

Chapter 58: Ascendant Meet?

After a few minutes of browsing, Slifer found a few treasures that caught his eye.

The first was the Celestial Awakening Pill, it gave a mortal a talent of one, which was the bare-bone requirement to cultivate.

Next was the Divine Blood Essence, a vial of thick crimson liquid that could ignite the mortal physique and bestow spirit roots that gave a talent of two.

1000 and 1200 Karmic Credits? Not too bad, Slifer nodded, pleased that the System was finally giving reasonable prices.

However, one item gave him pause - the Wheel of Fate, a talisman that was worth 2,000 credits. When activated, it would give an entirely random cultivation talent to the mortal.

Since the girl has strong karmic ties with Hughie, her luck should be quite good, Slifer reasoned.

Decision made; he purchased the talisman. It materialized inside his storage ring.

Slifer then sent a spiritual transmission to Morvran. "Come see me at once."

After a few seconds, the bald man appeared and bowed. "Greetings, Master."

"I have a task for you. It seems Hughie has found himself a mortal lover."

Morvran's eyes widened in surprise. "A lover? I would not have imagined Young Master Hughie distracted by such things." He shook his head in disappointment. "I hope he does not end up obsessed like that other one."

"I was surprised too. I did not think one girl could steal the young lad's heart. Anyways, I would like you to find her."

"Of course, Master. I will dispose of her quickly." Morvran cracked his knuckles menacingly.

Slifer was taken aback. He quickly clarified, "No, no, don't kill her!"

Morvran looked puzzled. "My apologies Master, I think I may have misheard. You wish for me to... not kill her?"

Slifer rubbed his temples, wondering how many hapless souls had met their end due to Morvran's hearing issues. "That's right, no killing. Just find her and do not make contact."

"I see, I will…locate the girl." The words felt strange coming out of Morvran's mouth.

Morvran bowed, though his expression remained conflicted. No matter, I shall carry out Master's will. If he wishes to have that wench join, then I will find her for him.

Slifer had given Morvran quite a few talks about how violence wasn't the only option, but it seemed it still hadn't gotten through to the bald man.

The original had truly done a tremendous job at brainwashing his followers.

"Good. You are dismissed." Slifer leaned back in his seat, steepling his fingers together as his thoughts turned to Hughie's mysterious lover.

Who was this mortal girl who managed to capture his disciple's affection? Did she possess some alluring charm that the jade beauties in the sect lacked?

No matter - he would find out soon enough once Morvran located her. Then her path of cultivation would begin and Hughie would once again be in his clutches.

That'll teach that grandpa for trying to steal my disciple!

"Are you sure this is safe?" Slifer asked, glancing down at the strange concoction before him.

The bath water had an odd, murky green colour, looking more like a cursed swamp than any therapeutic soak. Tendrils of steam curled up in wispy trails, carrying a pungent, herbal scent.

Slifer never liked the smell of medicine, his previous health problems ensured that he had an…intimate relationship with hospitals.

"Yes, yes, Supreme Elder!" The alchemist, an elderly man named Lorgren, waved a hand in dismissal. "I have been perfecting the art of bath cultivation for over three centuries. This mixture of herbs and ores will increase your Qi absorption tremendously."

Lorgren's back was hunched from decades of leaning over mixing potions and reading scrolls. His bald head and liver-spotted scalp gave him a rather vulture-like look. But his eyes still shone with youthful enthusiasm, especially when babbling on about alchemy.

Despite the assurances, Slifer still felt sceptical. Blindly mixing various mysterious concoctions didn't seem the most scientific approach. But then again, the workings of this world differed greatly from Earth. If the alchemist swore that it was safe, who was he to argue? After all, such "cultivation baths" were common tropes in fantasy stories.

"Now, I must warn you - the temperature is quite hot initially," Lorgren cautioned. "But the body adjusts quickly. Simply relax and allow the elixir infusion to work its magic!"

Lorgren was surprised that the Supreme Elder had never bathed in a cultivation tub before, but then he remembered hearing how some geniuses didn't require cultivation resources and could reach great heights through meditation.

The Supreme Elder must be one of those, come to think of it, he never really went out much, Lorgren nodded to himself.

"Very well. You may take your leave," Slifer dismissed the alchemist with a wave of his hand.

Alone in the steam-filled room, Slifer activated Insight.

Name: Jade Cleansing Bath

Rank: Mortal (Upper)

Effect: Cleanses impurities, boosts physique, increases qi absorption rate by 23%

Useful but nothing impressive, Slifer mused. He planned to use credits to purchase better spiritual herbs and medicines to concoct an even more potent bath in the future. But for now, the resources he had taken from Grand Elder Wyatt would do.

"Let's test this out," he murmured, taking off his lower garment and stepping gingerly into the tub.

Immediately, the scalding water stung his skin, practically boiling him alive.

This is insane! He wanted to leap out instantly, but Lorgren's warning rang in his mind. Gritting his teeth, Slifer forced himself to remain stay put.

Gradually, his body numbed to the extreme temperature. As the minutes passed, a soothing warmth penetrated his muscles making him feel drowsy.

I'll just rest a little bit, he thought as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Supreme Elder, a disciple has accrued enough points to redeem a treasure," the spiritual transmission from Elder Fred caused Slifer's eyes to shoot open, bringing him out of his slumber.


Slifer had been waiting for this moment ever since implementing the credit reward system.

Unfortunately, the original wasn't known for his honesty, so some members were hesitant to carry out tasks that didn't involve killing or maiming innocents.

Slifer hoped that after the first member successfully retrieved a treasure, word would spread that he wasn't handing out false promises, which would encourage the other members to complete more tasks, resulting in more credits for himself.


Congratulations On Breaking Through To Mid Foundation Establishment Realm

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

Nice, I'm catching up to my spiritual cultivation, Slifer wondered if having both spiritual and body cultivation at the same level would give him some sort of reward.

Glancing down through the now lukewarm water, he noticed that his swollen belly had receded and been replaced by another layer of muscle.

As much as he liked the original physique he had back on Earth, it did tend to be a bit of a hindrance from time to time, an example being the repeated trips to the hospital…

I could get used to this, Slifer smirked, flexing his biceps as he stepped out of the tub.

A fresh set of robes and slippers greeted him outside the room. Inhaling deeply, he caught traces of a delicious aroma. Following it led him to a tray stacked with expertly cooked meal waiting just outside his chamber. Heavily seasoned chicken and lamb, cream sauces, and even dumplings!

About time those lazy servants figured out my preferences! Slifer's mouth watered at the sight.

He wasted no time digging in, his hands reaching for the chicken leg, wasting time looking for utensils for a meal like this would be criminal.

Ohhh, so delicious!

Between mouthfuls, Slifer made a mental note to reward the chef.

Just as he licked his lips and went in for a final bite, his eyes caught an unexpected movement from the corner of the room. There, hidden beneath his bed frame, was a familiar face peeking out at him.

Slifer's hand paused mid-air, mouth still agape. Before he could react further, the intruder spoke.

"Master!" the young man greeted cheerily, as though appearing under the Supreme Elder's bed was perfectly normal.

It was none other than Dentos, the overly eager disciple who had previously begged to be taken as a student.

Slifer quickly masked his surprise, dabbing his mouth casually with a cloth. "Ah, Dentos. I was wondering how long you would hide under there." He kept his tone nonchalant, as though he knew the brat was hiding under his bed all along.

Dentos blushed, surprised that the Supreme Elder remembered his name.

Though Slifer maintained an impassive facade, inwardly he was reevaluating his impression of this gangly teen. Successfully sneaking into the Supreme Elder's forbidden quarters, which was heavily guarded by death warriors, was no small feat.

I can't sense him with my spiritual sense! Slifer wondered if his eyes were fooling him and had conjured the image of the young man.

Slifer quickly dismissed the thought, if he were to conjure anyone to his chamber, it would be one of those jade beauties who can't resist giving him the googly eyes!

There must be more to this Dentos than meets the eye…


Name Dentos

Realm Peak Core Formation

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 3

Luck 9

Talent 4

Will 9

Two nines and he still got rejected by the System! Slifer shook his head, he had assumed Hughie was the main character, but it was this dumb-looking kid. Shame I can't take him as a disciple…yet.

"You clearly have some abilities," Slifer remarked. "But tell me, to what end? Why risk such a stunt?"

Dentos' face lit up. "For the chance to be your disciple of course!" Noticing Slifer's frown, he quickly added, "But also, I wanted to see if you enjoyed the meal I prepared!"

"You cooked this?" Slifer's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Dentos rubbed his neck bashfully. "Yes, Master. Boss Morvran finished the last meal I cooked so I had to make sure it actually reached you this time!"

A betrayal of this magnitude by Morvran…that was not expected, Slifer couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his loyal lackey had attempted to stop him from experiencing this culinary masterpiece firsthand!

"I hope it was to your liking…"

Slifer waved a hand, feigning nonchalance. "Barely acceptable," he muttered, but internally he was shocked - this kid could rival the 600-year-old head chef!

