

'Too many humans.....Can't feed on flesh and blood.....But they release negative emotions.....release negative energy.....I like.....can feed on this at least.....'

The Nevermore thought as ne watched from the shadowy areas of a roof of a building, near to where the humans were gathering near the crash site.

Due to the car speeding down the road, when it crashed into the poor oblivious kid, it managed to crush his bones and fragile body, with blood and guts was splattered everywhere.

The people were gathering around the scene and they were either taking pictures with those strange thin devices, or were letting out their own words of shock and disgust.

The mother of the boy was kneeling to the mangled corpse of her son and was crying loudly to her boy in anguish and grief.

The wolf-eared and tailed man was nearing the scene and he approached the woman to comfort her.

The people were looking at the woman with genuine pity, and then the driver approached the scene with terror and guilt in his eyes.

"Oh my god.....what have I've done.....I d-didn't mean to...." The driver said in a trembling voice.

The mother heard his words and she looked up to turn at her son's killer. After her grief, came anger and hatred aimed at the man.

"You monster! You killed my boy! You killed my boy!" The mother ran up to the man with tears and anger on her face. She then began pushing and pounding on the driver in grief and anger.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know that....." The driver didn't fight back and just raised his arms up to defend himself.

"Shut up! You know what you did! You saw it!"

"You asshole! There was clearly a kid on the road! But you didn't even stop?! What the fuck were you thinking!?"

"You just killed an innocent child!"

"Your the worst!"

"Get that man to the police!"

"You should die because of what you did!"

"I bet he was doing some other shit while he was driving!"

"Yeah, otherwise he could've seen the kid on the road and stopped!"

"Give this man the death sentence!"

The crowd roared their own anger and disgust at the driver and began cursing at him. The driver really wanted to get out of the situation, but his path of escape was blocked by the crowd.

'This.....energy.....' Swain felt the the invisible negative energies from their negative emotions and he greedily absorbed it.

He could feel anger, hatred, disgust and killing intent from these crowd of humans. Swain was quite happy that these humans just let out a burst of negative energy to feed to him.

It felt so good! He could feel himself getting stronger! He wanted to experience this feeling more!

Swain flapped his wings in pleasure as he watched the roaring crowd. This kind of negative energy was completely different from the Land of Darkness.

The negative energies in the Land of Darkness was tasteless and he wouldn't feel anything when he absorbed it, but negative energies coming from negative emotions of humans was delicious.

More importantly, the natural energies from Salem's domain and the negative energies that came off from humans had some differences.

The growth that the energies from the Land of Darkness could provide was alot slower than getting energies from humans. It was really a strange realization for the little Grimm.

'Maybe.....because millions of other Grimm absorb energies from Mother's land.....'

Regardless of it all, Swain continued to absorb the constant large amounts of negative energy that the humans in the area was producing.


Swain looked the scene where a bunch of humans with blue clothing and blue hats come into the scene and proceeded to arrest the driver, while the mother had just fallen to her knees and was still crying of her loss.

'Those humans with blue fabrics.....they all have light on their bodies.....but these humans producing negative energy.....have no light?'

Soon after a couple of minutes, the humans were now scattering and they spread around to get back to the whatever business and activities they were doing.

Swain sensed that some of them are still feeling negative emotions and some aren't already. But the mother of the ran-overed child was still constantly releasing negative energy, while the wolf-eared human walked with her to comfort her.

'No more negative energy to absorb.....Nothing interesting anymore.....go to other location in human land.....Search for proper defenceless human.....'

With that thought, the little Nevermore flew away from the shadowy rooftops of the building.

The Grimm spend several minutes of flying around the skies in search of something interesting that is happening on this moderate-sized town of humans.

Until suddenly, he felt a strong force of negative energy somewhere, he look down and his eyes caught sight of some strange activity happening from below.

Without wasting any time, the Grimm immediately descended to that spot, 'What are they doing to that female cat-eared human?

An alley somewhere in the outskirts of the city.

"N-no please! I-I need this money t-to pay for my mom's medicines!" A silver haired female cat Faunus was begging at the men in front of her.

The five human males was just cruelly grinning at the poor Faunus while twirling the wooden sticks on their hands. One of them then spoke out.

"Come on, its just a little coin girl."

"Yeah, just give us the money, and we'll go on peacefully with our lives." Another one said while grinning.

"Hey, just leave us the bag, and we'll leave you alone. Its that simple."

The men were slowly approaching the young Faunus girl, and she just kept stepping backwards into the alleyway. This was really a bad day for her.

Her family was poor, but they still had a cheap house. Her mother was a frail and sickly woman, so this young Faunus had to work at a nearby restaurant as a waitress with minimum wage for a living.

The money she has right now was her monthly pay. And as she was walking towards her home, these bunch of scummy robbing humans targeted her for their next session of robbing on the weak.

'The cat-eared human is.....being threatened by those other humans?.....why? They want to take her 'money'?.....what is this object suppose to be?.....it must be important, seeing the female human never wanting to give it to them.....'

Swain could feel fear, desperation and even regret from this 'human'. He was always able to tell the exact specific negative emotions of all living creatures.

'Maybe.....I can use this sense.....to worsen humans negative emotions.....'

The men were laughing cruelly at the scared Faunus that was always doing some steps backwards as the men got closer, and then....

A wall....

She was backed into a wall.....

"Oh my, where are you gonna go now little girl?" One of the men grinned cruelly.

"I'm getting hungry, lets just take her stuff and bail."

"Yeah, ok boys lets just take her stuff and get it over with." The man, who seemed to be the leader declared.

"Hey boss, why don't we have some fun with this Faunus, eh? No one will notice us from this street, people barely passby here." Another man said while pervertly licking his lips.

"Hmmmm....looking closely, she does have a decent figure..." The leader said as he stared at the poor girls decent figure before walking infront and approached the Faunus.

"N-no please! I'll g-give my lien! P-lease don't do this! I-I'll give you everything!" The Faunus screamed with all her voice.

But the streets and every other areas nearby were completely desolate. No one heard her cries for her help. She was fated to have a bad end here.

Well, no one heard it except for the little Grimm that was just right above them, watching the scene with interest.

'What will happen next?.....What do they mean having fun?.....when those humans said that, the negative emotions from the girl was increased?.....I thought humans would be happy if they have 'fun'.'

"P-please don't do this! Don't do this!"

The leader was now close to the girl and he quickly grabbed her hands. The poor Faunus was struggling, but it was all futile as the man then grabbed her waist and pinned her again the wall.

The next moment was the scene were the scene where the man was ripping her clothes off and the girl crying heavily as she struggled on and on, but it was really useless.


The Grimm just watched the men raping the poor cat-eared girl and it tilted its head in wonder. The men seemed to be harming the girl with the lower part of their bodies. They were enjoying it while the girl was crying and screaming in agony.

'So humans.....can get this cruel?'