
May I have a dance with you.....?

"I can't believe that my brother is reasoning like this" Liam said

"I tell you elder brother, I have been reading this novels and daddy is boring whereas mommy is like a robot, those that seven invented, you see even robot number 5 is better, 

Like she is void of this emotions am telling you, we must make sure that mommy falls for daddy and why am I telling you this when you are another robot, 

Daddy, was probably bad guy but he can't even win mommy's heart, see but I understand it's power of love, when you meet someone you love you can't even think and you fear approaching them, 

I tell you brother I will not fear, but I will help, just work hard in future your be will be here for you" Finn was talking and talking, moving from one place to another

"Your future is dark...!" Liam said

"Hey my children after traveling to nation A this is what you have been thinking? And you,  Finn who taught you those dirty words?" Jane asked her son who is now innocent

"Aaaaah...! Aaauch..! mommy..! Daddy...! It's hurt, uuu...! It hurts, I can...n caaan...n can't help it anymore!" Finn was shouting and tears felling down his cheeks one could clearly see that he was in terrible pain

His eyes turned red, his body trembling, but why after being caught

Colin who saw how his talkertive son, rolling and rolling all round, crying and crying he can't believe, this second son acting skills.

"Baby, little baby, son,, what happened did he ate something? Tell me what is happening to my baby"  she asked

Finn wrote down, "mommy I ate love portion and it is now hurting" he wrote

"Aaahah!" For a second she could not believe her eyes, 'what love portion was that the reason her son was so talkertive? No no no, am I turning into a fool, am a doctor right?' she thought

"Mommy,,,! Mmmh! glass of milk , glassof milk" he said

"Bring my son glass of milk, bring my son glass of milk...!!!! " Colin shouted

"aaah...!" Jane was surprised

"No no no! That won't help, I will inject him , since he drunk love portion but now, I have the antidote not unless you want to worsen his condition after taking milk,,, 

So I will treat him here, we can not carry him upstairs" she said

"Pffff..." It was Liam

"Mommy, am fine good and okay, I don't need all those, see see I can jump, I can run can't you see" he said, doing press-ups

"Hahaaaa, hahaaa, my dear son your condition will worsen  Allow mommy to help you,,," she said

"No no, mommy this young boy is totally okay, 

Hey you take mommy's and daddy's breakfast to the table, " he said

"Mommy, am going back to my room have a beautiful day okay mommy" he said

Running to his room, 

"That was too close, that was too close mommy almost got me..." He said

The whole house hold, was in silence once again

"I didn't know that second young master, is this talkertive, and notorious" the maid said

That kid is something else, "

"Hahaaa,and he is open minded, actually I didn't expect them to be this friendly and likable, "

"Yeah, just some days ago  he told me to call him, young brother and them to call me big sister"

"Heheee, heheee,we must treat them well like our little brothers and sister though madam might be a cold person but, she is also a nice person, as long as we don't cross her line I think we are okay" another person said

The day was well spent after all the dramas in the family

"Helloo, madam am sorry to come to your office uninvited but  please forgive me first" the battler, said

"It's okay you are here already tell me is anything the matter , did those boys misbehaved at home" " she asked

"No madam" he said

"Then..?" She asked

"Boss's,,, boss,, he ... He..." He could not finish

"What happened to Colin...?" She fired up

'am I seeing this, does this mean that madam loves boss too?' he thought

"He,,, let me take you there madam" he said 'this two people are funny and powerful so they can't express what they feel for each other' he thought and he smiled .

"Madam we are here, this restaurant after boss called the restaurant was emptied" he said

"Did something really happen to him? Is he okay, " she asked

"Just go in" he said

Immediately Jane stepped in petals of flowers started falling on her, she was astonished, by this the color of surprise was written all over her face

"What...? Are you guys serious, ? The father of my babies is here in danger and you are showering me with flower petals?

Stop it right now.. ! 

Is human life kind of a celebration to you?" She asked

"Take me to Colin's room" she said

That very moment a sweet sound of violin came from the inside

"Welcome madam, this is from our boss" the musicians said

"What, that big head is not actually sick? Or kind of in danger or something?" She asked

"Hahaaa, is that how my mama, call me? Really?" He asked playfully

This people are really in love,,, 

"Sorry but this is my surprise for you I wanted our first date to be something cool, but I don't know your likes and dislikes please mama, accept this please" he said

"Okay, I will accept it, cause I know this is young boys' ideas, so on his behalf I have to enjoy this" she said

Flash of embarrassment could be seen on his face, 

"Well,,. Well do not blame me mama, I don't know your likes I was afraid that just a single mistake might mess it all up, and you might be cold at me again, 

I just want to be perfect for you mamaa" he said

"Okay, thank you" she answered

"May I have a dance with you. Mama" he asked

"Okay,,," she accepted

"Well, thank you for coming, I thought that because of your stubborn nature, you might not understand or come" he said

"Haha, okay, but don't use my son again, don't try to do anything that little kid tells you" she said

"Okay, let's just enjoy the night" he said

After a short while the music ended and another music was played they decided to  have a glass of wine

What Colin didn't Know was that, Jane can't drink any wine , so Jane just said

"I will just have a glass of water" she said

"What do you mean by that?" He asked

"We'll ever since I was drugged with that glass of wine years ago, I have never tasted wine and I don't drink too" she said

"Am sorry, will you believe me if I say that I was drugged too, will you believe me?"  He asked

"Okay, I will believe you but, please don't not try something that will end up pushing us apart I Know that you want us together but things will work out for us," she said

"But we should make a little bit of effort" he said

"Wow,,, those people are truly in love I wish I can have such an adorable girlfriend, she is cute and beautiful, " 

"He is a blessed man" the other person said

"Are you guys blind, that is Mr Colin Fernandez and his unknown fiancee, it is also said that  he has Unknown twins" 

"Hey, pray that no one heard about it or else, just blame yourself am not here with you" the other person said

On the other side of the Fernandez

"Husband can you see what I was talking about? Ever since I met that woman at Colin's welcome back party, she has not tried to reach or to call us or ask us about how we are her in laws"  she said

"And dear wife, tell me what your problem is is like you are talking like you don't know her, 

If your son can't understand her, so who are we?" He asked

"That is because we are her in-laws she should respect us," she said

"Then can you force her? Remember her children our grandchildren said they will never call us because of you do are you going to blame them too, you bad mouthed her even without knowing her" Colin's father said

"I didn't know that my darling husband will abandoned me at my late age" she said

"Well blame yourself" he said

"Helloo, grandpa, can I meet you tomorrow" Colin's mother said

"Mother, do you want to kill grandpa for us with your nagging" Olivia said

"Seriously mommy, is this how you want to disturb our old man" Line said

"You little brats you are in this nation and you can't bother calling us your parents and papa, can't tell us about it too?" She asked

"That is because you didn't know grandpa was unwell" Shasa said