Seeing Dentos' crestfallen look, Slifer sighed. Perhaps a minor compliment would avoid crushing the boy's spirit. "The flavours were...adequate," he conceded. "You may have some natural talent."

At even this faint praise, the youth instantly perked up, beaming from ear to ear. "Thank you, Master! Your words are worth more than ten thousand compliments!"

Slifer shook his head at the dramatic reaction. Clearly, this kid was obsessed with gaining his favour. Still, better to have a loyal fanatic than an enemy lurking in the shadows, especially with Luck and Will stats both being at nine, a dangerous combination.

"Enough idle chatter," Slifer said. "I trust you did not sneak in solely to cook me dinner?"

"Haha, nothing escapes Master, I've come to redeem the reward."

Reward? Dentos is a Disciplinary Hall member? Slifer glanced at the Disciplinary Hall Panel.

It was true, the boy really was a Disciplinary Hall member, he had joined recently.

1000 points in ten days? Slifer was shocked at the number of tasks the kid had completed, it was worth 3000 karmic credits. The System thankfully had a mute function so he didn't have to see a notification every time one of the members completed a task.

"So…which reward would you like?"

"To become your disciple!" Dentos exclaimed. Seeing Slifer's eyebrow raise, the boy quickly amended, "But the Wings of the Roc will do for now."

Slifer's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Cultivators below the Nascent Soul realm were unable to fly without the assistance of treasures. The Wings of the Roc would remain useful until the Origin Realm.

Paired with Dentos' strange ability to escape spiritual sense, the boy could become exceedingly troublesome to deal with for anyone below the Origin Realm should his motivations ever shift.

But on the other hand, if Slifer were to hang the title of disciple, he could turn this boy into a credit generating machine…

If I can't have him as a disciple then a walking ATM sounds good to me, Slifer spent the 1000 Karmic Credit to purchase the Wings of the Roc.

Retrieving the item from his storage ring, Slifer handed over the talisman paper to Dentos, explaining how to activate it. The talisman paper would melt into his back, inscribing a rune in the shape of wings which would expand into genuine wings on activation.

"Thank you, Master! I'll see you...soon."

As Dentos turned to leave, Slifer raised a hand to stop him. "Oh, if you ever sneak into my quarters again, then you will never get the opportunity to be my disciple."

Dentos paled, stammering out hasty apologies and assurances it would not happen again. As much as the warning terrified him, it also kindled a fragile hope. For the Supreme Elder to even suggest he might accept him one day filled his heart with joy.

How do I attract such…characters? Slifer shook his head. Keeping these unpredictable followers in line would be no easy task.


Your Disciple Is Ready To Breakthrough

Bring Your Disciple 3 Peak Core Formation Souls

Reminder: Righteous Souls Will Result In Credit Deduction

Reward: 200 Karmic Credits

I guess it's time to pay Amelia a visit…Slifer sighed.

The dungeons of the Black Rose Sect were not designed for comfort. Rough stone walls enclosed windowless chambers lit only by flickering candlelight. The air was heavy with the metallic tang of blood.

In the centre of the largest chamber knelt a boy no older than sixteen. His face was swollen and bruised almost beyond recognition as he whimpered for mercy.

Standing before him was young silver-haired girl. A cruel smile twisted her lips as she leaned in and whispered, "Don't worry sweetie, we're almost finished here."

The boy shrieked as she pressed a glowing brand to his skin.


Hearing the familiar voice, the innocent-looking girl's bloody hands paused their work.

"Master!" Amelia greeted Slifer as she turned around. "What brings you here?"

Slifer suppressed a shiver at her nonchalance towards the tortured, sobbing boy. "Amelia, you are close to another breakthrough. I will allow one week's leave from the sect so you can fulfil the… requirements."

What he chose to keep to himself was the contingent of Nascent Soul elders who would secretly shadow her every move, ten should be enough to guarantee her safety. He would have sent more but Nascent Soul cultivators were the backbone of the sect, some needed to remain behind in case the sect was attacked.

After the mess caused during his closed-door cultivation, he had prohibited any of his disciples from leaving the sect without his permission. But, for his disciples to grow as cultivators, they would need to leave the sect and get more life experience, he couldn't just keep them locked up within the sect their whole lives, that would not only make them incompetent but also breed resentment.

And the last thing he needed was a protagonist after his head.

"A whole week? Thank you, Master!" Amelia's eyes shone as she rushed forward to give him a hug.

Slifer quickly raised his hand, stopping her in her tracks, he literally came out of a bath, he didn't need Amelia to bathe him in blood.

"Just remember to follow the rules."

"I will!"

After Amelia skipped off, Slifer took a deep breath of the slightly less oppressive air of the hallway. Dealing with that unpredictable girl always left him feeling drained.

Well, it looks like her new 'job' is keeping her satisfied and obedient.

Shaking off the lingering unease her presence evoked, Slifer began to walk up the winding staircase, but he only made it halfway when a spiritual transmission caused his face to darken.

"Supreme Elder, the Ascendant Meet is in three days. Since the Sect Master remains in secluded cultivation, the duty to represent Black Rose falls unto you."

Wyatt waits till now to inform me…Slifer's eyes narrowed at the dangerous game the Grand Elder was playing.

From the memories of the original, Slifer learned that the Ascendant Meet was a gathering of the Ascendant cultivators of each sect before a grand event such as the Intersect Tournament. Attendance was non-negotiable. Failure to attend would be seen as forfeiting their sect's slots to the Sealed Realm.

For a mere Foundation Establishment cultivator like himself to attend was like a newborn lamb strolling into a den of starving wolves. He would be shredded to pieces if the Ascendant beings even sensed a whiff of weakness.

Heart pounding, Slifer wracked his brain for a solution. But the more he pondered, the clearer it became – he was trapped and defenceless against such beings– he would need to rely on the System!


Task: Awe The Ascendant Cultivators!

Reward: 1000 Karmic Credit For Each Ascendant Cultivator Awed

Failure To Hide Your True Identity: Death

Most likely a long, gruesome death…

This mission would require luck, wits, and an insane amount of bluffing.

Slifer had barely survived a few encounters with Origin Realm cultivators by pretending to be the old eccentric but would that enough to fool demi-immortals?

I guess I'll find out soon…

Gripping the stone railing for support, Slifer took a deep breath and steeled himself.

Ready or not, he had a role to play.

The show must go on.

Okay System, let's see what you got!

Chapter 59: What Is The Son Of Heaven Doing Here?!

Slifer shook his head in frustration as he scrolled through the System Shop. The treasures and cards that could actually rival an Ascendant cultivator's power cost upwards of 50,000 credits! If the meeting was in a few weeks, perhaps the work of the Disciplinary Hall members would have been enough to buy something worthwhile.

"Couldn't you throw a starving cultivator a bone?" Slifer grumbled under his breath.

The Shop interface flickered mockingly before disappearing.

Slifer sighed, forcing himself to look on the bright side. At the very least, he was able to purchase the means to physically get to the Ascendant Meet itself. An Obsidian Rank item!

After not finding any mention of Obsidian Rank cultivation manuals, he had assumed that the System wouldn't give him access to the Obsidian Rank until it levelled up, but surprisingly it was there for treasures. As for why that was, Slifer had no idea and he doubted he would find out anytime soon.

Version 2 better come with a search function!

At least I've finally got myself a boat.

Name: Divine Azerion Ark

Rank: Obsidian

Condition: Critical

Cost: 5000 Karmic Credits

Description: Crafted by an immortal, the Ark now limps through the heavens. Its body, marked by old fights, is barely able to hang on.

Warning: Some functions may be unavailable due to critical condition

For an Obsidian Rank treasure, it wasn't even that expensive!

Sure, it is in critical shape but that is a critical shape for an Obsidian Rank item, Slifer consoled himself.

The ship would do the job…he hoped.

The Ascendant Meet was always held in the clouds of the seventh heaven, far beyond the reach of those below the Ascendant Realm. From what Slifer gathered, the Mortal Realm had nine heavens, it was said that breaking through the ninth heaven would lead to the Immortal Realm.

As for the seventh heaven, the air pressure and elemental forces present at such altitudes would crush anyone under the Ascendant Realm, unless they had access to a vessel or artifact that could protect them.

And apart from the ship, there was nothing else Slifer could afford that could take him there.

But having the physical means to reach the Meet was the easy part.

Actually surviving the gathering of powerful Ascendant Realm cultivators was another matter entirely.

Slifer didn't really know what to expect. The original, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, had never qualified to attend such a gathering before. But Slifer knew how these things went - as the new guy, he fully expected the other Ascendant cultivators to try him.

He had no illusions about his chances without the System, just a sneeze from an Ascendant Realm cultivator could turn him to dust. After all, he was like an ant arriving at a convention of giant boot-wearing humans.

And he couldn't even bring along bodyguards, even if the Grand Elders were loyal – which they were far from - they wouldn't even qualify as meat-shields!

But with these cards, I'm not totally helpless, Slifer smiled, looking at the few Critical Block cards and the single Reflection Barrier card he had bought.

