leaning in to keep himself warm. His face was calm, his eyes half shut from the tiredness that overcame his body, he had bushy eyebrows with most of the shape of his head hidden with the heavy winter furs he had on.

On the smaller side, Mia had the same type of furs as Jimmy did that seemed like patchwork made of polar bear hide. Her face was round with freckles atop her cheeks that seemed to have baby fat still on them. her blue hair hung through the hood that had a slight curl to them.

While sitting around the fire Raziel could be seen keeping to himself his aura watching out for anyone that may try to prank him. He was worried about this prank leading to his cover being blown.

Redcap kid: "Hey man I don't think you've talked too much, the name's Roy! think someone called you Raz mind if I call you that"

Raziel looked toward Roy, the act of leadership he showed before was now gone and a cheeky smile crossed his face. His hair was black with a line of red twisted with pink, his skin seemed sickly white like he could hide in the snow with no one seeing him.

Raziel: "Nice to meet you, my full name is Raziel but feel free to call me Raz and don't worry about me I'm good man just don't want to force myself into your friend group"

Roy: "Don't worry about it Raz the people in this circle have never met another kid from the outside world, only adults so I imagine everyone is curious about who you are hahaha."

Saying this a slightly nervous laugh left his mouth the group all looked towards Raziel with childish wonder in their eyes. Raziel took a second to gather his thoughts to not say anything above his age.

Raziel: "Well where to start, right now my mother and I are travelling south, we plan to head to the coast, we came from the furthest part of the north where the land is full of ice that seems like sculptures from giants to grimm and from trees to houses."

The group of four looked with wonder in their eyes as their heads each imagined different things with what Raziel said. The fire crackled as small bits of light flew into the sky, Raziel looked around to the quiet kid of the group. his long braided brown hair reached his nape, he had thin eyebrows as he seemed to be looking around acting very observant a small scar lines across the bridge of his nose.

Raziel: "After growing up there I went travelling and we caught a train close by here from some... people, after that I reached here and joined in on your game."

Roy: "ohhhh that's sick man, about the game we played I heard you did great in it even if we lost I heard you popped off."

Jimmy: "Yep if he didn't slip I imagine he could have had a chance to reach the main base he even used Mia as a shield hahaha hahaha."

Mia: "you big stupid lug say that to any more people and I'll.. I'll put wolf poo in your pillow!"

The group all laughed at the two bickering as the sun fully set and all the children started to get up and walk home, the large group of what must be fifty to seventy children slowly all made their way home.

Raziel does the same as Jimmy and Mia get up and start to put out the fire. Roy could be seen looking around to make sure they didn't leave anything. Slowly standing up the quiet kid walks towards Raziel looking into his eyes.

quiet kid: "sorry, I'm not great at talking in groups, my name's Melvine it's nice to meet you, hope to see you tomorrow."

Raziel: "all good man wasn't like I was much of a talker, I should get going as well. I'll see you lot tomorrow."

As Raziel says this he gives his farewells to the group and starts walking back to the inn where Akari and Kinha both are resting. walking down the dark street the cold being blocked by the aura shield that Raziel has up. The lights of the building around him were slowly being snuffed out as the village was now only lit by the broken moon and stars above him.

After four minutes of walking, he reached the front of the inn and walked in, the warmth flowing around Raziel. sitting at the desk the bartender could be seen talking to a few of the villagers as they drink and laugh.

- Raziel pov -

Slowly walking into the inn two tables had three people on them each having drinks lining the table. The men could be heard slurring their words. taking my time I walk through the place. In my past life, I enjoyed drinking so I missed this kind of atmosphere a lot.

Walking past the main table I give a smile and a nod towards the bartender. as he gives a smile back Turning to the stairs with a spring in my step I walk up the stairs and head to Kinha's room. Standing in front of it is a metal plate with 'room 5' on it.

As I was about to knock I could hear the soft staggered breaths of Kihna. Knocking on the door the sounds I once heard turned to silence, leaning my head on the door my head looked for the right words to say.

Raziel: "I hope you know I'm not going anywhere, if you need me just reach out"

no sound came back, silence still filled the air, I could still hear the talking of the drunk men downstairs, but the noise slowly got blocked out. I waited and waited till the sound of footsteps could be heard walking towards the door as they stopped around a meter away from it.

The door slightly cracks open, the red swollen eyes of Kahina could be seen as any sign of tears wiped away. a smile lined her face trying to hide any sign of pain she was once letting out, I looked towards her and smiled back to her.

Kahina: "Hahaha you must have heard me, I stubbed my toe and was just in a little pain don't worry about it kiddo."

Raziel: "Ah I see do you mind if I stay with you tonight? I get nightmares when I'm around humans."

Leaning down, she places a hand on my head.

Kahina: "If Akari is okay with it then it's fine with me."

Hearing this I try my best to give the brightest smile I could. I grab her hand and look into her eyes. The thoughts of the pain she's going through seemed to leak into my head as it was hard to keep this smile up.

Raziel: "Of course, I'll go ask her right now, back in a flash."

Turning to the right the door number 'room 2' and using my semblance to walk into it. Looking towards the bed, I could see Akari's eyes staring towards me. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered what I promised her.

Akari: "Do share why you've come so late Raziel."

Raziel: "Funny story mum I think I made friends with some of the kids around here at least we're on good terms so I hung out with them, sorry for worrying you."

Akari: "Hmm I'll let you off since you met some people your age, but remember next time you will get back by the time I told you, young man."

Raziel: "Of course, mum I'll do my best, I came here just to tell you I'm gonna sleep in Kahina's room. I heard her cry and wanted to comfort her. I didn't want to make you worry because you didn't hear from me."

Akari: "Oh, will you now? How about asking?"

Raziel: "Can I stay in Kahinas room please."

(E/N: I don't know, can you?)

Akari: "Yes, yes you can."

Walking out the door I head towards Kahina's room and knock, Kahina opens the door and looks towards me. leaning on the door frame I look up towards her and give a wide smile. she looks back with a smirk as she walks back towards her bed.

Kahina: "I'm guessing she said yes?"

Raziel: "Yep she gave the a-okay."

Kahina: "Keep your hands to yourself, Raz."

Raziel: "Of course, miss, don't have to worry about me."

walking forwards I get in bed and sit there staring at the candlelit room. The time slowly passes with Kahina saying nothing to me. The sound of the rhythmic breath could be heard from her, her body shaking as her body twisted and turned in the bed.

Seeing her have a nightmare I slowly shake her as her fingers move towards her throat claws extended. My semblance activates as her hand passes through my neck, she pulls back as her eyes are slowly open.

holding my hand her body shook as her eyes looked around the room with fear-filled eyes. looking down towards her I give a smile holding her hand tighter trying my best to hold it together. I looked around and then down to her.

Raziel: "As long as I'm here you don't have to worry about them I'll bring you to a place you feel safe I promise."

She didn't reply and a few tears she tried to fight off and hide fell down her cheeks.

Editor: Xeno_Xavier

"I can eat an apple through a fence, wanna see?" - Ben stiller

(The first few chapters will slowly be edited as of right now 1&2 have been cleaned up)

2 chapters a week

Wednesday and Saturday

Slothfulcreators' thoughts