
Ruler of Infinite souls

One day Damian Woolf who is a man in his early 20s gets transmigrated into a different world filled with monsters as he rises from the ranks of awakened ....

Mr_Freaking_Fox · Urban
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7 Chs

Lizard Tome

Damien prepared for the fight as he recovered his mana and then opened the door of the boss room . Damian looked towards the goblin king as he smiled confidently .

The goblin king wasted no time as ran towards Damien . Damien quickly conjured his ||Earth Spear|| and used his ||Beserk|| to strengthen his spears that were now floating in the air while covered in dark red colour mana that looked like red lightning was shooting from the spears .

Damian shot the spears towards the running goblin king's legs as with just a few were able to render the goblin king unable to move any further.

The goblin king looked towards Damien scared as he knew what was going to happen to him . Damien used his draining Mana to conjure two more spears as his ||Beserk || skill required to much mana to cast .

The spears quickly shot towards the head of the goblin king this time Damian came out of the fight unharmed . Another skill book showed itself where the goblin king died which now had a green color .

Damian sighed as he picked the book and said "learn skill" many green streaks of light shot towards Damien's body as another skill showed in his state pannel .


Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 19

Defense : 22

Mana: 24

Speed : 17

Stamina : 16

Hunter Rank : F

Skill: Earth Spear ( Description )( Rank F )

||Earth Spear || - A spear made by the use of earth magic that the user can utilise in any situation. The user is able to call upto one earth spear which uses 2 mana per cast.

Skill: Beserk ( Description) ( Rank F )

||Beserk|| - A skill that helps it's user to double his attack as all the defences are decreased by 50%. The skill lasts upto 5 mins and had a cooldown of 30 mins .

Skill: Sphere sheild ( Description)( Rank F)

||Sphere shield ||- A shield when cast by the user has abosolute protection from the attack of same rank and partial protection from higher rank skills. The mana usage for the skill is 1 mana per second.


Damien looked towards his stat pannel as he was very happy. he was able to get a defensive skill . it was really important for him as he could avoid many fatal injury that can be caused by high level monsters.

Another thing to look at was the High amount of mana consumption the skills had that caused him to use the skills only when necessary .

Damian sighed as he picked all the core in his pouch and started absorbing them until he reached rank E . he was able to get enough from breaking into the dungeon twice and many other monsters he deafeted outside.

soon Damien reached Rank E .he stepped out of the dungeon . He didn't know where he can find rank E Monsters so he went to the awakened association.

When he reached there Damien asked the red haired receptionist whose name was Sophie.

" can you help me in find a rank E dungeon. "

Sophie got shocked to hear as Damien was a Rank F just two days ago ." Sure I can give you the location of rank E dungeon . But you must have a party of three to enter one ."

" As the monsters of Rank E dungeons are much stronger that Rank F dungeons so you should be careful "

Damian smiled towards Sophie and noded

As she brought the cordinates of the new dungeon on a paper and gave it to him.


He went to the dungeon the next day early morning where he found many people with various armors and weapons . Some looked confident while some were talking.

Damian didn't try to talk to anyone as he knew there is no need for him to form a party he only relied on his own strength. soon the dungeon was opened and Damien went alone .when no one was looking .

When he arrived in the dungeon a name flashed in front of him and the system said [ Entered into the Lizard Tome ] . The system told him that the dungeon he entered was named 'Lizard tome' as soon after he came across two lizards that were humanoid and stood 6 feet and had sharp fangs shiny green scales and dull swords in there hands.

"||Earth Spear||" said Damian.

Many spears emerged in front of him as soon after he said

"|| Beserk||"

His spears that were as strong as peak tier Rank F skill now was backed by twice damage boost as he shot these menacing looking spears towards the lizard that stood on two legs .

He had some more control over his spears and he was able Change the direction a bit that was enough to hit lizards .he was able to Pierce into their defences . Damian picked the cores that the lizards dropped as he moved forward.

He soon came across more lizards that were three this time as Damien made a quick work of them. Generally it was much harder to deal with these lizards because they had strong defence that was hard to Pierce but because of his || Beserk|| skill he was able to defeat them easily.

He came across many lizards and able to gain many cores a party of three looked at him from a distance that consisted of one Rank E and two Rank F awakened .they looked towards him as they talked among themselves .

" Brother I think he has some kind of equipment on him that boosts his strength that's why he is able to deafeat these lizards so easily " a man with purple hair who was a Rank E awakened said towards the one who was standing confidently .

" It matters not after he fights the dungeon boss he would have exausted all his mana and we can take that equipment and all his cores with ease."

The other two Rank E awakened nooded respectfully as they waited for Damien .


Soon Damien deafeated all the lizards as he moved towards the boss room . The room of the boss had and ancient look as the a giant lizard man was sitting on his throne that was made up of bones.

The room was lighted with blue flames . he walked inside the room the door behind him closed as he walked forward .

The lizard man opened his eyes and looked towards him as he was just prey for him. He stood from his throne and picked up his long sword.as he jumped towards Damien .

Damien shot his spears that had red lightning like mana shooting from them.he threw them towards the lizard as soon the lizard got hit by his spear a loud screech came from it's mouth as it yelled in pain .


the lizard was shocked to see that this human that was only a rank bellow him damaged him so severly .

The lizard adopted a careful look as he ran towards Damien and swung his sword. the sword hit Damien on the chest but he only got pushed back due to his wolf Armor that he got after deafeating the Dark wolf.

The damage was not that high that it might cause him any severe injuries .so he stood up and started casting || Earth Spear|| as fast he could cause the longer the battle continued the more hard it would get .

he shot many of them towards the lizard that skewed the lizard and the boss was finally deafeated . Damian fell on the ground because of high mana consumption .

He waited for his mana to recover after few hours he stood up and went to collect the blue skill book that was floating in the air where the lizard died .

" Learn skill" he said

As the book tuned into streaks of light after glowing and entered his body a brand new skill showed in his stat panel as he read the description of the skill.


Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 31

Defense : 32

Mana: 30

Speed : 31

Stamina : 34

Hunter Rank : E

Skill: Earth Spear ( Description )( Rank F )

||Earth Spear || - A spear made by the use of earth magic that the user can utilise in any situation. The user is able to call upto one earth spear which uses 2 mana per cast.

Skill: Beserk ( Description) ( Rank F )

||Beserk|| - A skill that helps it's user to double his attack as all the defences are decreased by 50%. The skill lasts upto 5 mins and had a cooldown of 30 mins .

Skill: Sphere sheild ( Description)( Rank F)

||Sphere shield ||- A shield when cast by the user has abosolute protection from the attack of same rank and partial protection from higher rank skills. The mana usage for the skill is 1 mana per second.

Skill: Chain lightning ( Description)(Rank E)

||Chain lightning|| - A chain made up of lightning can be cast by the user to immoblise there target for a set time duration.


Damien read the description for chain lightning he was finally able to get a skill of Rank E that would help him greatly. he then started absorbing cores of rank E and started improveing his strength .

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