
Ruler of Infinite souls

One day Damian Woolf who is a man in his early 20s gets transmigrated into a different world filled with monsters as he rises from the ranks of awakened ....

Mr_Freaking_Fox · Urban
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7 Chs

Predator and the prey

After deafeating the boss monster and gaining the loot from it . Damian started absorbing the cores droped by the lizards as any Rank F cores would not be of any help to him in raising his Rank above E .

He would sell his cores at the awakened association for money. when Damien was getting ready to step out of the boss room an item in his pouch started glowing that he recieved from the old sage Drake .

As he took the pouch out and opened to see an egg that was golden in colour that shined brilliantly .

" What is this " he asked to his system.

[ This is a rare summon egg that can be hatched by utilising the hosts mana. the egg Rank is unknown.]

Damien nooded as he started to provide mana for the egg to hatch . He utilised a majority of his mana as soon the egg started to increase in size it's golden luster started to increase as soon the egg reached the size 1 metre.

An explosion of golden light accored that forced him to close his eyes. Soon after few seconds Damien opened his eyes to find a penguin . That looked towards him curiously .

Soon after the voice of the penguin rang in his mind

"so you are my master huh you sure do look weak !."

The penguin delivered some brutal first words that someone who looked towards his cute appearance would not think of .

Damian looked slightly shocked towards the penguin . As he read his description through the help of his system



Rank D

{Demon ice penguin}- A penguin that originates from the demon world and is quite efficient in space and ice magic . The penguin can be summoned by the user from the runic circle as it's user must have high mana to fully provide the Demon ice penguin to grow .

Skills : Space energy ball (Rank C)

||Space energy ball|| - A skill of great offensive power as when utilised can distort space like a mini black hole. That is capable of destroying any beasts with strong defences.

Skill : Ice beam ( Rank D)

||Ice beam || - A beam that is shot from the penguin's mouth that freezes any thing in the radius of 10 metres and can be used by the user in many ways.


After reading the description of {Demon ice penguin} . Damian was shocked to see that this penguin was a Rank above him and was

Quite efficient in two magic just when born at that .

The penguin looked towards him as Damien looked in the pouch as he found a magic rune and a letter attached to it .

As Damien read the letter he found that the egg was found by old man Drake during his expenditure on some mission. The sage didn't knew what summon would be born from the egg so he just gave it to Damien as a gift .

The red colored rune that was the size of half of His hand . Was meant to establish a contract between the master and the summon as he quickly read how to utilise it.

Soon Damien came infront of the penguin and asked the penguin to become his summon the penguin sighed and said

"Took you long enough to ask. "

As the penguin agreed Damien used the rune as he used some of his mana to activate the rune the rune stated to glow and turned into streaks of light and entered the penguin's body as it shone with red luster.

two runic making one on the floor below the penguin and one on Damien as they both were bound by the contract.

Then Damien asked what should I call you the penguin said.

" just give me a name ."

As he thought for some time and came with a name " how about "Alexander " the penguin nodded as he liked the name .

Soon the system changed his name to "Alexander"

They both walked towards the exit and came out of the boss room .


Out of the boss room three people were waiting outside for Damien to arrive as they wanted to steal all the loot Damien had acquired during his hunt as one of them called the other and said.

"Look brother that guy came out of the boss room."

As the leader of the group who had golden hair said to the other to attack him as soon as he reached there location . They both noded as the leader would attack from a distance .

The purple hair awakned shot a || fireball ||. Towards Damien. as Damien instictively used his ||Sphere shield|| that shined with a green luster as the || fireball || effect was nullfied . The other awakened that had green hair attacked Damien from behind with his dagger as his attack was also nullfied .

Looking at this they both jumped back as they both knew that Damien would not be able to keep his skill active for long. Damian came to this thought much earlier as he had to do something if he wanted to get out of this situation alive.

As then he casted many|| Earth spears|| and shot the spears towards them as one of them hit the purple haired awakened on the leg and the other one on the shoulder before they could even move Damian casted his ||Chain lightning || to quickly finish them and soon casted more || Earth Spear|| both the awakened were unable to get out of the chain lightning as they both were killed in an instant.

The the leader who had planned to attack Damien showed himself as he thought he might have drained all his mana .

But when Damien saw the leader he did not get scared as to the suprise of the awakned Damien casted as he said .

"summon {Demon ice penguin} ." a runic circle with his remaining mana that shone golden color and soon a penguin emerged from it .

The awakned looked towards the penguin as he thought it to be a weak summon as soon he used his ice magic.

" Give me all your cores and I will let you go with that little raccoon of yours."

As the words came out of the awakened's mouth the Ice penguin's face turned dark as he said in a angrily .

" Huh!!? What did you say? Who are you calling a raccoon I am a penguin can't to you see you jack ass!!!."

The awakened looked at him and laughted

" you sure don't look like on- ."

Before he could even finish his sentence a energy ball of that shone with intense dark color . the size of a ping pong ball hit his face and to Damien's surprise the face of the awakened vanished as if a black hole sucked it in .

Damien looked stuned to see the seen playing infront of him. as the Ice penguin gave a " hmmmph" as he said

"That's what happens when you anger me foolish human ."

Damien gave himself a quick note that never to anger this little guy .

Then Damien thanked the penguin as he took all the cores from the bags of the awakened. after they were deafeted they all dropped skill books. even when he killed other humans they dropped skill books .

Soon he went to the awakened association to cash around 50 Rank F cores some that Damien had and some he acquired from the awakned who attacked him . The remaining cores of Rank E he kept with himself .soon he received the money .

After Damien went to the inn and ate and then checked the loot he gained from the dungeon and the awakened the three skill books he got were one purple colored book that he learned quickly that showed in his state panel as he learned the other red book and a blue book.

He looked towards other cores and started absorbing them increasing his stats .soon enough he relaxed thinking about many things as the penguin slept on his bed .

hi everyone please tell me about any things you wish to see in the novel in future !

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