Are they enough though? I should probably try my luck at gambling, who knows I might just get lucky…Slifer nodded to himself, he would rather use his credits now than get one-shotted later, those thousands of credits will be useless then.


Random Card Acquired

Activate Now?


Three days later

The streets of Riarn bustled with life, flooded by crowds going about their daily business. Vendors called out from stalls lining the roads, advertising various goods from exotic places. The smells of roasted nuts, fresh bread, and fragrant spices melded together, saturating the air. Children laughed and played, ducking around grumbling labourers.

Two boys chased each other when one suddenly tripped, tumbling forward. His knee scraped painfully against the ground, and he yelped, clutching his leg as tears welled up in his eyes.

Before the boy could cry out, a hand gripped his shoulder.

"Are you alright, lad?"

The boy looked up into warm brown eyes set in a gentle face. The man had short chestnut hair and appeared to be in his late twenties, he wore simple but well-made clothes.

The boy sniffed loudly and shook his head as he struggled to hold back tears.

"Let me see, little one."

The boy tentatively showed his injured leg, a tiny amount of blood trickled down the scrape.

The man placed a hand above the wound and soft red glow emanated from his palm, easing away the stinging pain.

"See there, good as new!"

The boy stared wide-eyed. "Y-you're an immortal?" he whispered in awe.

The man smiled. "Haha, not yet but…I'm getting there."

He ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. As he did so, a faint, intricate pattern momentarily appeared on the boy's head. It quickly faded away without leaving a trace.

"What do we say?" the man prompted gently.

"T-thank you, sir."

"You're quite welcome, lad. Now, do be more careful in the future."

As the man turned to continue on his way, the boy stared after him, dumbfounded.

Nearby pedestrians who had saw the exchange smiled and whispered to one another.

"That was Lord Ulric, wasn't it?"

"Yes, he is so compassionate and humble. If only more nobles were like him."

One figure lurked in the shadows of a nearby alley, face hidden by a hooded cloak. They watched the encounter closely, lingering even as Lord Ulric disappeared into the crowds. After several long moments, the mysterious observer faded away into the darkness.

A few hours later as the sun dipped low over the city's rooftops, the boy from the market wandered alone down an empty alley. His eyes lacked the usual spark of life and curiosity that one would expect in a child. His footsteps dragged as he shuffled forward until he reached the end of a dark alley.

Rotting wooden boards blocked the windows of the last building, the boy paused before its door, swaying slightly as though he was in a trance. As he stared blankly ahead, the door creaked open.

The kind stranger from the market stood in the doorway, though there was nothing kind about the smile that stretched across his face.

"There you are. Come in, come in, the others have been waiting for a while already."

As the boy stepped forward, the door slammed shut behind him.

In centre of the room sat eight other children arranged in a circle. Though they faced one another, their blank eyes stared right through each other. Their new addition joined the circle. He did not speak or even glance around. None of the children so much as blinked.

Ulric clasped his hands together. "Perfect, perfect! Nine souls, ripe for the taking!"

He scurried to the centre of the circle, nudging the children's limbs as he positioned them to his liking.

"The book said nine boys, and here you are!" Ulric continued muttering to himself as he drew intricate patterns on the children's foreheads using a vial of ink. "Following its guidance, I should have no trouble forming a Nascent Soul. Yes, no trouble at all!"

He retrieved a scroll from his robes, "Now let's see, first I must corrupt their souls."

Closing his eyes in concentration, a red glow emanated from his palms, coalescing into pulsating tendrils of energy. They snaked towards each child before boring into their chests in a misty haze.

The children convulsed, faces contorting in silent agony as the purity was leeched from their souls.

After a few sickening seconds, their bodies slumped to the floor.

"Excellent, that should sufficiently corrupt and weaken them," Ulric opened his eyes. "Now to extract their souls. If I can harness the souls of nine innocent boys, I'll finally breakthrough to the Nascent Soul. Oh, I can almost taste it!"

Looking down at the young boy from earlier, Ulric laughed. "And I'll be one step closer to being an immortal!"

He then retrieved a wicked curved dagger and poised it above the first child's heart.

Just as Ulric was about to plunge the dagger down, the sound of splintering bones and tearing flesh filled the air.

Ulric froze, dagger slipping from his fingers. Looking down in horror, he saw a claw-like hand emerge from the centre of his chest, staining the floorboard with blood.

"You didn't think you'd be the only one having fun, did you?" a ghastly voice hissed by his ear. A foul breath tickled the back of his neck, sending an icy chill down his spine.

Ulric whipped his head around, mouth opening to scream, but only a strangled gurgle escaped his lips.

Before him stood a girl, perhaps sixteen, with skin so pale it appeared translucent. Dark veins spiderwebbed across her face. Her eye sockets were hollow, and they let off an otherworldly blue glow.

As her mouth opened impossibly wide, the woman inhaled deeply. An unseen force, like an invisible hand, seized the demonic cultivator's soul, pulling it from his body and guiding it toward her gaping maw.

Ulric convulsed weakly, his eyes rolling back in their sockets.

With a wet squelch, the girl withdrew her hand from Ulric's back, examining the blood staining her pale fingers.

The lifeless corpse slumped to the floor.

Dragging her thumb across her lower lip, the girl purred, "Delicious," smacking her lips together in satisfaction.

As the woman turned her attention to the unconscious children, the dark veins receded, and colour returned to her cheeks.

"As much as I'd love to claim your little souls as well, master would be really mad if I did that," Amelia murmured. With a resigned sigh, she took a step towards them, intending to return them to their homes.

No sooner had her foot touched the ground than the wall behind her exploded in a shower of dust and splintered wood. She leapt back as a crescent blade of solidified air whistled through the space her head had just occupied.

Whirling around, Amelia's eyes narrowed at the figure now stepping through the new hole in the wall.

He was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, with a strong, muscular build and shoulder-length raven hair. His handsome features were twisted into a vicious scowl, and his emerald eyes glinted with a predatory light.

"Just who do you think you are, barging in here?" Amelia growled.

The corner of the man's lip curved up mockingly.



Alert: Your Disciple Amelia Is In Battle Against A Son Of Heaven

Win Reward:

If your disciple defeats the Son of Heaven, your luck will be restored to its normal state

If she manages to kill the Son of Heaven, your luck will be significantly enhanced and you will gain a random bonus reward

Loss Consequences:

If your disciple is defeated but survives the encounter, your luck will decrease

If she dies, you will suffer the consequences of a disciple death

Chapter 60: Arriving At The Ascendant Meet...Late

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow on the sleeping city below.

Ziven stared down the young girl before him. He had spent months on the run worried her master would send cultivators after him. He finally got some news that one of the old man's disciples were in the city, he couldn't pass up on such an opportunity.

I'll send 'him' her head, Ziven sneered, releasing his Peak Core Formation cultivation base.

Amelia met his gaze unflinchingly, completely unintimidated. She let out an unladylike burp as a similar aura of Peak Core Formation erupted from her slender body, pushing back Ziven's oppressive aura.

Amelia wasn't sure why this handsome stranger had decided to attack her, but if he wished to offer up his soul, who was she to refuse such a gift?

After all, master had made it clear that self-defence was fair game. And anyone stupid enough to pick a fight with me deserved what they got.

Amelia's lips curved into a wicked smirk as her beautiful features morphed into an inhuman, ghoul-like countenance - skin growing paler, dark veins surfacing across her face, eyes hollowing into glowing blue sockets.

Ziven's scowl deepened at the sight of the girl's transformation, she was a monster, just like her master.

"You have your master to thank for your death today, demon," Ziven spat, his emerald eyes flashing blood-red. "Did you think I would ever forget how he cut down my brother Xander?"

The image of his best friend Xander's vacant eyes staring lifelessly up at the sky flashed through Ziven's mind. His hands curled into fists, nails biting into his palms.

"We were like brothers. He was the only family I had left in this world after bandits slaughtered my parents. Even if he joined the bandits, I could have made him understand! I could have saved him!"

The young man's speech was cut off abruptly as a blade of soul energy came slicing through the air towards his head, forcing him to jerk to the side.

The attack left a burning gash across his cheek.

"A Soul cultivator!" Ziven's spat as he felt his soul recoil in pain.

The one thing Ziven hated more than demonic cultivators were demonic cultivators who messed with souls. That was unforgiveable.

Amelia let out an exaggerated yawn, clearly unimpressed by the young man's tragic backstory.

"I don't really care why you're so eager to let me have your soul," she drawled, idly examining her nails. "Now are you going to keep whining, or are we going to have some fun?"

To emphasize her point, Amelia launched two more blades of condensed soul energy toward Ziven.

Ziven dove and rolled, avoiding the attacks by a hair's breadth. He came up in a crouch, lips peeled back in a disgusted sneer. How dare this monster interrupt his righteous quest for vengeance against her master? She would pay for such insolence.

Directing the wind qi to his hands, Ziven sent a volley of wind blades slicing through the air towards Amelia.

But the pale girl merely threw back her head and laughed, purple wings unfurling from her back. With a powerful flap, she took to the air, evading the wind strikes with ease.

