
That because you don't care...!

"Did you say dad is unwell?" She asked

"That is because you don't care mommy, how will know when our grandpa is unwell when all you focus on is making plans on how to make 

The life of our in law, mommy please stop pushing Colin's woman, try to Know her you will realize how the God has blessed you" Olivia said

"Okay, I will stop am coming to see papa tomorrow, and by the way how is your second uncle?" She asked

"We don't know cause they don't follow us so we don't need to dig into their life" she said

Actually it's not like Mark is a good person it's just that, he felt his father did a lot to them and feel contented with whatever things he has 

That is not what the wife and the daughter think about, all they ever wanted was the wealth and the advantages that comes with being a Fernandez, and that's all

"Mommy we are going to hung up if you don't have anything to say, say hello to our papa, and rest early, 

Do not trouble yourself with matters concerning our sister-in-law, okay mommy if you do that again we won't talk to you" Line said and on the other side Shasa ended the call

"Husband did you hear them? Did do you hear my daughters threaten me? 

Why  is everyone supporting her and leaving me? 

Yes she is From the knights we are on the same levels as them so why must they be on her side?" She asked

"Dear wife I want to help you, 

That lady is called Jane Sanchez, if I talk of the Sanchez I talk of the Sanchez from the United Kingdom, wife can you offend those people?

And you probably know of Wendy Knight, that lady was a genius and as the informant, told me that, 

The two grandsons of the knight's are in the United Kingdom, following Wendy, which means, that the Wendy Knight is still alive

How will tell it when Wendy disappeared when she was not yet pregnant yet Jane came to exist and according to her her, mother left her at the age of8, 

Dear wife be careful,  don't push her, and I also heard that this same woman is the same doctor we are looking for, " before he could finish he was cut short

"Husband are you saying that,,, she is the Divine doctor..." She asked

"That is what I Know and the a legendary doctor from the UK is actually, her cousin " he added

""What,,,! Husband I feel like I don't want to listen to you anymore, let me tell you am going to sleep okay,, good night old man" she said but deep inside her she felt like , this daughter in law was no easy person if she can be that person

'she is a doctor, she is the Gold, she is Zero?, Is she going to be like Wendy too,

That woman was a billionaire at the age of 13 without her family support and even never spent their money, back then

If my daughter in law is like this, will people come after her to kill her? Are they looking for her to kill her? 

How has she been able to survive all this years, with the children without protection?' she thought and felt like she should protect them

"No, they won't kill her, I will protect her" she didn't realize that she talked louder

""Wife, what are you saying are you going mad or something" the husband asked

"Old Man sleep or else you might grow old and die soon before your judgement day" she said

She planned to sneak and visit her daughter in law, the next day

On the other side of the main Villa

"I wonder why mommy always feels like Jane is not enough for our big brother?"  Line asked

""I just feel like, mommy is negative about her because of how the two kids were conceived, apart from that, she might like her" Shasa said

"She kept on saying that, she is a scheming person, does our sister-in-law need to do that? I mean if she can build an empire by herself what else can't she do" she asked

"I can't imagine that, the lady that we met that day, was the great Gold? She was simple she was not rich she was looking just like someone who earns a few hundred dollars? " Olivia said

"I can't believe it too, I mean look at how we approached her,look at how we pushed her to socialize, but instead she gave us the greatest surprise" line said

"The sports car, eeeish sister she trusted us as friends from just a few meetings, and gave us that car under our names and now, she...." Shasa could not finish

"She is our sister in law, it was indeed fate...! Hahaaa, perfect nephews and sister in law" 

They slept talking about fate and sisters in law, 

They were indeed happy at least that crazy woman didn't become their sister in law, though they knew she loved their brother but her way of love was not cool and right to an extent where she wanted to kill anyone closer to Colin truly love is something else.

The next day, Colin's mother woken up very early that surprised the entire household this has never happened before.

"Hey is the sun rising from South today?" One of the maids asked

"Hahaa, their must be something that our boss is up to but she is in a good mood it must be something positive" one of the guars Said

"Hey, make sure my husband takes something before going out and make sure he is safe, am going to take my breakfast outside today okay, make sure you take care of yourselves today" she said

"Is someone within our boss or is she sick ?" They could not believe that she actually cared for them today it was like a dream to them

"I actually that, she is planning something behind our boss that is why she is being too nice to him today" the other person said

"But if this is true, then the future of this house is bright" they said

Meanwhile, she did not take, the care within the residence, he took the cab outside, 

At the Colin's Villa , Colin's mother was at the gate with huge handbags, 

"Helloo,,, good morning?" She greeted

They didn't  need to be told about who she was this was their bosses mother 

"Welcome madam Fernandez,,,"

"Thank you I know it's too early, I want to prepare breakfast to my daughter I law and grandsons okay" she said

",Please everyone you need not trouble yourself am here, just go have some rest " she said as she gets busy

"Hey do I feel like madam is not talking about her son?" 

"You are not feeling , that is the reality she didn't talk about her son"

"I feel like our madam is a special person of the almighty Mrs Fernandez can come this early to prepare breakfast for her"

"She is likable and we are no exception" the other person said

"Why do I feel like madam will gang up on boss together with her daughter in law"

"I can see how boss is crying on his study because of this people" 

They didn't expect other  set of visitors to come in

"Hey, I can smell something delicious in our brothers house , we are not late for this" one other sister said

They all turned to look at they"aaah, other people?" The maids asked

"What is wronged you guys are not happy to see us again?" Line asked

"No no missus, Mrs Fernandez your mother,came today very early and she is preparing breakfast for her daughter in law and grandsons" one of the maids said

"Are you sure you did not say something wrong?" 

"Yes take a look" they said

What they saw almost dug their eyes out their sockets

"You mean mamaa,can now prepare breakfast here, today is indeed our days of blessings"

"I can't believe that, mommy is bad mouthing sister in law with us and yet she sneaks to cook for her, 

This mother in law thinks that she is smart?" Shasa asked

"I can see that this woman want to steal her from us but sisters this will never be possible we have to worn sister in law" they said

"Hey, big brother the smell, it's cool, the delicious smell I can't wait for you am going down stairs" Finn said

"Hey, big sister, what are preparing it's delicious I can not wait serve me please my stomach is at war" he said

"Grandson you are awake? Heheee, grandma came here today to prepare breakfast for you only you and your brother and mommy okay" she said smiling from ear to ear

Are you for real grandma you are here for mommy and us, but not daddy, are you sure about this" he asked