
A Scheming Little Grimm

The Nevermore sat nearby the shadowy roof of a building. His eyes were moving rapidly and his head kept turning around, he would often let out some small flaps of his wings everytime a strong wind would blow.

Swain was observing the moderate-sized busy town. Humans were walking around and they were all doing and minding on their own businesses and activities.

There were even some strange moving iron objects, travelling around in a fast manner. They had humans inside them, and the Grimm immediately thought that those humans were controlling the 'iron houses'.

Many were walking, moving or talking near the building where the Grimm was staying at, but the humans were cluelessly ignoring it.

As if Swain was never there.

His flaps were also extremely silent, even if he flaps his wings so hard, it was still silent and would never let out a sound. But even though this was the case, he knew that he can still be seen, so he was hiding carefully on the shadows of the roof.

Meanwhile, Swain was enraptured at the sight of so many humans moving around in one area, and that area was the streets in the middle of town, where humans converge on walking past each other to go to their own destinations and houses.

'A feast.....If only I was strong enough.....' Swain thought.

The Nevermore spent hours on observing the coming and going of humans in the middle of the small town.

Humans were interesting creatures. They were smarter than Grimms, and he has to admit, they look better than Grimms.

He liked the things that they were wearing. Some kind of fabrics to cover their bodies, but those fabrics were extremely fragile, even his tiny claws can rip through them easily. But he still liked the sight of those colorful objects.

Humans were all the same, yet all so different. Each and every one of them has similarities and differences. Especially in the aspect of the light.

Swain could see that some humans didn't have any light coming out of their bodies, and these humans, he judged them to be very weak. He might be able to kill them if he does it right.

On the other hand, there were a few humans that had a light coming out of their bodies, each of these humans many different colors but some had the same colors.

This made the Grimm confused, 'Different colors.....have different strength?'

Regardless of it all, these humans gave off the feeling of danger for the little Grimm, he already knew that they were extremely strong and he should not face these kinds of humans yet.

'Humans with Aura.....are what I need to grow.....but how?.....how to kill these Light Humans.....'

Swain was now impatient, he wanted to devour these humans, special the ones with Aura. But he was too weak to do anything.

'Hmmm.....I go for humans with no light.....might be easy.....no.....it will be easy.....'

The Grimm then looked at the humans with no Aura and it then scowled at the lack of nourishment he could gain from devouring those humans.

'I can consume flesh and blood.....but mother said devouring Souls and Aura can give better results.....but its something...better than nothing.....now find a proper defenseless human....'

The Nevermore then flew away from his spot and it then flew towards another building. It turned to look at another street and it scanned the area and saw something weird.

'A human that has animal parts.....Having a wolf ears and tail.....'

The sight intrigued the young Grimm. Are they a different kind of humans? Seeing that they looked the same but had different features in cerain aspects, he assumed it to be so.

'What.....are they?' The Grimm thought.

Until it could figure out their proper species name, it decided to refer to them as humans for simplicity.

While the Grimm was staring at the Faunus who playing Mobile Legends on his Mini-Scroll whilst standing on the crosswalk, the Grimm then saw the doors of a building that was near the 'human', open.

There, came out a female human carrying a bag filled with unknown materials, with another smaller male human in tow that was carrying an Ultra Man toy. Seeing the little human, the Grimm's head tilted in wonder.

'How come humans.....get that small?.....Infant.....maybe.....like me.....I'm smaller.....' Swain thought with mild bewilderment.

The two humans then moved to the crosswalk and stood right next to the human with wolf ears. The human male was very young and small, the Grimm could see that he was only at the size till the female human's kneecaps.

'They are.....standing that.....post with colorful lights.....what is that?'

Whilst the pair waited for the lights to change, the child stared up at the wolf-eard and tailed man right next to him.

The little Grimm was quick to notice that the child was staring up at the wolf-eared human with curiousity.

The wolf-eared human then he tilted his head down to meet the boy's stare as he was now finished on his match on Mobile Legends.

(Authors Note: Please don't play this game. Just please don't. I'm not advertising ok.)