Hovering midair, Amelia peered down at Ziven's dumbfounded expression with a smug grin. After her close call with the Nascent Soul cultivator, she had worked tirelessly to develop this Soul Wing technique.

Now nothing could touch her!

Craning his neck to glare up at the hovering girl, Ziven grit his teeth in frustration. Fighting an aerial battle was not his forte - his mastery over the wind element was not yet advanced enough to engage her at range. He would need to get creative to bring her back down to his level.

That is a weakness I need to fix after dealing with this wretch, Ziven thought as he gathered his qi towards his palms and then thrust them upwards.

A spiralling column of wind erupted towards Amelia, catching her off-guard and slamming her violently back down to earth. She crashed into an old oak, the trunk splintering under the impact.

Not wasting a second, Ziven appeared before Amelia, a claw of wind wrapped around his hand as he stabbed down towards her chest.

At the last instant, Amelia managed to twist aside. The wind claw only grazed her left shoulder instead of piercing through her heart.

Hissing in pain, Amelia stumbled back, clutching the injury.

To Ziven's disgust, rather than show any distress, a look of pleasure crossed her face as she lifted her bloodied hand to her lips and took a long, slow lick.

"Mmmm, now this is starting to get fun," she purred, flashing her blood-stained teeth in a wicked grin.

Ziven tensed, a chill running down his spine at the sight of the unhinged glee in her eyes. He had to end this, fast.

But before Ziven could make another move, Amelia's blue eyes flashed brightly. An overwhelming pressure seized Ziven's mind, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Capitalizing on her opponent's confusion, Amelia shot forward with incredible speed.

Move! Ziven mentally screamed but his body refused to obey him.

In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance and grasped him by the throat and, with terrifying strength, slammed Ziven's head viciously against the pavement. The cobblestones cracked under the impact, pain exploding through Ziven's skull.

Standing over Ziven, Amelia grinned down at him, revealing a long, snakelike tongue that flicked excitedly.

"I bet you have a delicious soul, handsome." She purred, taking a deep breath. "The self-righteous ones always do."

An irresistible pull tugged at Ziven's spiritual core, slowly extracting his soul from his body. Mind still reeling from the pain and disorientation of Amelia's attack, Ziven struggled to resist the soul-draining force. As his soul slipped further away, panic threatened to overwhelm him.

N-no! It can't end here, not before I get my revenge!

Just before his soul detached fully from his body, a black marble shot out from within Ziven's chest. It slammed into Amelia with an explosive burst of energy, sending her flying into the air. Her body reverted to its normal delicate appearance as she crashed to the ground dozens of feet away.

Dazed, she pushed herself up from the rubble and debris. Blinking in confusion, Amelia scanned the street only to find no trace of the righteous fool.

That coward talked so boldly of vengeance but fled like a dog with his tail between his legs at the first sign of real danger, Amelia punched the ground in frustration.

Why did they always run away?

Unbeknownst to the seething girl, ten figures hid in the shadows, watching the entire exchange unfold. These were the Nascent Soul elders, assigned by the Slifer to keep an eye on Amelia during her mission. They had been ordered not to interfere unless her life was in imminent danger.

When it became clear the black pearl would be whisking Ziven away to safety, the elders had briefly considered moving to prevent his escape. But before they could act, Ziven had vanished.

One elder shook his head in amazement. "Those two are really only at the Core Formation Realm? Their battle seemed more appropriate for those at the Nascent Soul realm like ourselves."

His companion nodded in agreement. "The youngest generation always seems to eclipse us. It won't be long before this pair leave us completely in the dust."

The Seventh Heaven stretched as far as the eye could see, an endless expanse of wispy white clouds.

Astrid tapped her foot impatiently, arms crossed as she sat on a thick, golden-hued cloud. The black and white stripes of a tigress adorned her robes, she was the Supreme Elder of the White Tiger Sect. With her stern face framed by two tight buns, she looked ready to discipline any fool who dared to test her patience.

"That oaf Malachar is late yet again," Astrid grumbled. "Have they no concept of punctuality in the Black Rose Sect?"

Beside her, Leontius, the Supreme Elder of the Pure Soul Sect gave a sympathetic smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"It appears the Black Rose Sect Master has secluded himself in closed-door cultivation." He said gently. "The newly ascended Supreme Elder will be attending in his stead."

Astrid harrumphed. "More likely lazing about. In my sect, such disregard for others' time would be met with ten nights in the pits of Azaras."

"You're too harsh," Leontius clasped his hands together. "We all journey at our own pace."

On a nearby red cloud, Zofia, the Supreme Elder of the Heaven's Light Sect, let out a derisive laugh. With her ornate blue and gold robes, she appeared almost delicate, but the enormous broadsword across her knees dispelled that notion immediately.

"You're too soft as always, Leontius," Zofia said, not pausing as she sharpened her sword. "When that demonic scum finally shows up, I'll be sure to give him an appropriate…reward." A vicious gleam entered her eyes at the thought.

Leontius frowned. "There is no need for conflict. We are all cultivators seeking the same destination, though our paths may differ."

"Hah!" Astrid barked. "Don't waste your breath on sentimentality, old man. The strong flourish, and the weak perish. That is the way of cultivation." She gave an approving nod at Zofia.

The Black Heart Sect Master, half-hidden in the shadows of a dark cloud, watched the exchange between the righteous sects in silence. A cruel smile played at his lips as he imagined the humiliation awaiting the Black Rose Sect's Supreme Elder. That fool Slifer had killed an Origin Realm elder and multiple Nascent Soul cultivators from his sect!

Let him suffer at the hands of the righteous hypocrites.

As a demonic cultivator himself, Kaelius knew Zofia's self-righteousness hid the same lust for power that drove him, she just hid it better.

Leontius means well, but his naivety will be his undoing. As for Astrid...Kaelius mentally acknowledged her uncompromising strength and felt a touch of kinship with the other Supreme Elder. In another life, perhaps they could have been allies.

A pulsating aura interrupted his thoughts as all four Ascendant beings sensed a foreign presence approaching. Their heads turned, following the qi signature.

In the distance, an arc-shaped vessel limped through the clouds, pieces breaking off and falling into the open sky below. It looked as if it had been pieced together from the scraps of a dozen other ships, metallic patches of varying sizes haphazardly welded over gaping holes in the hull. One of its three sails hung in tatters, barely clinging to the mast.

As it drew closer, the elders could make out the name engraved along its side: Divine Azerion Arc.

Zofia threw her head back and laughed. "This is humiliating enough! Is this wreck even capable of flight?"

"It seems not even the Heavens favour the Black Rose today," Kaelius sniggered.

Astrid wore a look of disgust. "Only a fool would rely on such garbage. I'd turn right back if I came in that heap."

Leontius furrowed his brow at the comments. "Come now, friends, let us reserve judgement until we meet them. Power lies also in perseverance."

The Arc suddenly veered left as a mangled engine on its right side sputtered, leaking smoke. The movement caused its broken left wing to finally tear free completely. The now useless slab of metal spun toward the clouds below.

As the elders watched the crippled ship desperately try to stay aloft, an ear-splitting roar resonated across the Seventh Heaven.

Their heads swivelled toward the sound.

Approaching rapidly from the north was a massive, winged beast covered in crackling electricity. Spanning over fifty meters from its three savage heads to the tip of its scorpion-like tail, the Ascendant-level lightning chimera emitted a crazed bloodlust. Each of its three heads sported a thick mane that flickered from white to blue to purple.

Leontius' eyes widened. "A Heavenly Beast? Here?"

Heavenly Beasts were creatures forged out of the natural elemental qi that accumulated in certain areas of the upper heavens.

Based on the chimera's aura, Leontius estimated it to be at the Late Ascendant Realm. A difficult opponent for any of the present cultivators to handle alone.

Yet the chimera ignored the elders, its gaze fixed on the damaged Arc sputtering through the clouds. Opening all three of its fanged maws, the beast released an earth-shaking roar and shot towards the ship like a bolt of lightning.

"It appears this will be over quickly," Astrid raised an eyebrow.

"That wreck is done for," Zofia grinned wildly.

Kaelius and Leontius remained silent as they watched the chimera rapidly close in on the crippled Arc.

Nothing good ever came from angering a Heavenly Beast. This chimera would never stop hunting the Arc until it or the cultivator was dead.

On the Arc's crumbling deck, Slifer's eyes widened at the sight of the monstrous chimera barrelling toward him, electricity cackling around its three sets of gnashing teeth.

"You have got to be kidding me," he groaned, staggering as the ship listed to one side.

He had spent almost all his credits on preparing to face the Ascendant beings, and now a crazed beast wanted him dead before he could even make it to the Meet?


Your Disciple Amelia Has Defeated The Son Of Heaven

Your Luck Has Returned To Its Normal State

Reward: 500 Karmic Credits

With my luck no longer being dog-shit, I can see if this card works!

It was time to show the overgrown kitten what true lightning was.

"A 99% chance of failure, what could possibly go wrong?" Slifer laughed as he crushed the card.

