
Ruler of Infinite souls

One day Damian Woolf who is a man in his early 20s gets transmigrated into a different world filled with monsters as he rises from the ranks of awakened ....

Mr_Freaking_Fox · Urban
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7 Chs

Hunting kobolts

While Damien and his penguin were sleeping. Higher-ups of the awakened association were discussing important matter regarding dungeons .as during the last couple of months the number of low ranked monsters increased drastically and the awakened association was unable to meet the growing need for Awakened. High ranked awakened were in a closed confrence room were talking among themselves on this matter.

A man wearing a metal Armor that had a unique design on it who had a long beard and long red hair a scar on his face.that gave an aura of a strong Awakened .

This person was the 9th Ranked A Awakened that went by the name of "Blood ruler" as he was know to hunt Monsters until he was covered in their blood during a Rank A dungeon break. Most awakened looked up to him and some even feared him for his power.

The Blood ruler was in a meeting with many other high ranked awakened that all had there specialities . As a man with blue hair started the meeting.

" As we all know in the last couple months the population of dungeon monsters is increasing rapidly and we do not know what is causing it. Even after we dispatched many awakened in such areas we are unable to control the situation. " As he took a pause before he started again after looking at other awakened.

"So regarding that matter I would like to propose that we first clear some areas that are close to the dungeons while attacking the others dungeon to prevent any adverse situation. "

Many awakened agree to the awakened that was expressing his thoughts.

As they all came to a conclusion. And started forming special groups to deal with the situation at hand .

Many plans were made during this time as Damien was fighting in a Rank D dungeon close to the forest .


Damien attacked a group of orcs while his summon provided back up from any orcs that came to close .

The penguin came to be of great help as he devastated the monsters infront of him the penguin stood as if all the other monster were mere ants in his eyes.

Damien looked towards the penguin as he sighed looking at the penguin's face that was full of pride . As they both quickly reached the boss room soon they found a giant golem that had a yellow glowing core deep in his chest . The golem was 10 meters

tall .

Damien said while he used his || Chain lightning || to quickly retrain the Golem and doing as much damage as he could while the penguin used his many || Space balls ||

That made several holes in the golems body as the golem was quickly deafeated by Damien and the Ice penguin.

he saw a yellow skill book that was where the golem was deafeated . He quickly took the book and absorbed the skill book . As it showed in his stat panel with three more recently acquired skills.


Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 51

Defense : 48

Mana: 53

Speed : 47

Stamina : 51

Hunter Rank : E


Earth Spear ( Rank F )

Beserk ( Rank F)

Sphere sheild ( Rank F)

Chain lightning (Rank E)

Rank F

||Dagger skill || - A skill geared towards physical offence by utilising a dagger that can deal decent amount of damage to the monsters .

Rank F

|| Fireball || - A ball of fire is casted by the user that can be used for a long distance fight against monsters .

Rank E

|| Ice Lance || - A lance made up of ice that can be cast by the user depending on the mana spent as the size of the lance can be changed .

Rank D

|| Spacial storage || - A skill that can help the user store a variety of things only non - living things can be added in the spacial storage as the storage space is as big as a small room can be utilised.


Many new skills that made Damien excited as he was now able to store things without worriess about space.

Afterwards Damien used some of his cores to inhance the Rank of his penguin whose stat panel showed his skills.


Name : Alexander

Race : Demon ice penguin

Stats :

Strength : 63

Defense :60

Mana: 72

Speed : 65

Stamina : 72

Hunter Rank : D

Skills : Space energy ball (Rank C)

||Space energy ball|| - A skill of great offensive power as when utilised can distort space like a mini black hole. That is capable of destroying any beasts with strong defences.

Skill : Ice beam ( Rank D)

||Ice beam || - A beam that is shot from the penguin's mouth that freezes any thing in the radius of 10 metres and can be used by the user in many ways.


Damien looked towards Alexander's stat pannel as he saw huge difference in stats for him to reach Rank D he must have all his stats reaching 60 as after that every rank had a 40 stat difference from this Rank.

During the last last couple of days he was able to raise his rank to Rank E as now he wanted to reach Rank D .

Afterwards Damien received a message on his awakened card that also worked like a communicator . That asked for all the awakened in the city of Aersia to gather for dungeon clearing as their were many dungeons that were close to having a dungeon break.

As he recieved this message Damien smiled and then the next day reached a described destination that was near a big cave that looked like many monster could be housed in it .then soon after many awakened Started gathering the dungeon.all of them were assigned a team by the dungeon management team.

Many people went in the the dungeon with a team of five the team that accompanied Damien had a girl with pink hair Ruby eyes who was the healer of the party . A man with a well build physic and dark hair who was 6.2 with shield in his left and a hammer in his right hand .

Other two were melee combatants .that both had a sword with them and shining Armor . And Damien was the mage for the team .

They all introduced each other as the healers name was Marie and the tank of the party was name Rachel the other two were both siblings .one was named Kira and other's name Yoshi .

As the party entered the dungeon many of them stratgized beforehand how to clear the dungeon they would enter that had kobolts in them who known for their high agility .that made it a much more difficult hunt .

The dungeon Damien entered was a peak Rank D dungeon as any awakened who was Rank E was permitted to enter . They all started by attacking the kobolts as Rachel took the aggro and the melee fighters finished them quickly with Damien's assistance.as he used his new Rank E skill ||Ice Lance|| that proved to be highly efficient in fighting kobolts .

As they came across a few groups of kobolts and then the difficulty was starting to increase as there were more and more kobolts attacking them . Damien received 1 /5 th loot they gathered soon they reached the boss room . All of them waited for there mana to recover after half an hour they all moved towards the boss room .

Soon as they entered they saw a huge kobolt that had menacing red eyes and huge fangs .

Yoshi started giving orders to his team as he was the appointed team leader.

" Rachel will take the aggro both Damien and Kira will assist me and marie will cast all the buff she can cast on all of us "

Soon the healer started casting buffs.

"|| Greater strength ||"

"|| Faster healing || "

"|| Higher agility ||" as soon the healer was done casting buffs the other team members breathed As they felt increase in there strength .

Damien thought.' These buff skills are amazing i feel so light on my feet . I will Sure to Get some buff skills would be great .'

As they all moved to there positions and the tank took the aggro. Damien assited them as his || Ice Lance || was able to Pierce into the hide of the kobolt as it shreeked in pain .

Soon both melle Awakened also attacked the beast as Damien kept his || Ice Lance || active as he was able to deal major damage to the boss Monster soon they deafeated the kobolt as a shining blue book came to be where the kobolt boss was deafeated .

All of them took a sigh of relief as soon after the hunt . they collected the skill book . The 10% loot and the skill book would be given to the awakened association as they needed to get as many hunters to clear dungeons to prevent any dungeon break .

Damien looked towards his party who were quite tired from the dungeon hunt as they had attacked the dungeon and soon another party would go in it as a total of three raids were done on the same dungeon Evey day .

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