For a while the two of them just stared at each other in equal measures of curiosity. Eventually the small human's eyes drifted downwards to the wolf man's moderate, bushy tail.

Following the boy's line of sight, the Faunus raised an eyebrow and then slightly smiled at the child's fascination with his tail. This was just a kid, so maybe he just hadn't seen a Faunus before.

'Why am I even watching them?' Swain thought.

But he couldn't stop watching for some reason. He just felt that something interesting might happen, no he can make something interesting happen.

Swain then watched the still passing iron houses at the street and then watched at the trio humans that was still standing near the pole with different color lights.

'Are they waiting for the iron houses to stop?'

The wolf-eared human was amused at the boy's curiousity. So he decided to humour the little one by swinging his tail around in a couple of playful arcs. Immediately the child's eyes lit up with wonder at the sight.

'Why.....am.....I....watching this again?' Swain thought. But it really felt that something else will happen soon, so it didn't stop watching.

Growing bold, the small human reached out his tiny hand and started trying to catch the wolf-eared man's tail whenever it came near. At a certain one swing, the little one actually grabbed on with both hands and held on tightly to the furry tail.

The Faunus found the child's antics cute, so he just lifted his tail up into the air with the child still clinging on, and while giving the kid a playful look. The child in turn just grinned at him.

The woman finally noticed what her son was doing to the Faunus stranger so she then called out, "Russel, what are you doing?! Leave that poor man alone!"

The women then pulled her son back to her side and the woman looked up at Faunus with apologetic eyes.

"I'm so sorry if he was bothering you sir, he didn't mean anything, he's just a kid so...." The woman panickly apologized.

Swain failed to see what the small one had done to warrant an apology. Wasn't that child just playing?

'Weird.....Again why am I watching this?....'

The Faunus just had a genuine friendly smile as he waved his hands in assurance, "Its ok."

The woman acknowledged his apology and thought, 'Even though he's a Faunus. He's such a nice guy.'

"A-again, I'm so sorry at my son's behavior...." The woman apologized yet again. The Faunus was just too nice and because of this, she felt even more bad because of what her son was doing to him.

"Don't worry, I its fine, really." The Faunus smiled.

He then putted his phone in his pockets and continued, "So, what's your son's name?"

"Uh....He's name is Russel." The woman awkwardly replied.

"And what's your name beautiful?"

'Is this guy trying to hit on me?' Regardless of the thought the woman still answered with a smile.

"My name is....."

While the two humans were talking, Swain looked at the toy that was in the boy's hands, the little human was playing with it by moving its arms and legs around to form a flying kick.

Swain then looked at the still passing, speeding cars, and he thought of something cruel.

'I calculate that those Iron houses can kill the boy on impact...Let's try this, after this, I feed on the boy, even if only the smallest drop of blood or the smallest chunk of flesh.'

With that thought, the small Grimm speedily flew towards the boy and made a quick grab on the Ultra Man toy with its talons.

"Aahh!" The boy was surprised at the sneaky thieving bird and he decided to chase after it.


Swain then dropped the toy in mid-flight, causing it to land on the middle of the streets. With a sudden tug, the child was free from his mother's grip and he ran forward to the streets, completely oblivious of the still passing cars around him.

'There....' Swain thought as he landed on a shadowy alley.

"RUSSEL!" The woman loudly called out and she chased after her son, but the boy was already far ahead.

"Hey wait!" The Faunus called out as he saw an incoming disaster.

A fast moving car was speeding down the road, the driver was oblivious to what was in front of him as he was texting while driving.

"Got you!" The boy finally picked up his toy in the middle of the road.

And then.....


Just like that, the car crashed on the boy's fragile body and he was ran over with blood and guts flying everywhere.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH! RUSSEL!" The woman screamed in despair as she watched her son got ran over by the car.

"Oh my god!"

"Did you see that?!"

"Oh my god look that boy!"

"Hey asshole? Come out of there now!"

The humans nearby let out their own words of shock and disgust. The car responsible of the accident stopped and the driver came out with terror in his eyes because of what he just did.

'Good Kill.....Too bad....too many humans.....I can't go and eat.....but...humans.....giving negative emotions...negative energy...I like....'