Chapter 61: I Only Need One Strike To Defeat An Ascendant

"Have a taste of Heavenly Tribulation!" Slifer roared.

A blinding pillar of white lightning tore through the clouds, hitting the beast in the chest. The impact sent the chimera tumbling away with a pained screech, but the beast righted itself quickly, shaking off the daze with a vengeful glare.

The Heavenly Tribulation Strike Card had failed to do any real damage.

Of course it wasn't the Ascendant level bolt I needed - just my crap luck at work as usual, Slifer grimaced.

That had been a measly Origin Realm strike at best. Still, it had stalled the beast for the moment.

Time to put the real plan into motion.

Slifer scrambled into the hold of the Ark, nearly tripping over his robes. He slid into the control seat of the main cannon, glancing at the mess of levers and buttons that controlled the ancient weapon.

Now where was that blasted firing manuals? Ah never mind, no time to figure this thing out properly.

Slifer closed his eyes, channelling his qi into the cannon. With a lurch, a building hum filled the chamber as energy gathered within the enormous barrel.

Come on, it just needs enough power to roast the overgrown pigeon...there!


The deafening blast nearly burst Slifer's eardrums, but he grinned as the cannon fired an orb of condensed qi out into the open sky. His smile quickly disappeared though as the blast sailed clean over the chimera, continuing towards the gathering of Ascendants.

"Whoops..." Slifer muttered, wincing as the blast closed in on the female elder.

To her credit, Zofia reacted quickly to the surprise attack. With an elegant spin, she swung her broadsword in a wide arc, deflecting the cannon blast skyward where it burst harmlessly amongst the clouds.

"My apologies for the friendly fire!" Slifer called out as he returned to the Ark's deck, but Zofia's only response was an icy glare. Clearly he owed her one now - wonderful.

Well, no time to worry about that at the moment.

The chimera had recovered and now dove towards the Ark with renewed fury, jaws crackling with electricity. Two of its heads snapped at the ship's hull, tearing off large chunks of metal plating as if paper. The other head targeted him.

Slifer again channelled his qi, steadying his aim before launching another cannon blast towards the chimera. The chimera tried to twist out of the path of the beam, but it was too late! The orb exploded against it, blasting off one of the heads into a cloud of gore. Direct hit!

"Ha! Not so confident now, eh?"

But despite the missing head, the chimera refused to give up. With an enraged howl it lunged towards Slifer once more.

"Just die already!" Slifer yelled, infusing the cannon with all the power he could muster.

Too slow - the chimera was nearly on him!

At the last possible second the cannon discharged, catching the chimera mid-roar with a massive orb of qi directly down its throat.

This time the damage was beyond recovery. The chimera seized up as electricity discharged randomly from its spasming body. Then all at once the light left its eyes and the massive beast began to plummet from the sky.


You Have Gained 1500 Karmic Credits

"You're mine!"

Slifer flew the limping Ark beneath the falling chimera, he wouldn't let anyone take his hard-earned spoils. With a heavy thud, the metal deck dented under the weight of the beast.

"There we go, all in a day's work," Slifer grinned, quickly storing the corpse into his spatial ring.

The materials harvested from a Heavenly Beast would fetch a hefty profit, not to mention the beast core. This lucky break almost made up for his unlucky encounter with the chimera in the first place. Almost.

Now to deal with the peanut gallery watching his display. Slifer turned to face the Supreme Elders, noticing the looks of approval. Power spoke loudly in the cultivation world after all.

Leontius smiled, clearly impressed that Slifer had eliminated such a dangerous threat on his own.

Astrid gave a thoughtful nod, she acknowledged that she had underestimated Slifer and his damaged ship.

Kaelius' expression remained neutral, but a hint of greed crept into his dark eyes. That ship, as broken as it was, seemed interesting…though it would probably be more useful in my hands.

But Zofia...Slifer noted nervously that her beautiful face had twisted into a scowl. He swallowed hard. That did not bode well.

"Hmph! So you got in a lucky shot while hiding away on your junk pile," Zofia snapped, crossing her arms. "If I had an Ascendant weapon like that, I could have roasted that beast just as easily!"

The other Ascendant cultivators looked at each other awkwardly, then Leontius spoke up, trying to steer past the hot-headed girl's comment.

"Come, let us get the meeting started," Leontius gestured to an open cloud where Slifer could join the others.

But Slifer shook his head, remaining aboard the battered Ark. "I appreciate the offer, but I need to stay on the ship to maintain its functions."

A half-truth at best, since he lacked the protective qi to withstand the Seventh Heaven's pressure, if he even took one step off the ship, he would be flattened to a pulp.

But the elders didn't need to know that little detail.


"I wasn't finished talking!" Zofia rose swiftly into the air, landing gracefully upon the deck across from him. Up close, the intensity of her presence was even more apparent. This woman was not one to let grievances go unaddressed.

"What do you want?" Slifer's eyes narrowed, not pleased that she had entered his personal space.

"Humph, let us get to the point then. Your handling of the beast was adequate, I'll grant you that much." Zofia's razor tone left no room for argument. "Yet something puzzles me. For a supposed Ascendant cultivator, your aura seems awfully...limited."

She tilted her head as if puzzling over a complex problem. "An esteemed Supreme Elder such as yourself should have no trouble proving your cultivation. So…let us see it."

The challenge was clear - prove that you're an Ascendant cultivator or get the hell out of here.

Leontius interjected gently. "Now, let's not fight among ourselves. I'm sure Supreme Elder Slifer has his reasons." But Zofia ignored him, continuing her tirade as she levelled her sword at the ark.

"You hide behind your ships and treasures like a coward. I say you have no right to be here unless you can prove your cultivation level, fight me!"

Slifer shrugged, keeping his carefree mask in place while silently cursing. Zofia clearly suspected him of hiding his low cultivation. He would have to handle this carefully to avoid exposing himself.

"Bold words," he replied lightly. "But I'm not one for pointless fights. Our sects are here to cooperate, after all."

Astrid found herself agreeing with Zofia. If Slifer was in fact not an Ascendant cultivator, then that would free up another spot for the Sealed Realm, a spot that the White Tiger sect disciples would happily take.

"Enough talk," Astrid interrupted the duo. "If you both believe so strongly, then let us settle this simply. An exchange of three strikes to test your skills should suffice."

"I won't even need three strikes to expose this fool!" Zofia scoffed.

"I'll try not to embarrass you too badly," Slifer yawned.

If this arrogant woman wished to be humiliated, who was he to deny her the privilege?

Zofia bristled at the dismissal, cheeks flaming.

"Hmph, since you're so confident, let's make this interesting," she retorted, eying the Ark's cannon. "When I win, I'll be taking this scrap heap off your hands!"

Slifer raised an eyebrow at the bold wager. "And what do I receive when you lose?"

Zofia let out a derisive laugh. "As if that would happen! But sure, if by some miracle you win, you can have this." She retrieved a glowing red cube from her robe - an Essence of Fire!

The other Elders stared in disbelief. Essence Cubes were exceptionally rare, containing the very mysteries of a specific element. They proved invaluable when comprehending an element, which was crucial for Immortal Ascension. And this arrogant woman gambled one so casually?

Though Slifer kept his face an impassive mask, inwardly he trembled with excitement. His comprehension of fire was only at 5%, using an essence cube so early in his cultivation would give him a chance to comprehend a fire domain before even reaching the Origin Realm!

"Ladies first," Slifer said with a mock bow.

Zofia's eyes narrowed, storing away the cube. She channelled her qi into the sword, causing crimson flames to cover the blade. In a blur, she appeared before Slifer, slashing directly at his head with unbelievable speed.

Yet Slifer didn't even twitch, standing calmly as death whirled towards him.

When the strike was a mere inch from his face, a translucent barrier materialized and blocked the blow.


Critical Block Card Activated

The backlash knocked Zofia backwards several steps.

"You...you're a Space cultivator!" she spat accusingly. If she had known his affinity, Zofia would never have challenged him, space cultivators were known to be tricky to deal with. Damn those slippery rogues!

Kaelius and Astrid gave each other looks of astonishment. Leontius merely nodded, having already suspected there was more to the new Ascendant. Controlling Space itself was no meagre feat.

"One strike down, two to go," Slifer reminded her cheekily.

Face still burning with embarrassment and rage, Zofia took a deep breath to calm herself. She would need absolute focus now - this opponent was far trickier than she anticipated.

Activating Sword Heart increased her perception. Now his tricks would prove useless before her foresight.

Her qi came off her in waves, trapping Slifer in her Sword Domain. A thousand gleaming swords materialized around her, ready to attack.

With a decisive slash of her blade, the endless sword rain descended upon Slifer from all directions. But before they found their mark, his spherical barrier flashed into existence once more. The wild tempest of blades glanced off harmlessly.


Critical Block Card Activated

"One strike left. Make it count," Slifer said, examining his nails in feigned boredom.

Gripping her sword with white knuckles, Zofia uttered an invocation. The blade ignited into a massive conflagration, scorching the very air. "Burn all things...Zelihima!"

She slashed with all her might, unleashing the enormous firestorm point-blank toward Slifer, vaporizing metal and cooking the clouds beneath their feet. If he wished to play with fire, she would grant his wish!

But instead of incinerating Slifer, the raging inferno simply vanished, absorbed into his barrier. Zofia's eyes widened in disbelief. How had he nullified her ultimate technique?


Reflection Barrier Card Activated

Slifer dusted off his robe casually. "Now then, I believe that concludes your three strikes. Allow me to demonstrate how it's done…in one strike."

Zofia shook her head in denial. "Impossible! No one except the Sect Master could..."

Her objection died on her lips as Slifer waved his hand, splitting open reality itself. From the yawning rift emerged Zofia's own firestorm, redirected right back at her!

"N-no…how is this possible?"

Raising her sword defensively, Zofia poured every ounce of power she had into resisting the hellish flames. But her defence paled before her most powerful technique, the raging firestorm easily overpowered it, slamming into the woman with the force of a collapsing mountain.

By the time the blaze cleared, Zofia remained standing through sheer force of will alone, swaying and half-naked amidst the ruins of cloth and armour. Her flawless skin now appeared cracked and blackened. Through the haze of pain, one thought dominated her mind: How? How could she have lost to this nobody?

"Hmm, I expected…more."

Silence descended on the Seventh Heaven as Slifer's words sunk in. This unknown newcomer had just casually trounced one of the most powerful women alive. With her own attack, no less.


Task Complete: Awe The Ascendant Cultivators!

Reward: 1000 Karmic Credit For Each Ascendant Cultivator Awed

Credits Gained: 4000 Karmic Credits

"I'll be taking the cube now," Slifer declared, extending his hand towards Zofia.

Despite the agony, Zofia lifted her head and glared at Slifer with eyes burning nearly as hot as the flames. With a pained grunt, she retrieved the promised essence cube from her storage ring and tossed it towards Slifer's outstretched hand.

Catching the pulsing cube, the Black Rose Supreme Elder graced Zofia with a small nod. "You have my thanks for the generous gift."

In response, Zofia spat a glob of red phlegm to the deck before limping back to her cloud. Only once settled upon its surface did she retrieve a medicinal pill and consume it. Slowly, muscle and skin began to regrow across her ruined body as the medicine worked its magic.

Ignoring her seething glare, Slifer addressed the remaining Ascendants. "Now then, are we done here?" His tone carried an unspoken warning - no more games. Any other challengers would face similar consequences.

But inwardly, Slifer was praying that they fell for his bluff, he had no more cards that could save him, the two Critical Block cards and the one Barrier Reflection card were all he had!

Seeing the Ascendant cultivators refuse to meet his eyes, Slifer held back a sigh of relief, the bluff had paid off.

"In that case, let the meeting begin."

Chapter 62: My Very Own Kage Bunshin?

"As we all know, the Intersect Tournament takes place once every century, to decide which disciples enter the Sealed Realm," Leontius continued. "Each sect is allowed a number of guaranteed places, based on how many Ascendant cultivators they possess."

"The Heavenly Light Sect has three Ascendants, so we get three guaranteed slots," Zofia interrupted, sitting taller.

As one of those three Ascendants, she would definitely claim a slot for her personal protégé. The girl showed promise, and the resources of the Sealed Realm would aid her growth immensely.

"The Pure Soul Sect has two Ascendant cultivators, so we shall claim two slots," Leontius said.

Slifer had yet to meet the Pure Soul Sect Master. He wondered what sort of righteous paragon they must be, to match someone like Leontius.

"One slot for the White Tiger Sect," Astrid declared. She had already chosen which elite disciple would inherit that coveted spot. The boy showed exceptional talent with the White Tiger and deserved the chance.

"And the Black Rose Sect will have two slots," Slifer commented.

All eyes turned to Kaelius, waiting for him to claim the Black Heart Sect's allotment. "One slot for my sect as well," he said after a pause.

In truth, Kaelius wished he could claim more slots. Unfortunately, the Black Heart Sect only had himself at the Ascendant level currently. A deficiency he was working to remedy, the only issue being he didn't trust his Grand Elders enough to help them breakthrough.

"Excellent. That leaves ten remaining tournament slots, to be contested by the most talented disciples of each sect," Leontius said. "Now we must decide which sect shall host the Intersect Tournament this time."

At his words, Zofia shot to her feet. "The Heavenly Light Sect will be hosting the tournament, of course!" She stated it as if it were already decided. "We hosted the last two tournaments, so by tradition the honour falls to us again."

"Also," Zofia continued, "our Cloudrise Arena is the largest and most renowned duelling ground in the Mortal Realm. Its facilities and protections are unmatched, perfect for such a competition."

Her tone left no room for argument. After all, who could possibly object to the most powerful sect in the Mortal Realm?

Slifer listened to her ramblings with a detached interest, leaning casually on the railing of his ship. He weighed the pros and cons of the Black Rose Sect hosting the prestigious tournament.

The main advantage would be avoiding an unfamiliar environment filled with potential threats. Slifer disliked leaving the relative safety of his own territory; venturing into another sect's domain meant surrendering control. And it would be twice as difficult to hide his identity there.

Not to mention needing to interact with more self-righteous cultivators…I would rather not.

Remaining within the Black Rose Sect's headquarters also granted the home advantage for their disciples. Familiarity with the terrain could prove the difference between victory and defeat during critical rounds.

It's like in sports, teams always do better when they play at Home.

However, being a host had disadvantages as well, if any conflicts arose, as the Supreme Elder, it was expected that he would intervene.

I can't just slip away…

Also, entertaining a horde of cultivators just sounded exhausting.

But at least I'll be in my element.

"Actually, I believe it's the Black Rose Sect's turn to host the tournament this time."

His casual interjection cut off Zofia's building momentum. She turned on him, eyes blazing.

"Absolutely not! There's no way I'd let a bunch of demonic cultivators organize something so important! It is the Heavenly Light Sect's duty to steer the righteous path forward."

She emphasized 'righteous' while looking disdainfully in Slifer's direction. In her eyes, he and his whole demonic sect were a blight needing to be cleansed.

But Slifer only shrugged, not bothered by her scathing tone, she was just another hypocrite in his eyes. "Don't be petty."

He tapped his fingers against one of the cannons before continuing. "As the newest Supreme Elder, I wish to prove my sect's capabilities by hosting this tournament. Don't you agree, honoured elders?"

Slifer directed the last part to the other Ascendants. Outnumbered, Zofia fumed but stayed silent, waiting to hear their reactions. Surely they wouldn't actually consider allowing those vile demonic cultivators to host something so important?

Surprisingly, Astrid was the first to respond. "The White Tiger Sect has no objections." She ignored Zofia's shocked look. "If Supreme Elder Slifer believes his sect is ready for the responsibility, we shall not stand in his way."

After her initial dismissive attitude towards Slifer, even Astrid found herself gaining respect for the mysterious man. The way he handled the earlier crises earned her vote.

Leontius smiled reassuringly at the spluttering Zofia. "Come now, let us give him a chance. The Intersect Tournament is meant to be an opportunity for all the sects to come together in fellowship."

His gently chiding tone made Zofia duck her head grudgingly. When the kindly Supreme Elder phrased it like that, even she couldn't continue arguing so stubbornly. At least not without losing face.

Kaelius merely nodded. "I have no objections either. The Black Heart Sect will respect whatever is decided here."

His bland words gave no hint of his true thoughts. In truth, Kaelius looked forward to visiting the Black Rose Sect territory. It would grant him a rare opportunity to investigate the Black Rose Sect Master who was rumoured to be close to Immortal Ascension.

Realizing she stood alone, Zofia slowly retook her seat. "Fine! The Heavenly Light Sect will...tolerate this break from tradition just this once," she bit out as though she had a say in the matter.

Slifer got the sense that it physically pained her to make that concession. Well, letting go of petty grudges was an important lesson for one to learn, one he assumed someone so old should have learned by now.

"Then it's decided. We shall reconvene in one month's time at the Black Rose Sect for the official start of the tournament." Leontius smiled.

The Pure Soul elder's faith in harmony between the sects shone through.

He seems oddly naïve for someone who had lived a few millenniums. Slifer hoped Leontius' idealism wouldn't backfire one day. Or maybe this is all an act…wouldn't surprise me.

With the matter of the tournament settled, the Ascendants exchanged a few more pleasantries before gradually dispersing.

Back in the Disciplinary Hall, Slifer leaned back and stretched out on his throne, finally relaxing his stiff shoulders. Dealing with those insufferable elders had been utterly exhausting.

At least the meeting had accomplished its purpose - the Black Rose Sect would host the Intersect Tournament. As Slifer reached for a steaming bun from the feast laid out on the table beside him, the doors to the hall creaked open. Glancing up in annoyance at the interruption, he saw Grand Elder Wyatt shuffle inside.

Ah yes, time to deal with another nuisance. Slifer's eyes narrowed as he recalled Wyatt's attempt to sabotage him by lying about the time of the meeting.

Slifer only realised when Zofia had commented that he had turned up late…three days late.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Grand Elder Wyatt?" Slifer asked mildly, setting down the bun. "Have you come to beg forgiveness for your lapse in judgment earlier?"

Wyatt froze mid-step as Slifer's words registered, his wrinkled face paling. So the brat realized I had intentionally tried to make him look foolish before the other elders!

"S-supreme Elder, of course not!" Wyatt sputtered, sweat beading on his forehead. The events of the Ascendant Meet had reached his ears, he never expected that the Supreme Elder would be able to defeat Zofia, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Light Sect in one move!

"It was merely...an oversight on my part, no harm was intended!"

"Hmm, likely story," Slifer snorted. "But intentions matter little, only results. And your bungling nearly cost this sect greatly."

But more importantly, nearly cost me! If Amelia could whip some sense into this old fool that would be perfect. Unfortunately, our cultivation is just too low to beat up this old man.

"However, the matter resolved itself nicely," Slifer continued. "I'm feeling rather magnanimous at the moment, so I believe no further punishment is required."

Wyatt sagged in relief. Thank the heavens for small mercies! Perhaps he could still salvage something out of this mess.

"You are too kind, Supreme Elder," Wyatt fawned. "Truly, your generosity knows no bounds!"

Slifer rolled his eyes at the blatant flattery before fixing Wyatt with a piercing stare that instantly silenced his grovelling.

"However, steps must be taken to avoid any further...oversights," he continued. "Effective immediately, I will be taking control of the Treasury, temporarily."

Slifer knew the old man wouldn't allow him to take it permanently, if Slifer pushed him into a corner then the Grand Elder would retaliate with another scheme. And Slifer did not need Wyatt monitoring his actions.

"What? You can't!" Wyatt burst out before catching himself. He attempted to smooth over his outburst.

"Er, that is to say...the Treasury has always been under my discretion during the Sect Master's reclusion. To disturb the natural order over one small mistake would be premature, don't you agree?"

Wyatt forced a placating smile, though inside he seethed at this outrageous demand. Relinquishing control of the sect's wealth was untenable! He would lose all standing.

But Slifer was unmoved by his arguments, the Grand Elder needed to understand that he wasn't a pushover.

"While I understand this may disrupt our 'natural order', extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. Let us call this an...insurance policy, to avoid potential catastrophes during my handling of the Intersect Tournament."

Recognizing there was no convincing Slifer, Wyatt bowed. "Of course, Supreme Elder. I…I shall begin the process immediately. The Treasury will be fully under your command within the hour."

"See that it is." Slifer leaned back casually, popping another dumpling into his mouth.

Wyatt took the cue and quickly bowed out of the hall, but not before his wrinkled face briefly twisted into a ferocious scowl once his back was turned.

That impudent brat! Wyatt cursed silently before schooling his features back into a mask of subservience. Patience was required here, a lot of patience.

With the sect's power structure now firmly under his thumb, Slifer retired to his private chambers. An important matter required his attention - preparing for the Sealed Realm.

He had already given Elder Fred responsibility on arranging the intricate details of the tournament, the old man didn't seem too pleased with the added work, but Slifer had to admit Fred was quite efficient.

Slifer looked at the card floating in front of him.

Avatar Card: Create a complete clone of the user that can cultivate independently

Warning: The avatar cannot access the System or its cards.

Slifer nodded thoughtfully. If he created an avatar, it could enter the Sealed Realm competition legitimately.

The avatar would enter the competition and earn their sect another slot in the Sealed Realm. Then Slifer could reap the benefits and keep his identity hidden. It was a foolproof plan.

But there was one obvious problem - without access to the System, the avatar would not have access to any cards. It would need to cultivate through traditional methods.

No pain, no gain. Slifer shrugged. Also, it would be a useful lesson in discipline… for the clone.

First though, he needed to disguise his avatar's appearance. Having a second elderly Slifer running around wouldn't help his cause.

He had the perfect solution - Another Face Card!

Another Face Card

Description: Allows the user to change appearance for up to 6 months


A character customization panel materialized before him, and Slifer clapped his hands together.

It's just like a video game!

After adjusting the various sliders and toggles, an appearance emerged that he felt would be worthy of his avatar: a handsome young man, around eighteen years old, with tousled black hair and piercing green eyes. The lean athletic physique with six stone-hard abs certainly didn't hurt either.

This guy could easily pass for a model! Handsome little bastard.

With another wave of his hand, Slifer confirmed the new look. Before his eyes, his wrinkled hands smoothed, and white hair darkened. Glancing at his reflection in a nearby water basin, Slifer nodded in approval at the roguish teen smirking back at him.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he mused, turning his face this way and that as if admiring a work of art. After a few moments enjoying his temporary makeover, it was at last time to create the clone.

This time, when Slifer activated the Avatar card, the process went smoothly. On the floor before him materialized a perfect copy of his new look, bare skin layered over lean muscle, limbs sprawled haphazardly, it looked like the clone was just waking up.

With a soft groan, the clone opened his eyes - the same vivid green as Slifer's temporary ones - and slowly stood, gazing curiously around the chamber.

"Well now, let's see what we have here," Slifer murmured, beginning to circle the clone closely as if inspecting a prize stallion.

The resemblance truly was uncanny, from the unruly dark hair down to the elegant hands and feet. In fact...Slifer's gaze dipped lower, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, is that what I look like under all those robes?" He let out an impressed whistle. "I chose well during character creation!"

The clone followed his gaze downwards and chuckled. "I know, I'm gorgeous. What can I say? We have excellent taste." His voice emerged as a deeper echo of Slifer's own.

Slifer laughed out loud at that. Perhaps creating a clone wasn't such a bad idea after all. It seemed they shared the same witty sense of humour.

I have my own Kage Bunshin!

After testing the clone's capabilities, Slifer was glad to find it an exact copy in every way except for System access. The two of them could even share thoughts and experiences if Slifer activated that function.

This meant Slifer could share any insights or techniques he uncovered with his clone, and vice versa. It was like having a customizable Player 2 by his side!

Now there was just one problem - what to name his new disciple? Somehow 'Little Slifer' didn't seem quite right.

The clone pursed his lips. "What about… Zack?" he eventually suggested.

Slifer froze in surprise. Zack...that had been his name before all this cultivation business began.

"Zack, eh? I like it. Has a nice ring to it," Slifer laughed, clasping the Avatar's shoulder. "Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're my copy."

Zack gave a wry grin at that. "Wouldn't dream of it."

The two shared a look.

"Welcome to the Black Rose Sect...my disciple."

"I'm at your command…Master."

Yes, Slifer had a good feeling about this partnership.

Chapter 63: I'm definitely not dumb enough to steal the MC's lover...

Slifer stood shirtless beneath a waterfall, the crashing water pounding down on his shoulders. In each hand he held a massive boulder, their rough surfaces digging into his palms and fingers as he focused on maintaining his grip.

As much as he hated working out, he couldn't let his body cultivation fall behind.

After a few more minutes, Slifer heard a distinct crack as the tendons in his arms stretched and expanded. He could feel the beast meat qi coursing through him, assimilating into his body. His lean muscles grew tighter, more defined.



You Have Broken Through to The Late Foundation Establishment Realm

Reward: 250 Karmic Credits

Just one more sub-realm then my spiritual and body cultivation will be the same!

Slifer planned to enter the Core Formation Realm as a double cultivator.

Laughing, he turned off the qi restricting cuff.

With the limiter removed, the boulders now felt like mere pebbles in his hands. He casually flung them out towards the lake with a flick of his wrists.

The massive rocks went flying out in a blur, kicking up huge spouts of water as they skipped across the surface.

One of the boulders zoomed to the shore where Nomed was walking. At the last second, he noticed and leapt out of the way. The boulder hit the shore with explosive force, sending debris flying in all directions.

Is…is he trying to kill me?

Nomed clutched at his chest, breathing heavily. He glanced back towards the waterfall just in time to see his master waving, apparently oblivious to how close he'd come to crushing his own disciple.

"Ah Nomed, you're finally here." Slifer gestured for Nomed to come closer, as he reached for a robe hanging from a nearby tree.

Earlier, Slifer had dismissed his avatar to go cultivate in seclusion. He planned to eventually introduce Zack as a new disciple, but first he needed to deal with Hughie's wavering loyalty. So, he decided, whilst he waited for Morvran to return, he would do some training and check up on his new disciple.

The young man quickly gathered himself and rushed over, going down on one knee before Slifer.

"Master, you called me?"

"Yes, how goes your cultivation with the Cathedral of Celestial Radiance Scripture?"

As part of the Qi Refining stage, Nomed had to construct a cathedral within his dantian to store qi.

Nomed shifted awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Truth be told, Master... my progress has been slower than I would like. I've only managed to finish about half of the Cathedral so far. I suppose that puts me at the peak of the fifth level of Qi Condensation. My talents are meagre compared to my senior brothers."

No, talent isn't the issue, Slifer's eyes narrowed.

With a talent of 8, Nomed should have been at the 7th Stage of Qi Refining by now.

The Cathedral of Celestial Radiance Scripture just isn't compatible with Nomed, I should try to convince him to pick a different method. He's only just begun his cultivation journey; it would be better to change methods now than later.

"Have you considered switching to a different cultivation method? The Scripture of Broken Shadows may complement your constitution better..."

But Nomed rapidly shook his head. "No, Master! It…it has to be this one!"

Slifer held back a sigh. The boy's stubbornness was admirable, yet counterproductive. But then again, the boy was a protagonist-like figure, it's best to let him decide his own path.

I just need to give some advice when I can.

"The path of cultivation is yours to walk, and you must follow your heart," Slifer said sagely. "Keep working hard, and you may earn a chance to enter the Intersect Tournament and…maybe even the Sealed Realm."

At the mention of the Sealed Realm, Nomed's eyes lit up, though he quickly hid it.

"I will try my best, Master."

Slifer nodded, stroking his beard when a thought suddenly occurred. "Come to think of it, I haven't yet imparted any techniques to you, have I?"

While a cultivation method provided the core foundation, supplementary techniques were needed for offense, defence, and movement. Without any techniques, a cultivator was a sitting duck!

Slifer waved a hand, summoning one of his death guards.

"Escort Nomed to the Treasury. He can pick one attack skill, one defence skill, and one movement technique." The death guard bowed in acknowledgement.

Now that Slifer controlled the sect treasury, he could freely hand out techniques to his disciples without needing to waste credits. But he was careful not to overwhelm Nomed by giving too many options right away. One of each type would be enough for now.

But it wouldn't hurt to dangle a few more for encouragement.

Turning back to Nomed, Slifer said, "If you can breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment realm before the Intersect Tournament, I'll let you pick another set of techniques."

"Thank you, Master!" Nomed bowed before following the death guard.

Nodding to himself, Slifer reflected on how smoothly everything was proceeding. Perhaps he had a knack for this whole 'master' business after all.


Your Disciple Nomed's Loyalty Increased By 3%

Only 3%? Oh…maybe I'm not so good at this after all.

As he was lost wondering what went wrong, Morvran appeared before him.

Slifer's face cracked into a smile at the sight of his bald lackey. "How was the mission?"

Locating the hidden village of his wayward disciple's secret lover had proved unusually difficult. But if anyone could accomplish it, it was Morvran. There was a reason he was the original's right-hand man.

"It was a success, Master." Morvran relayed the village's exact coordinates.

"Haha, excellent work!"

Morvran flushed at the praise. "Think nothing of it, Master. Serving you is this one's sole purpose."

As good as that is for me, it is a…sad life.

"Nonetheless, I am grateful," Slifer replied. "Come, let us pay this young lady a visit."

With a rippling motion of his fingers, Slifer opened a portal. He strode through, with Morvran close behind. The gateway sealed shut after them.

They emerged along a dusty road on the outskirts of the village. The common folk milling about the street froze at the sudden appearance of two immortals. A young child pointed and squealed, "Look mama, immortals!"

The mother quickly gathered up her child, eyeing the strangers warily. "Hush now, don't stare..." she murmured.

Slifer raised his hands in a peaceful gesture, offering what he hoped was a disarming smile. "We're only here to visit Oliviare. Could anyone point me in the right direction?"

The villagers looked at one another, the old man in front of them had one of those faces that you just couldn't trust.

After a brief pause, one of the villagers spoke up. "That'd be the place there, Lord Immortal," he said, pointing to a modest but well-kept cottage down the lane.

"Here," Slifer flicked a golden coin to the villager, who fumbled to catch it.

"Bless you, Immortal!" the man cried in delight, quickly pocketing the coin. The other villagers murmured in relief, seeing that the immortals were not like the other ones that visited their village a few months back.

Villagers really are simple, Slifer allowed himself a small smile at winning them over so easily.

Approaching the front door, Slifer rapped his knuckles against the wood. He thought it was better not to simply barge into the home unannounced like most immortals would have done.

A few seconds later the door creaked open, revealing a petite girl with chestnut hair and sapphire eyes set in a heart-shaped face of flawless cream.


N-no wonder Hughie had fallen for her! Slifer sucked in a sharp breath. She was the very image of a classical jade beauty.

After a few moments of awkward silence, the young woman bit her lip anxiously. The strange old man was just...staring. Had she opened the door to some senile vagrant?

"C-can I help you, sir?"

Slifer coughed, realizing his gawking had nearly frightened the poor thing away.

"Oliviare, is it? I'm Hughie's master."

At the mention of Hughie, the girl seemed to relax. A faint blush coloured her cheeks. "Oh yes, that's me. Is Hughie here?" She craned her neck trying to see behind Slifer. Finding only a plump baldy there, her face fell.

Slifer shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. But I was hoping to speak with you. Can we come inside?"

"Oh, please come in!"

Walking inside, Slifer immediately noticed an older man sitting by the window, whittling away at a small block of wood. He had thinning white hair and resembled Oliviare somewhat. The man looked up, taking in Slifer's cultivator robes. His expression darkened.

"Oi, girl! What're you thinking, inviting a strange immortal into our home?" Brom stood protectively in front of his daughter.

Slifer couldn't help but agree with the old man, as soon as Hughie's name was mentioned, the girl was a little too quick to let her guard down.

Not that she could have done anything to protect herself from an Immortal, Slifer held back a sigh. The disparity between mortals and cultivators was too great of a chasm, resistance against an immortal was useless.

"This is Hughie's master, father."

At the familiar name, the old man relaxed slightly, though his eyes remained suspicious. "Hmph. And what business does he have here?" A thought seemed to occur to him, and his scowl deepened. "If you've come to snatch my girl, you can turn right back around!"

Slifer's brows shot up in surprise. He had expected curiosity, perhaps suspicion given their immortal status, but not outright hostility.

And such assumptions! Though it was common knowledge that old immortals loved to kidnap young girls.

I'm not actually an old man! And I'm definitely not dumb enough to steal a protagonist's lover…

"It is nothing like that, I would like to take Oliviare into my sect as a disciple."

Since Slifer wasn't planning on taking Oliviare as his own personal disciple, the System would have no issue with it. In truth, Slifer didn't care which of the elders took her in, as long as Hughie was happy, that was all that mattered.

And then we can work together to deal with that grandpa…

Oliviare's eyes grew round with surprise at the offer. She never imagined she might have the talent to become an immortal herself.

"The hell she will!" Brom snapped, jabbing his carving knife toward Slifer. "I'll not have some immortal coot taking my daughter away, no matter how grand he thinks he is! Your kind brings nothing but trouble."

At his side, Morvran bristled angrily. "Mind your tongue, mortal! You are talking to the Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect. Show respect!"

Slifer gently motioned for Morvran to be calm. Personally, Slifer was more shocked than offended. This sort of defiance was...intriguing. The old Slifer would have just killed the insolent fool on the spot.

Most mortal parents would be overjoyed at the prospect of their child joining a sect. Just how was he to persuade this stubborn old bastard? Brute force clearly wasn't the answer.

As he pondered this dilemma, a loud gurgling sound erupted from Slifer's stomach.

Oliviare's eyes widened at the sound, she made a move towards the hearth, saying "You must be hungry, Master! Please allow me to prepare something quickly."

"No…there's no need for that." An idea was forming in Slifer's mind. "In fact...I believe a celebration is in order tonight. A feast for the entire village!"

"A fine meal won't be enough to sway me." Brom narrowed his eyes. "You immortals always want something in return for your 'generosity'." He spat the last word.

Morvran once again took a step forward, but Slifer held him back. As much as he liked Morvran standing up for him, antagonizing the man further wouldn't help matters. No, he would need a soft touch here.

"This is merely a small gesture of goodwill, nothing more," Slifer gave his most innocent smile.

The old man continued glaring but said nothing more. Slifer mentally counted this as a minor victory. He had planted the first seeds. Now he just needed to help them grow.

Night fell, and the village square was lit up with lanterns and a great bonfire. The air was filled with music, laughter, and the mouthwatering smell of roasting beast meat.

Slifer sat in the seat of honour with Morvran standing dutifully behind him. Slifer had tried to encourage Morvran to sit down and join them, but Morvran refused, saying something about how he needed to stay sober whilst at work.

Food does drive him crazy…hmm probably something to do with the Great Cock bloodline….

To Slifer's left were Oliviare and her father Brom, eating with somewhat less enthusiasm than their neighbours.

The villagers were thoroughly enjoying the rare treat of beast meat and fine wine. The children ran about playing games, while adults chatted and sang merrily. Many bowed or waved in thanks toward Slifer for his generosity. He nodded and smiled in return. He had to give off the impression that he was approachable and not a recluse with zero social skills. They were the ones known to resort to kidnapping.

Overall, his plan seemed to be working smoothly. The villagers were warming to him, and Brom was even engaging in small talk with him.

Just a little more time and effort, Slifer mused. And the girl will be mine…err I mean Hughie's.

As Slifer took a sip of the Immortal Wine, his spiritual sense detected something in the darkness beyond the village outskirts.

Multiple somethings, in fact. And headed this way.

"Well well," Slifer murmured under his breath. "Right on schedule..."